Do you want to burn fat in the simplest and most efficient way possible? Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, NMD, founder of the Fit Mother Project, has a mission: To “help women over 40 achieve greater health and wellness, live longer, happier lives, and lead and inspire their families.” In one of his viral videos, he discusses the best fat-burning exercises. “They say you can't outexercise a bad diet! However, there are some exercises that burn fat better than others by boosting your metabolism,” he writes in the caption of the YouTube video. He also reveals “four action steps to create a simple plan to start losing body fat.”
There Are 3 Weighted Exercises, 3 Bodyweight Exercises, and 2 Types of Cardio Workouts
In the caption, he adds that his roundup of the best fat-burning exercises includes three exercises with weights, three bodyweight exercises, and two types of cardio workouts. “All of these exercises engage your lower body and core at the same time,” he says.
He starts out the video by explaining that “the best exercise to burn fat is a healthy diet.” Why? “You can't outexercise a bad diet. And if you're out there and you're looking to lose weight and improve your body composition, nutrition is the key,” he says.
He gives an example. “If you were to go to McDonald's and you got a medium fry and a small drink that's around 650 calories, and you could down that in two minutes,” he says. “To burn off 650 calories, you'd have to do an hour of hard running, like legit sprinting for an hour.”
1. Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
The first key exercises to burn fat are kettlebell or dumbbell swings. “This is an exercise that you've probably seen before, but you may not be incorporating it to its full extent. What you're effectively doing is taking a kettlebell or a dumbbell with a wide stance and you're swinging the kettlebell through your legs, contracting your glutes, keeping your core very tight,” he says. She recommends doing 100 kettlebell swings by either getting “a very heavy kettlebell” and doing 10 sets of 10, resting for one to two minutes in between, or “you can get a light kettlebell and do higher rep work, like do five sets of 20.”
Why Kettlebell Swings Are Great
“The reason this exercise is so good for fat burning and boosting your metabolism is it pretty much involves your entire body, your core, your chest, your shoulders, all the big muscles of your legs,” he says. “If you were to do a 30-minute kettlebell workout, you'd burn around 600 calories.” More realistically, if you did a 10 to 15-minute workout, you would burn 200 to 250 calories. But more importantly, “it's about the metabolic boost that you get after the fact. And this is why kettlebell swings are so effective: they give you an amazing metabolic boost. 'cause you're not just doing cardio; you're activating your muscles and making metabolic changes,” he says.
2. Loaded Squats
Loaded squats are second on the list. “These could be barbell squats, traditional side holding dumbbell squats, or goblet squats where you hold a dumbbell or a kettlebell to your chest,” he says. “Specifically for fat loss, what I recommend with all these kinds of squats is you do higher rep squats. I'm talking about sets of about 15, maybe even up to 30 reps. So, just like the swings, I suggest that you try to get 100 reps in a workout. This could be a traditional 10 sets of 10 on a barbell squat, or you can get the dumbbell squats and do five sets of 20 or the goblet squats.” If you're doing full body training, “try to do 50 to 100 reps of the squats and then work your other major muscle groups. This will have a huge effect on your metabolism and eventually your muscle growth, which is key for fat loss.”
Why Loaded Squats Are Great
“Just like the kettlebell swings, the reason this is so effective for fat loss is you're evolving your core and the massive muscles in your legs,” Balduzzi maintains. “And when you're involving these nice muscles of your legs, you are burning a lot of calories.” You are also getting the metabolic boost after the workout, “and you're stimulating muscle growth,” he says. “When you have more muscle growth, your metabolism goes up at rest. So you're burning more calories every single day.”
Walking lunges are next on his list. “You're gonna hold dumbbells or kettlebells at your side, and you're basically gonna set a one-minute timer and just do walking lunges where you're stepping forward, really focusing on your core, a nice upright posture, loading your glutes and springing forward,” he explains. “If you do a traditional leg day style split, you can include these as a finisher, a really good way to top things off. You don't need to use a lot of weight, although you can also get pretty heavy with these and make it a very phenomenal strength training exercise if your goal is to build more muscle and more strength,” he adds, recommending doing them for a full minute, resting for one, and then doing another set. “If you wanna be an absolute beast, work up to around three to five sets of this. You're absolutely gonna feel the burn.”
Why Walking Lunges Are Great
“The key that makes this a great fat-burning exercise is if you're doing this for one minute, you're gonna find it's tremendous cardio. Your grip is being taxed, your core is being taxed, you're starting to huff and puff, and this is gonna give you a phenomenal metabolic boost. And yes, you're burning a lot of calories, but again, you're also getting this afterburn effect where your metabolism is accelerated 'cause you're actually doing strength training,” he says. “What I love is this combines endurance and the cardio aspect with strength training.”
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4. Burpees
Next up, “weight exercises that require no equipment whatsoever but are still phenomenal for fat burning,” he says, starting with burpees. He explains that burpees are a combo of a squat, pushup, and jump “in this nice continuous flow.” He recommends doing lots of reps reps. “If you're very out of shape and you're just starting out, then maybe try to do 10 to 15 burpees in a row. As you get more fit, the burpees can grow with you. Try to do up to 30 reps in a row, and for a whole workout, I dare you to try to do a hundred burpees. This is phenomenal. For example, if you only had 10 minutes to work out, doing as many burpees as you can do in 10 minutes would be an absolute killer workout for fat loss. And, of course, you can do this with a little bit of rest. Do a set, catch your breath, do a set, catch your breath.” Also, “the more explosive you are in that jump up, activating those fast twitch fibers to the legs is gonna make it even more effective. And on the way down, make sure you catch yourself with nice braced legs, so you're not slamming on your knees,” he says. “Make it a very fluid motion, and don't cheat that pushup. Catch yourself, really come down, press back up.”
Why Burpees Are Great
Why are burpees so great? “You're getting your cardiovascular system pumping, you're activating all these muscles in your body and it's pretty much hitting all the major muscle groups. It's a phenomenal exercise,” he says.
5. Dynamic Plank Variations
The second body weight fat-burning exercises are dynamic plank variations. “You get on the ground either with your arms down like this on elbows or up on all fours. You're contracting and drawing in your core. And ideally, if you know what you're doing, squeeze your glutes in your legs to create whole-body tension. Phenomenal exercise for core strength. But there are things we can do to get the planks to be a little more active. And specifically, that I absolutely love are mountain climbers, where you're in that really brace plank position, and then you're moving your legs like pistons back and forward, and you're basically getting hip flex and core movement all in one while you're increasing your cardiovascular capacity,” he explains. “So imagine if you're in this good plank position, you hold that for about 30 seconds, and then you do about 30 seconds of mountain climbers trying to count as many reps as you can. And then you go back to something like shoulder taps where you're in that plank, and you're taking one arm up and tapping the shoulders, and you did a little bit of a plank circuit.”
Why Dynamic Plank Variations Are Great
“So plank mountain climbers, shoulder taps, you are gonna be absolutely torched, and it's a phenomenal workout for your core and your upper body as you're bracing and your coordination, which makes it such a fun and engaging exercise,” he explains. “And with this, maybe you set a timer, maybe you set a one- or two-minute timer, and you go a little bit on the hold, then the mountain climbers, then the shoulder taps for about 10 reps. Absolutely killer. I mean, a standalone could be a phenomenal little high-intensity cardio workout with no weights.
So that's why I absolutely love this.”
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6. Jumping Rope
“The final body weight fat exercise that I absolutely love is jumping rope. Yes, classic skipping. A lot of us did it as kids, and then we forget how good it is,” he reveals. “What I recommend you try to do is get to the point where you're coordinated enough to get around a hundred skips in a row. When you get good at this, and you're very fluid, you're gonna find you get a nice burn in your shoulders and in your legs. And the cool thing about this is, again, you can incorporate it into any kind of exercise you do.” It makes a “phenomenal dynamic warmup before a lifting workout, whether you're doing upper body or lower body, you're getting some shoulder rotation, some knee work, and some core work,” he says.
“So do five to 10 minutes of skipping or as a finish to your workout, work on this. One key tip with skipping, in particular, is to try to breathe through your nose. Get really good at breathing through your nose, which actually increases oxygenation and nitric oxide production. It'll just help you feel so much better and improve your cardiovascular fitness while improving your metabolism.”
Why Jumping Rope Is Great
“The reason it's so good is the same reason a lot of these other great exercises are good. It activates many of your muscle groups while giving you a cardiovascular effect. So, while you're jumping rope and you're bouncing, your calves are certainly activated. Your core is certainly activated, but so are your shoulders. You're doing a lot of this shoulder rotation, and you're creating more tension, and ideally, you're breathing through your nose,” he says.
Cardio Is Also Important for Fat Loss
Next up, he discusses the best forms of cardio specifically for fat loss, explaining the importance of time efficiency. “It combines the best strength training exercises we've talked about and cardio into one. And I call that metabolic resistance training. The idea that we're doing swings into squats, into shoulder presses, into rows, and we're doing it in a circuit fashion,” he says. “What's good about that again is strength plus cardio. It's very time efficient, but there's also a benefit to doing straight-up cardio.”
7. Low-Intensity Steady State Cardio
The first kind of cardio you need to know about is low-intensity steady-state cardio or LISS. “This is like jogging, riding a bike at a steady pace, going on a hike that's relatively flat. You're basically just outside elevating your heart rate and keeping it at a pretty constant pace. You're not going like balls to the wall crazy. You're just kind of doing it,” he says.
“Now the benefit of low-intensity steady state cardio is it's phenomenal for your heart, and it also re-releases some of these natural endorphins into kinesis that makes us feel amazing like the runner's high is because you're on this low-intensity steady state and the body gets into great flow, good for cardiovascular and it has fat burning benefits, especially if you're in a particular zone in your heart rate where you're not going so high that your body can't burn fat. You can burn a lot of fat straight up while you're doing that exercise. Yet the goal, again, is not necessarily just to burn calories during exercise. It's a metabolic investment.”
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The other form is high-intensity interval training or HIIT. “This is when you're intentionally doing burst activity where you're going really hard and fast and then have a period of lower activity or complete rest, and then you're bursting again and rest,” he explains. He “highly” recommends incorporating HIIT into your workout “because although you do like a 10-minute workout, you might get a metabolic boost for an entire day. So think about the return on your investment.” If you do HIIT workouts a few times a week, “spaced out maybe only 90 minutes of total exercise,” you “get a massive metabolic boost after training.”
Tip 1: Nutrition Is Key
He also shares a few crucial tips for fat loss. “Number one, nutrition is key. You can't outexercise a bad diet. So anything you do to improve your nutrition is gonna create that calorie deficit that ultimately leads to more fat loss,” he points out. One tip is to “standardize your first meal of the day,” he says. “Focus on that first period and get a healthy meal really early. Some great ideas are low carb, breakfast involving eggs or some meats or stuff like that.” Another is to intermittent fast, “and just basically skip that first meal entirely. This works really well for a lot of people because you're creating a calorie deficit in the morning and during the morning time. Your body also has high levels of natural fat-burning hormones. Things like cortisol and epinephrine actually have a catabolic effect on fat tissue. So allow those things to ride in the morning and have water, green tea, or coffee; one suggestion is to dial in your nutrition.”
Tip 2: Do MRT Workouts
Number two, do MRT workouts “like the strength circuits that we've talked about here,” he says. This includes things like swings into squats, mountain climbers, and burpees. “Do that one to three times per week or a straight high-intensity interval training session,” he says, noting that he slots them into his schedule. “Schedule these one to three times a week, put them on your calendar like meetings. So you know you have discrete periods of high-intensity exercise that are gonna give you a really good metabolic boost. So no matter what happens on the other days, whether you get a chance to take a walk or do some other low-intensity steady state or do a strength training workout, at least you're getting this, and you have an elevated metabolism throughout the week. So, one to three times is plenty. In fact, we've had some program members who work out three times a week and have lost over a hundred pounds, really not doing anything crazy. So you can lose a lot of weight and burn a lot of fat if you have the structure and discipline.”
Tip 3: Add in the Weight Training
His third tip is adding in weight training exercises. “Add in the swings, add in the squats, add in the lunges, and try many different variations,” he says. “I think that simple goal I gave you of trying to do 100 of these in every session could serve you really well. Experiment with the heavy versions of these as well as the light versions on your next workout. Do some swings. Set a target of 50 to 100. Try a couple of heavy sets and a couple of higher reps. And you're gonna get better with these in time, and they're gonna give you a great metabolic boost, and they can tack onto whatever workout program you're following.”
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Tip 4: Do As Much LISS As You Enjoy
His final tip is to do as much LISS as you enjoy. For example, if you don’t enjoy running, find something else. “If you enjoy a particular kind of low-intensity, steady-state cardio, make it play for you. Make it fun. Hop on the bike if you like to bike, go hiking if you love to hike, and try to do this a couple of times per week,” he says. “I think it's a good goal to get around 120 minutes of just steady-state low-intensity cardio per week. That's what it says from the American Heart Association is positively associated with great heart health outcomes.”
He personally does a 30-minute walk in the morning. “Do not underestimate the power of walking. There's phenomenal research that shows that this decreases dramatically. Your risk for obesity and heart disease is, again, good for psychological and mood factors. So try to get a walk in every single day,” he explains.
Or, you can park your car farther away and walk, take a walk on your lunch break, or walk while talking on the phone. “Walking actually is burning fat at rest. And if you get good at walking and breathing through your nose, you're gonna have some amazing benefits to your nervous system. You're not gonna be nearly as stressed and wired in that ultimate state of being more relaxed, having better circulation and more activity is conducive to fat loss and overall well-being.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.