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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

How to Lose Body Fat Percentage In a Week

About 0.5% loss per week or 1-2% per month is considered safe.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

What does it mean to try to lose body fat percentage quickly, and why do people often seek fast results?

Put simply: Safer rates of fat loss are less exciting. People often want instant, visible results that are gratifying and motivating. Who wouldn’t want to get the results now, then figure out how to keep them? The long-term work to form lasting habit change and lasting success seems almost too subtle to justify the effort.

While there are no official guidelines, about 0.5% loss per week or 1-2% per month is considered safe and intended to prevent excess loss of muscle. That’s roughly 1-2 lbs of weight loss per week, depending on starting weight. You may see more loss at first, but it slows over time as the body adapts.

Quick fat loss means a big drop in the amount of calories you eat. The person following a more conservative path may be trying to cut out 500 to 1,000 calories per day. That could be a few meals’ worth of calories for some people. Pushing calories even lower than this means you pay extra attention to every bite; things add up more quickly now. You may measure out portions for every meal, or track every last thing you eat and drink on an app. You don’t go out to eat as often, you cut way back on ‘fun’ foods like an occasional cookie or scoop of ice cream. You stress about an extra tablespoon of salad dressing. You develop a love-hate relationship with macros. There is much less room for error. It is more challenging to sustain over the long run.

Things move quickly in society, from communications to online shopping to travel. That same expectation tends to be extended to our bodies. With that in mind, let’s take a look about how to lose body fat percentage in a week.

Realistic Outcomes of Losing Body Fat Percentage in a Week

A man sitting on the bench and looking at the seaShutterstock

Pushing for higher, faster rates of fat loss can mean you restrict calories to the point you can start losing muscle at a higher rate, too. When we lose weight under normal circumstances, we lose as much as 25% of that weight from muscle. (If you lost 80 lbs, for example, 20 lbs of that may be from muscle loss.).

Most people would agree that losing muscle isn’t great. So, why is it so important to consider with weight loss? When incoming fuel (calories) supply drops too low, the body has a backup mechanism to break down muscle and convert it to fuel. (That can extend to your organs if it goes on long enough.) Muscle is the primary tissue in the body that burns calories—the less you have, the less you burn. This means you risk easier weight regain in the future along with seeing effects on strength and stability. If you lose a lot of muscle mass, then you also run the risk of ‘metabolically unhealthy normal weight’ (MUNW), which means you look ‘healthy’ on the outside, but your body mass contains less muscle. You have a higher ratio of fat mass to lean mass than we would expect for that weight. The risk for heart disease and diabetes goes up when this occurs.

Another undesirable outcome: you risk getting gallstones. These are known to occur with rapid weight loss, like that in people who have had bariatric surgery.

Pushing too quickly for weight/fat loss means the results are often not permanent, given the major lifestyle changes required to see and keep results. Once you’re “off” the diet, you’re back to square one. This comes up time and again in my work with clients.

Calculating Body Fat Percentage

Fat woman, Obese woman hand holding excessive belly fat isolated on gym background, Overweight fatty belly of woman, Woman diet lifestyle concept to reduce belly and shape up healthy stomach muscle.Shutterstock

“There are several different ways that we can calculate body fat percentage,” says Courtney Pelitera, MS, RD, CNSC, Registered Dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching specializing in sports nutrition & wellness nutrition. “‘The Gold Standard,’ or best known way to measure body fat percentage, is through a DEXA scan. This equipment is found in medical laboratories and measures fat tissues, lean muscle mass, and bone density all in depth. Other high-quality options found in laboratories include the ‘Bod Pod’ which measures displacement of air and underwater hydrostatic weighing. Since these options can be a costly endeavor with equipment not readily available, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) estimates body fat percentage with measurement of how electric currents flow through the body. This is a popular method in gyms and might be known as the 'In-Body Scanner.' Another feasible way to calculate body fat percentage is with body caliper measurements. In this method, we measure certain skinfold areas of the body and enter measurements into an equation to calculate body fat percentage. Accuracy of this method is going to be higher in those who have a high level of experience with using the tool to take body fat measurements.”

“Measuring body fat percentage can be more helpful in assessing health than weight alone,” adds Pelitera. “This is because muscle weighs more than fat, therefore affecting overall weight, even if an individual is very healthy. These methods help to assess our subcutaneous fat tissue, or that sitting under the skin. It is a helpful measurement in those looking to reduce fat to improve health markers.”

Significant Changes in Body Fat Percentage Can be Achieved in a Week

Woman body fat belly. Obese Woman with fat upset about her belly. Fat woman with tight clothing worried about weight diet lifestyle concept.Shutterstock

“In very extreme circumstances such as intense caloric restriction or a state of illness, a small body fat change could be seen over a one-week time period,” says Pelitera. “For the average person, the time to see a change in body fat percentage is going to range from a few weeks to a few months. If very quick results are seen using a technique such as BIA or skinfold calipers, different reasons should be looked at such as hydration status, sodium consumption, or user error which can all affect results.”

Safe Strategies for Quick Fat Loss

Unhealthy products. food bad for figure, skin, heart and teeth. Assortment of fast carbohydrates food.Shutterstock

There are some safe practices for attempting to reduce body fat percentage quickly? And how do diet adjustments contribute to rapid fat loss, and what guidelines should be followed to ensure safety? “One of the easiest ways to start losing fat quickly and health is to reduce your intake of sugar sweetened foods and refined carbohydrates that are quickly metabolized. Excess carbohydrates get stored as fat if they aren't utilized quickly,” says Megan Hilbert, MS, RDN, of Top Nutrition Coaching, a Registered Dietitian specializing in gut health nutrition, IBS, Intuitive Eating/Gentle Nutrition, and the gut-brain axis. For example:

  • “Eating more plant based foods (nuts/seeds, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, etc.) can also help promote weight loss due to the fiber and phytonutrient content that helps increase satiety and influence our metabolism through the gut microbiome
  • Balancing a plant-based meal with a quality source of lean protein also helps contribute to satiety. Protein influences our satiety cues by dampening our hunger cues and reducing appetite. Getting around 25-30g of protein per meal (equivalent to 4 oz of chicken breast) is ideal.
  • Lastly, making sure you're properly hydrated is one of the most important ways to lose weight and enhance fat metabolism. Water plays and essential role in lipolysis which is how the body burns fat for energy.”

Role of Hydration and Sleep

Woman drinking water from a sports bottle.Shutterstock

How do hydration and sleep affect body fat loss, especially when trying to achieve quick results? “Hydration status can sometimes mask fat loss if an individual is well hydrated. This is because there is both intracellular and extracellular fluid to account for, especially when using the most common form for body fat percentage measurements in BIA(1). The intracellular fluid in muscle cells is what causes muscle mass to weigh more than fat mass,” says Pelitera. “It should be noted that in extreme fat loss situations such as bodybuilding competitions, individuals often intentionally dehydrate to lose as much subcutaneous water as possible before competition. This provides the most muscle definition (2).”

“Poor sleep habits have been linked with an increase in overall energy intake (3) and a decrease in metabolism. These two aspects alone are going to make achieving fat loss at any rate more difficult,” says Pelitera.

Can improving sleep quality and water intake have an immediate effect on body composition? “Working on improved sleep habits, sleep quality, and hydration are some of the first things I work on with clients trying to lose body fat as a registered dietitian. Improvements in both sleep quality and hydration provide overall improvements in metabolism and the body’s ability to produce energy. While neither of these is going to have an immediate effect on body fat, sleep in particular, which changes on a day-to-day basis, is associated with calorie intake the next day. This is going to be the most immediate effect we see. A night of poor sleep is going to result in increased energy intake the next day, affecting your fat loss results,” says Pelitera.

Exercise for Accelerating Fat Loss

fitness, sport, training, aerobics and people concept - close up of people working out with steppers in gym from backShutterstock

What types of exercises are most effective for quick fat loss, and how should they be integrated into a weekly routine? Are there any specific workout programs or routines recommended for those looking to make noticeable changes in a short timeframe? “For the fastest, healthy fat loss it's important to incorporate at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity in, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity in a week. This, plus strength training around 3 times a week is a good balance, as added muscle mass helps to burn fat and increase metabolic output even while in a rested state,” says Hilbert. “The most important exercise you can do is one you will stick to in the long run. Most people struggle with losing weight because they have a hard time adhering to changes in their routine. First building in a consistent habit of exercise rather than focusing on the specific types of exercise is most important. To find workouts that are a ‘best of both worlds’ when it comes to cardio and building muscle I often suggest kickboxing, pilates, spinning, rowing, or swimming.”

Nutrition and Supplementation

Composition with nutritional supplement capsules and containers. Variety of drug pillsShutterstock

What nutritional strategies and supplements can support rapid fat loss while maintaining health? Are there any foods or supplements that should be avoided during this period? “I typically do not recommend any specific weight loss supplements because often these can over-promise and under-deliver. Not to mention, the supplement industry is unregulated and weight loss supplements have been known to contain laxatives, diuretics, and additives that can cause liver damage,” says Hilbert. “That being said, certain vitamins and minerals are important for fat loss, so taking nutrition supplements if one is deficient can help promote faster weight loss.” She continues:

  • “Up to 30-40% of the world population is iron deficient, and iron helps support numerous metabolic processes like building lean muscle mass and carrying oxygen to cells.
  • magnesium also plays a really critical role and many Americans (50-80%) are deficient. Magnesium deficiency can weaken the body's ability to use blood sugar for energy. Certain studies also show magnesium supplementation can help reduce BMI for those with insulin resistance, obesity, and hypertension. (The effects of magnesium supplementation on obesity measures in adults: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials)
  • B vitamins also play an important role in metabolism, in particular, helping the body break down carbohydrates and protein to convert them into energy. Some research has shown that deficiency in vitamin b12 and b6 is linked to excess weight, however more research is needed in this area.”

Managing Expectations


“Realistic expectations for body fat loss really varies person to person,” says Jordan Hill, MCD, RD, CSSD, of Top Nutrition Coaching, Lead Registered Dietitian. “Some factors to consider include starting body composition, current nutrition and exercise habits, genetics, current health implications or status, medication use, as well as overall lifestyle factors. In general, a 0.5-2 lbs loss/week is considered safe and sustainable. Some folks may lose a little more or less on any given week though. It’s important to remember that weight loss is not linear and often times a person’s weight will fluctuate up and down throughout their weight loss journey. To set achievable goals, it’s important to focus on the process instead of the outcome and implement realistic and sustainable habits. Being patient and applying flexibility to the plan when needed can help set realistic expectations and give oneself grace when the inevitable setbacks occur.”

How can focusing on quick results impact long-term health and fitness objectives? “When folks try to achieve quick results, they are oftentimes setting themselves up for failure because quick results aren’t usually realistic or sustainable,” says Hill. “Rapid weight loss generally results in an undesired loss of muscle mass vs. targeting the desired fat loss. Aiming for quick results usually entails either under-eating, overexercising or a combination of the two. This can increase the risk for burnout, nutritional deficiencies, and an unhealthy mindset or relationship with food and body.”

Realistic Changes in Body Fat Percentage

Full length of excited Indian woman sitting on scales at home, overjoyed with success of her slimming diet, side view. Emotional Asian lady achieving her weight loss goal, making YES gestureShutterstock

As she noted previously, “0.5-2 lb loss/wk is a realistic expectation for those implementing healthy habits to see weight loss. A person can really only lose 1-1.5% of body fat per week, so if someone is losing about that percentage, it may very likely be just water weight or potentially muscle mass. Typically a person with a higher fat percentage have the potential to lose at the higher end of the 0.5-2 lb range vs. someone who has less fat mass to lose,” says Hill.

Potential Risks

chicken fillet on a stone backgroundShutterstock

“There are many potential risks of trying to lose body fat too quickly, and most are associated with extreme measures of calorie restriction such as fasting and/or very low-calorie diets,” says Colette Micko, MS, RDN, CDES of Top Nutrition Coaching. “Losing fat mass at a rapid rate increases the chances of breaking down muscle for energy, which is counterproductive to leaning out and reduces resting metabolic rate in the long run. Additionally, this can lead to poor workout performance and recovery, disrupted sleep, increased hunger and irritability, and inability to focus and perform activities of daily living. There are also psychological risks associated with losing body fat too quickly such as worsening one's body image and overall relationship with food.”

How can individuals mitigate these risks while pursuing their fat loss goals? “In order to mitigate these risks, it’s important to allow ample time to reach one’s goals,” says Micko. “Moderate calorie restriction, about ~300-500 calories from baseline intake, in addition to keeping protein intake high are important factors to consider when aiming to lose body fat. In general, aim to get about 30-40 grams of quality protein every 3-4 hours (this will vary depending on total protein and energy needs). The benefits of keeping protein intake high and spreading it out throughout the day is to spare muscle protein breakdown and increase the feeling of fullness between meals.”

“Nutrient timing and fueling around your workouts also becomes even more important when in a calorie deficit,” says Micko. “Many clients will try to lose body fat by fasting before their workouts. However, this often leads to low energy and reduced ability to complete the workout with desired strength. Thus, fueling around your workouts is key to keeping energy levels high so you can perform your best throughout the workout. This not only allows you to burn more calories during the workout itself, but helps to maintain your strength and stamina. Aim to get at least 20-30 grams of quick digesting carbs (a small piece of fruit such as a banana works great here) prior to your workout, and refuel within 1-2 hours of completing your workout with a well-balanced meal or snack that combines protein and carbohydrates.”

Psychological Impact of Rapid Fat Loss Efforts

mid adult italian woman banging her head against a wall outside office building. Horizontal shape, copy spaceShutterstock

How can the pursuit of quick fat loss affect an individual’s mental health and body image? “I have worked with many people over my years of practice, and while each has their own unique story and needs, there are some common threads,” says Snyder. “When one cuts way back on what they eat to lose body fat at a fast pace, it can result in irritability. It affects social relationships. I mean, if you can’t go to the neighborhood barbecue because you are worried about taking in too many calories, it isn’t fun. It leads to feeling more isolated. Your concentration can take a hit if you’re constantly hungry or aren’t eating enough carbohydrates for brain fuel. That could add more stress if you’re struggling with getting your work done. You can become resentful making so many sacrifices and not getting the quick and drastic results you envision. There’s a feeling of failure when things don’t work out. There is a huge blow to self-confidence and body image. There’s risk of repeated dieting behavior turning into an eating disorder or disordered eating. You start comparing yourself with others and it’s never good enough. It’s a sad cycle.”

What strategies can help maintain a healthy perspective on body composition and weight loss?

“It’s important to talk about realistic expectations and why the desire for the loss is there in the first place. Sharing the risks and actual costs that come with a more aggressive goal is vital—I want to ensure my clients know what to expect if they elect that route. We also discuss how one can achieve more realistic goals without sacrificing so many things in the process,” says Snyder.

“For setting up a successful mindset, we look for ways someone can take action and feel a sense of achievement in the journey. Doing so and accomplishing these smaller goals adds little bursts of motivation. Drinking an extra glass of water each day, adding more fiber to a meal, or trying plant proteins are all examples of this. We celebrate all of the wins, big or small, versus waiting to be happy at the end. We work through barriers, or things that can get in the way of progress. We revisit expectations.

I’m all about education and staying curious. In this case, it can be helpful to talk about the role of body fat and provide evidence-based information, to help understand that not all fat is a bad thing. We do need some body fat to function normally, and it exists in practically every cell in the body (including the brain). It does so many things: helps us absorb and use certain vitamins, plays a role in keeping hormones in check, manages body temperature, immune function, and reproduction. We also can’t exactly dictate where fat loss will occur on the body, and we all carry fat differently.”

The Importance of Professional Guidance

Gym customer is getting advice and suggestion from her personal trainer for exercising plan program and getting her evaluation chart from sample blood test for her workout progress conceptShutterstock

You should consider seeking professional advice before attempting rapid fat loss. “When attempting rapid fat loss, it is always suggested to work with a qualified professional to ensure you are minimizing any potential risks and doing so in a safe and effective way that considers long term implications. It is never too late to reach out for support, so if you have already started a rapid fat loss regimen, but need some guidance, I recommend reaching out to a qualified medical professional such as a registered dietitian, personal trainer or physician who specializes in metabolic health. These professionals can also help provide guidance on tools to effectively measure body composition, so you can track real progress. Many home body composition testing machines have low reliability, so utilizing evidence based tools such as Dexa or BodPod are recommended,” says Micko.

She adds: “Dietitians, Personal Trainers and Medical Professionals can help with developing an individualized nutrition and exercise plan to help you meet your fat loss goals. These professionals not only want to help you lose body fat, but keep it off long term. Medical professionals who specialize in this area not only take into account your personal goals, but important factors such as food preferences, cooking skills and resources, healthy history, exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress and social factors that may influence your health behaviors.”

Related: 15 Proven Ways to Sculpt Your Dream Body by An Expert Coach

Long-Term Strategies Beyond the Week

Healthy diet plan for weight loss, daily ready meal menu. Close up Woman weighing lunch box cooked in advance,ready to eat on kitchen scale. Balanced portion with healthy dish. Pre-cooking conceptShutterstock

After attempting to lose body fat percentage in a week, what long-term strategies should be adopted for sustainable health and fitness? “Focusing on regularity of eating times, appropriate nutrient balance and portion sizes, proper hydration, a regular exercise routine, and adequate sleep are all ways to build a sustainable health and fitness plan for managing weight. Setting realistic goals, being patient with progress, and evaluating progress can all help with the sustainability as well. Working with a registered dietitian and building a supportive network of family and friends are a couple ways to boost confidence and accountability, especially when there are challenging seasons,” says Hill.

“Shifting your mindset and perspective on weight management is a must. Moving away from the “quick loss” mindset to one that is more long-term will be more realistic and sustainable to see both progress and maintenance of that progress. All good things come with time, consistency, and hard work!” says Hill.

Conclusion: Emphasizing Health Over Speed

Beautiful, healthy woman is so happy to see the results of exercising and training hard in the gym. She is looking down at her firm stomach and muscular abs.Shutterstock

It is important to prioritize health and sustainability over the speed of fat loss. “For high-speed fat loss, you are likely going to go to more drastic measures. We’ve talked about how that can affect your mental health and body image, but it also spells trouble for the future. Rapid loss plans do work—until they don’t. The faster you try to lose weight, the more you alarm the body and run the risk of tanking your metabolism for next time. You gain the weight back, try to lose it again, gain it back, rinse, and repeat. Calorie burning (metabolism) slows down to match calorie restriction, as the body goes into survival mode. (You eat way less, and your body burns less fuel.) The weight gain-loss pattern is referred to as ‘weight cycling,’ and is correlated with gaining more body fat.

Slower, long-term work includes a focus on building in lifestyle changes and addressing any challenging thoughts about food and body. You learn to work with your body instead of against it. It’s easier to adapt to and maintain vs something very intense for a short time. Positive outcomes and helpful habits last longer--your efforts pay off even beyond any weight/composition change goals.

Related: 8 Ways to Eat Your Way to 6-Pack

Final Advice For Individuals Seeking to Reduce Their Body Fat Percentage Responsibly

fitness, sport, exercising and diet concept - smiling young woman and personal trainer with clipboard writing exercise plan in gymShutterstock

Scientists recommend more gradual, sustainable weight loss based on multiple studies. “Be patient, as lasting change is more subtle, and it’s easy to get discouraged. Find smaller goals to achieve along the way—they act as ‘rest stops’ on a long journey. This breaks up the time and can renew motivation. The small things are huge when done repeatedly—even if you’re not losing weight or inches at times, you are very likely still improving some less-obvious facet of your health. Get support, someone who can reflect back to you in an honest and kind way when you’re feeling stuck or frustrated. Get a vision in your head of what your life looks like when you hit your big goal—what will you do to maintain your success? What barriers might you hit, and what tools do you have to work through them? Finally, regardless of what your body shape and size is at any point in your journey, you are a worthy human who deserves kindness. Whatever your goals are, may they serve you on the inside, too. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

Annette Snyder, MS, RD, CSOWM, LD, is a Registered Dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching

  1. Campa, F., Toselli, S., Mazzilli, M., Gobbo, L. A., & Coratella, G. (2021). Assessment of body composition in athletes: A narrative review of available methods with special reference to quantitative and qualitative bioimpedance analysis. Nutrients, 13(5), 1620.
  2. Escalante, G., Stevenson, S. W., Barakat, C., Aragon, A. A., & Schoenfeld, B. J. (2021). Peak week recommendations for bodybuilders: An evidence based approach. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 13(1), 1-24.
  3. Jurado-Fasoli, L., Mochon-Benguigui, S., Castillo, M. J., & Amaro-Gahete, F. J. (2020). Association between sleep quality and time with energy metabolism in sedentary adults. Scientific reports, 10(1), 4598.

More For You

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

What does it mean to try to lose body fat percentage quickly, and why do people often seek fast results?

Put simply: Safer rates of fat loss are less exciting. People often want instant, visible results that are gratifying and motivating. Who wouldn’t want to get the results now, then figure out how to keep them? The long-term work to form lasting habit change and lasting success seems almost too subtle to justify the effort.

While there are no official guidelines, about 0.5% loss per week or 1-2% per month is considered safe and intended to prevent excess loss of muscle. That’s roughly 1-2 lbs of weight loss per week, depending on starting weight. You may see more loss at first, but it slows over time as the body adapts.

Quick fat loss means a big drop in the amount of calories you eat. The person following a more conservative path may be trying to cut out 500 to 1,000 calories per day. That could be a few meals’ worth of calories for some people. Pushing calories even lower than this means you pay extra attention to every bite; things add up more quickly now. You may measure out portions for every meal, or track every last thing you eat and drink on an app. You don’t go out to eat as often, you cut way back on ‘fun’ foods like an occasional cookie or scoop of ice cream. You stress about an extra tablespoon of salad dressing. You develop a love-hate relationship with macros. There is much less room for error. It is more challenging to sustain over the long run.

Things move quickly in society, from communications to online shopping to travel. That same expectation tends to be extended to our bodies. With that in mind, let’s take a look about how to lose body fat percentage in a week.

Realistic Outcomes of Losing Body Fat Percentage in a Week

A man sitting on the bench and looking at the seaShutterstock

Pushing for higher, faster rates of fat loss can mean you restrict calories to the point you can start losing muscle at a higher rate, too. When we lose weight under normal circumstances, we lose as much as 25% of that weight from muscle. (If you lost 80 lbs, for example, 20 lbs of that may be from muscle loss.).

Most people would agree that losing muscle isn’t great. So, why is it so important to consider with weight loss? When incoming fuel (calories) supply drops too low, the body has a backup mechanism to break down muscle and convert it to fuel. (That can extend to your organs if it goes on long enough.) Muscle is the primary tissue in the body that burns calories—the less you have, the less you burn. This means you risk easier weight regain in the future along with seeing effects on strength and stability. If you lose a lot of muscle mass, then you also run the risk of ‘metabolically unhealthy normal weight’ (MUNW), which means you look ‘healthy’ on the outside, but your body mass contains less muscle. You have a higher ratio of fat mass to lean mass than we would expect for that weight. The risk for heart disease and diabetes goes up when this occurs.

Another undesirable outcome: you risk getting gallstones. These are known to occur with rapid weight loss, like that in people who have had bariatric surgery.

Pushing too quickly for weight/fat loss means the results are often not permanent, given the major lifestyle changes required to see and keep results. Once you’re “off” the diet, you’re back to square one. This comes up time and again in my work with clients.

Calculating Body Fat Percentage

Fat woman, Obese woman hand holding excessive belly fat isolated on gym background, Overweight fatty belly of woman, Woman diet lifestyle concept to reduce belly and shape up healthy stomach muscle.Shutterstock

“There are several different ways that we can calculate body fat percentage,” says Courtney Pelitera, MS, RD, CNSC, Registered Dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching specializing in sports nutrition & wellness nutrition. “‘The Gold Standard,’ or best known way to measure body fat percentage, is through a DEXA scan. This equipment is found in medical laboratories and measures fat tissues, lean muscle mass, and bone density all in depth. Other high-quality options found in laboratories include the ‘Bod Pod’ which measures displacement of air and underwater hydrostatic weighing. Since these options can be a costly endeavor with equipment not readily available, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) estimates body fat percentage with measurement of how electric currents flow through the body. This is a popular method in gyms and might be known as the 'In-Body Scanner.' Another feasible way to calculate body fat percentage is with body caliper measurements. In this method, we measure certain skinfold areas of the body and enter measurements into an equation to calculate body fat percentage. Accuracy of this method is going to be higher in those who have a high level of experience with using the tool to take body fat measurements.”

“Measuring body fat percentage can be more helpful in assessing health than weight alone,” adds Pelitera. “This is because muscle weighs more than fat, therefore affecting overall weight, even if an individual is very healthy. These methods help to assess our subcutaneous fat tissue, or that sitting under the skin. It is a helpful measurement in those looking to reduce fat to improve health markers.”

Significant Changes in Body Fat Percentage Can be Achieved in a Week

Woman body fat belly. Obese Woman with fat upset about her belly. Fat woman with tight clothing worried about weight diet lifestyle concept.Shutterstock

“In very extreme circumstances such as intense caloric restriction or a state of illness, a small body fat change could be seen over a one-week time period,” says Pelitera. “For the average person, the time to see a change in body fat percentage is going to range from a few weeks to a few months. If very quick results are seen using a technique such as BIA or skinfold calipers, different reasons should be looked at such as hydration status, sodium consumption, or user error which can all affect results.”

Safe Strategies for Quick Fat Loss

Unhealthy products. food bad for figure, skin, heart and teeth. Assortment of fast carbohydrates food.Shutterstock

There are some safe practices for attempting to reduce body fat percentage quickly? And how do diet adjustments contribute to rapid fat loss, and what guidelines should be followed to ensure safety? “One of the easiest ways to start losing fat quickly and health is to reduce your intake of sugar sweetened foods and refined carbohydrates that are quickly metabolized. Excess carbohydrates get stored as fat if they aren't utilized quickly,” says Megan Hilbert, MS, RDN, of Top Nutrition Coaching, a Registered Dietitian specializing in gut health nutrition, IBS, Intuitive Eating/Gentle Nutrition, and the gut-brain axis. For example:

  • “Eating more plant based foods (nuts/seeds, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, etc.) can also help promote weight loss due to the fiber and phytonutrient content that helps increase satiety and influence our metabolism through the gut microbiome
  • Balancing a plant-based meal with a quality source of lean protein also helps contribute to satiety. Protein influences our satiety cues by dampening our hunger cues and reducing appetite. Getting around 25-30g of protein per meal (equivalent to 4 oz of chicken breast) is ideal.
  • Lastly, making sure you're properly hydrated is one of the most important ways to lose weight and enhance fat metabolism. Water plays and essential role in lipolysis which is how the body burns fat for energy.”

Role of Hydration and Sleep

Woman drinking water from a sports bottle.Shutterstock

How do hydration and sleep affect body fat loss, especially when trying to achieve quick results? “Hydration status can sometimes mask fat loss if an individual is well hydrated. This is because there is both intracellular and extracellular fluid to account for, especially when using the most common form for body fat percentage measurements in BIA(1). The intracellular fluid in muscle cells is what causes muscle mass to weigh more than fat mass,” says Pelitera. “It should be noted that in extreme fat loss situations such as bodybuilding competitions, individuals often intentionally dehydrate to lose as much subcutaneous water as possible before competition. This provides the most muscle definition (2).”

“Poor sleep habits have been linked with an increase in overall energy intake (3) and a decrease in metabolism. These two aspects alone are going to make achieving fat loss at any rate more difficult,” says Pelitera.

Can improving sleep quality and water intake have an immediate effect on body composition? “Working on improved sleep habits, sleep quality, and hydration are some of the first things I work on with clients trying to lose body fat as a registered dietitian. Improvements in both sleep quality and hydration provide overall improvements in metabolism and the body’s ability to produce energy. While neither of these is going to have an immediate effect on body fat, sleep in particular, which changes on a day-to-day basis, is associated with calorie intake the next day. This is going to be the most immediate effect we see. A night of poor sleep is going to result in increased energy intake the next day, affecting your fat loss results,” says Pelitera.

Exercise for Accelerating Fat Loss

fitness, sport, training, aerobics and people concept - close up of people working out with steppers in gym from backShutterstock

What types of exercises are most effective for quick fat loss, and how should they be integrated into a weekly routine? Are there any specific workout programs or routines recommended for those looking to make noticeable changes in a short timeframe? “For the fastest, healthy fat loss it's important to incorporate at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity in, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity in a week. This, plus strength training around 3 times a week is a good balance, as added muscle mass helps to burn fat and increase metabolic output even while in a rested state,” says Hilbert. “The most important exercise you can do is one you will stick to in the long run. Most people struggle with losing weight because they have a hard time adhering to changes in their routine. First building in a consistent habit of exercise rather than focusing on the specific types of exercise is most important. To find workouts that are a ‘best of both worlds’ when it comes to cardio and building muscle I often suggest kickboxing, pilates, spinning, rowing, or swimming.”

Nutrition and Supplementation

Composition with nutritional supplement capsules and containers. Variety of drug pillsShutterstock

What nutritional strategies and supplements can support rapid fat loss while maintaining health? Are there any foods or supplements that should be avoided during this period? “I typically do not recommend any specific weight loss supplements because often these can over-promise and under-deliver. Not to mention, the supplement industry is unregulated and weight loss supplements have been known to contain laxatives, diuretics, and additives that can cause liver damage,” says Hilbert. “That being said, certain vitamins and minerals are important for fat loss, so taking nutrition supplements if one is deficient can help promote faster weight loss.” She continues:

  • “Up to 30-40% of the world population is iron deficient, and iron helps support numerous metabolic processes like building lean muscle mass and carrying oxygen to cells.
  • magnesium also plays a really critical role and many Americans (50-80%) are deficient. Magnesium deficiency can weaken the body's ability to use blood sugar for energy. Certain studies also show magnesium supplementation can help reduce BMI for those with insulin resistance, obesity, and hypertension. (The effects of magnesium supplementation on obesity measures in adults: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials)
  • B vitamins also play an important role in metabolism, in particular, helping the body break down carbohydrates and protein to convert them into energy. Some research has shown that deficiency in vitamin b12 and b6 is linked to excess weight, however more research is needed in this area.”

Managing Expectations


“Realistic expectations for body fat loss really varies person to person,” says Jordan Hill, MCD, RD, CSSD, of Top Nutrition Coaching, Lead Registered Dietitian. “Some factors to consider include starting body composition, current nutrition and exercise habits, genetics, current health implications or status, medication use, as well as overall lifestyle factors. In general, a 0.5-2 lbs loss/week is considered safe and sustainable. Some folks may lose a little more or less on any given week though. It’s important to remember that weight loss is not linear and often times a person’s weight will fluctuate up and down throughout their weight loss journey. To set achievable goals, it’s important to focus on the process instead of the outcome and implement realistic and sustainable habits. Being patient and applying flexibility to the plan when needed can help set realistic expectations and give oneself grace when the inevitable setbacks occur.”

How can focusing on quick results impact long-term health and fitness objectives? “When folks try to achieve quick results, they are oftentimes setting themselves up for failure because quick results aren’t usually realistic or sustainable,” says Hill. “Rapid weight loss generally results in an undesired loss of muscle mass vs. targeting the desired fat loss. Aiming for quick results usually entails either under-eating, overexercising or a combination of the two. This can increase the risk for burnout, nutritional deficiencies, and an unhealthy mindset or relationship with food and body.”

Realistic Changes in Body Fat Percentage

Full length of excited Indian woman sitting on scales at home, overjoyed with success of her slimming diet, side view. Emotional Asian lady achieving her weight loss goal, making YES gestureShutterstock

As she noted previously, “0.5-2 lb loss/wk is a realistic expectation for those implementing healthy habits to see weight loss. A person can really only lose 1-1.5% of body fat per week, so if someone is losing about that percentage, it may very likely be just water weight or potentially muscle mass. Typically a person with a higher fat percentage have the potential to lose at the higher end of the 0.5-2 lb range vs. someone who has less fat mass to lose,” says Hill.

Potential Risks

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“There are many potential risks of trying to lose body fat too quickly, and most are associated with extreme measures of calorie restriction such as fasting and/or very low-calorie diets,” says Colette Micko, MS, RDN, CDES of Top Nutrition Coaching. “Losing fat mass at a rapid rate increases the chances of breaking down muscle for energy, which is counterproductive to leaning out and reduces resting metabolic rate in the long run. Additionally, this can lead to poor workout performance and recovery, disrupted sleep, increased hunger and irritability, and inability to focus and perform activities of daily living. There are also psychological risks associated with losing body fat too quickly such as worsening one's body image and overall relationship with food.”

How can individuals mitigate these risks while pursuing their fat loss goals? “In order to mitigate these risks, it’s important to allow ample time to reach one’s goals,” says Micko. “Moderate calorie restriction, about ~300-500 calories from baseline intake, in addition to keeping protein intake high are important factors to consider when aiming to lose body fat. In general, aim to get about 30-40 grams of quality protein every 3-4 hours (this will vary depending on total protein and energy needs). The benefits of keeping protein intake high and spreading it out throughout the day is to spare muscle protein breakdown and increase the feeling of fullness between meals.”

“Nutrient timing and fueling around your workouts also becomes even more important when in a calorie deficit,” says Micko. “Many clients will try to lose body fat by fasting before their workouts. However, this often leads to low energy and reduced ability to complete the workout with desired strength. Thus, fueling around your workouts is key to keeping energy levels high so you can perform your best throughout the workout. This not only allows you to burn more calories during the workout itself, but helps to maintain your strength and stamina. Aim to get at least 20-30 grams of quick digesting carbs (a small piece of fruit such as a banana works great here) prior to your workout, and refuel within 1-2 hours of completing your workout with a well-balanced meal or snack that combines protein and carbohydrates.”

Psychological Impact of Rapid Fat Loss Efforts

mid adult italian woman banging her head against a wall outside office building. Horizontal shape, copy spaceShutterstock

How can the pursuit of quick fat loss affect an individual’s mental health and body image? “I have worked with many people over my years of practice, and while each has their own unique story and needs, there are some common threads,” says Snyder. “When one cuts way back on what they eat to lose body fat at a fast pace, it can result in irritability. It affects social relationships. I mean, if you can’t go to the neighborhood barbecue because you are worried about taking in too many calories, it isn’t fun. It leads to feeling more isolated. Your concentration can take a hit if you’re constantly hungry or aren’t eating enough carbohydrates for brain fuel. That could add more stress if you’re struggling with getting your work done. You can become resentful making so many sacrifices and not getting the quick and drastic results you envision. There’s a feeling of failure when things don’t work out. There is a huge blow to self-confidence and body image. There’s risk of repeated dieting behavior turning into an eating disorder or disordered eating. You start comparing yourself with others and it’s never good enough. It’s a sad cycle.”

What strategies can help maintain a healthy perspective on body composition and weight loss?

“It’s important to talk about realistic expectations and why the desire for the loss is there in the first place. Sharing the risks and actual costs that come with a more aggressive goal is vital—I want to ensure my clients know what to expect if they elect that route. We also discuss how one can achieve more realistic goals without sacrificing so many things in the process,” says Snyder.

“For setting up a successful mindset, we look for ways someone can take action and feel a sense of achievement in the journey. Doing so and accomplishing these smaller goals adds little bursts of motivation. Drinking an extra glass of water each day, adding more fiber to a meal, or trying plant proteins are all examples of this. We celebrate all of the wins, big or small, versus waiting to be happy at the end. We work through barriers, or things that can get in the way of progress. We revisit expectations.

I’m all about education and staying curious. In this case, it can be helpful to talk about the role of body fat and provide evidence-based information, to help understand that not all fat is a bad thing. We do need some body fat to function normally, and it exists in practically every cell in the body (including the brain). It does so many things: helps us absorb and use certain vitamins, plays a role in keeping hormones in check, manages body temperature, immune function, and reproduction. We also can’t exactly dictate where fat loss will occur on the body, and we all carry fat differently.”

The Importance of Professional Guidance

Gym customer is getting advice and suggestion from her personal trainer for exercising plan program and getting her evaluation chart from sample blood test for her workout progress conceptShutterstock

You should consider seeking professional advice before attempting rapid fat loss. “When attempting rapid fat loss, it is always suggested to work with a qualified professional to ensure you are minimizing any potential risks and doing so in a safe and effective way that considers long term implications. It is never too late to reach out for support, so if you have already started a rapid fat loss regimen, but need some guidance, I recommend reaching out to a qualified medical professional such as a registered dietitian, personal trainer or physician who specializes in metabolic health. These professionals can also help provide guidance on tools to effectively measure body composition, so you can track real progress. Many home body composition testing machines have low reliability, so utilizing evidence based tools such as Dexa or BodPod are recommended,” says Micko.

She adds: “Dietitians, Personal Trainers and Medical Professionals can help with developing an individualized nutrition and exercise plan to help you meet your fat loss goals. These professionals not only want to help you lose body fat, but keep it off long term. Medical professionals who specialize in this area not only take into account your personal goals, but important factors such as food preferences, cooking skills and resources, healthy history, exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress and social factors that may influence your health behaviors.”

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Long-Term Strategies Beyond the Week

Healthy diet plan for weight loss, daily ready meal menu. Close up Woman weighing lunch box cooked in advance,ready to eat on kitchen scale. Balanced portion with healthy dish. Pre-cooking conceptShutterstock

After attempting to lose body fat percentage in a week, what long-term strategies should be adopted for sustainable health and fitness? “Focusing on regularity of eating times, appropriate nutrient balance and portion sizes, proper hydration, a regular exercise routine, and adequate sleep are all ways to build a sustainable health and fitness plan for managing weight. Setting realistic goals, being patient with progress, and evaluating progress can all help with the sustainability as well. Working with a registered dietitian and building a supportive network of family and friends are a couple ways to boost confidence and accountability, especially when there are challenging seasons,” says Hill.

“Shifting your mindset and perspective on weight management is a must. Moving away from the “quick loss” mindset to one that is more long-term will be more realistic and sustainable to see both progress and maintenance of that progress. All good things come with time, consistency, and hard work!” says Hill.

Conclusion: Emphasizing Health Over Speed

Beautiful, healthy woman is so happy to see the results of exercising and training hard in the gym. She is looking down at her firm stomach and muscular abs.Shutterstock

It is important to prioritize health and sustainability over the speed of fat loss. “For high-speed fat loss, you are likely going to go to more drastic measures. We’ve talked about how that can affect your mental health and body image, but it also spells trouble for the future. Rapid loss plans do work—until they don’t. The faster you try to lose weight, the more you alarm the body and run the risk of tanking your metabolism for next time. You gain the weight back, try to lose it again, gain it back, rinse, and repeat. Calorie burning (metabolism) slows down to match calorie restriction, as the body goes into survival mode. (You eat way less, and your body burns less fuel.) The weight gain-loss pattern is referred to as ‘weight cycling,’ and is correlated with gaining more body fat.

Slower, long-term work includes a focus on building in lifestyle changes and addressing any challenging thoughts about food and body. You learn to work with your body instead of against it. It’s easier to adapt to and maintain vs something very intense for a short time. Positive outcomes and helpful habits last longer--your efforts pay off even beyond any weight/composition change goals.

Related: 8 Ways to Eat Your Way to 6-Pack

Final Advice For Individuals Seeking to Reduce Their Body Fat Percentage Responsibly

fitness, sport, exercising and diet concept - smiling young woman and personal trainer with clipboard writing exercise plan in gymShutterstock

Scientists recommend more gradual, sustainable weight loss based on multiple studies. “Be patient, as lasting change is more subtle, and it’s easy to get discouraged. Find smaller goals to achieve along the way—they act as ‘rest stops’ on a long journey. This breaks up the time and can renew motivation. The small things are huge when done repeatedly—even if you’re not losing weight or inches at times, you are very likely still improving some less-obvious facet of your health. Get support, someone who can reflect back to you in an honest and kind way when you’re feeling stuck or frustrated. Get a vision in your head of what your life looks like when you hit your big goal—what will you do to maintain your success? What barriers might you hit, and what tools do you have to work through them? Finally, regardless of what your body shape and size is at any point in your journey, you are a worthy human who deserves kindness. Whatever your goals are, may they serve you on the inside, too. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

Annette Snyder, MS, RD, CSOWM, LD, is a Registered Dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching

  1. Campa, F., Toselli, S., Mazzilli, M., Gobbo, L. A., & Coratella, G. (2021). Assessment of body composition in athletes: A narrative review of available methods with special reference to quantitative and qualitative bioimpedance analysis. Nutrients, 13(5), 1620.
  2. Escalante, G., Stevenson, S. W., Barakat, C., Aragon, A. A., & Schoenfeld, B. J. (2021). Peak week recommendations for bodybuilders: An evidence based approach. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 13(1), 1-24.
  3. Jurado-Fasoli, L., Mochon-Benguigui, S., Castillo, M. J., & Amaro-Gahete, F. J. (2020). Association between sleep quality and time with energy metabolism in sedentary adults. Scientific reports, 10(1), 4598.
Copyright Brittany Werner
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Losing body fat and keeping it off can feel challenging, but with the right strategies, it’s absolutely achievable. As a registered dietitian nutritionist with over 17 years of experience, Brittany Werner, the Director of Coaching at Working Against Gravity, has helped thousands of clients reach their health goals. In this article, she shares her expert insights on how to effectively shed body fat for good. From understanding body fat types and the science of fat storage to focusing on a sustainable diet, incorporating both cardio and strength training, and improving lifestyle habits, Brittany lays out a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to long-term fat loss success. If you're ready to make lasting changes and transform your health, follow these proven tips and start your fat loss journey today.

Know Your Body Fat: Essential vs. Stored

Brittany WernerCopyright Brittany Werner

Body fat isn't all bad - we need some to survive. There are two types: essential fat (found in bones, liver, kidneys, intestines, and muscles) and stored fat (found in adipose tissue). When we talk about losing body fat, we're usually referring to reducing stored fat to improve our body composition. This is crucial because excess body fat can lead to serious health risks like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

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Understand How Your Body Stores and Burns Fat

Female doctor measuring waist of overweight woman with measuring tape in clinicShutterstock

Fat storage, known as lipogenesis, primarily occurs in the liver. Here, excess calories are converted into fatty acids and transported to adipose tissue for storage. To lose body fat, we need to create an energy imbalance by burning more calories than we consume. This process is the cornerstone of effective fat loss.

Identify What's Affecting Your Fat Loss

Fat woman, Obese woman hand holding excessive belly fat isolated on gym background, Overweight fatty belly of woman, Woman diet lifestyle concept to reduce belly and shape up healthy stomach muscle.Shutterstock

While energy balance is the primary factor in losing body fat, other elements play a role too. These include genetics, certain medical conditions, medications affecting appetite, societal pressures, sedentary lifestyles, and inadequate sleep. Understanding these factors can help you tailor your approach to fat loss.

Focus on Your Diet First

Brittany WernerCopyright Brittany Werner

When it comes to losing body fat, diet is king. It's much easier to create a caloric deficit through dietary changes than through exercise alone. The most effective approach combines a sustainable, balanced diet with enjoyable physical activity. Remember, fad diets often lead to short-term results and can even be harmful. Instead, focus on long-term, sustainable eating habits.

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Create a Safe Calorie Deficit

Nutrition facts. Close-up.Shutterstock

To lose body fat, you need to achieve a calorie deficit. This means consuming fewer calories than your body burns. The safest way to do this is by making small, sustainable changes to your diet and increasing your physical activity. Consult with a nutrition professional, such as a registered dietitian, to establish a nutrition plan tailored to your needs.

Create a Safe Calorie Deficit

Close up woman using meal tracker app on phone while eating salad at picnic table in the park on a break. Healthy balanced diet lunch box. Healthy diet plan for weight loss. Selective focusShutterstock

While diet is crucial, exercise plays a vital role in fat loss too. Regular physical activity increases your daily caloric burn and builds lean muscle mass, which can boost your resting metabolic rate. A combination of cardio and resistance training is most effective for fat loss. The key is finding activities you enjoy and can maintain long-term.

Mix Cardio and Strength Training for Best Results

Dedicated athletic woman running in nature and dawn.Shutterstock

For optimal fat loss, it's important to balance both cardio and strength training. Cardio helps burn calories during the activity, while strength training builds muscle mass, which increases your metabolism even at rest. Aim to include both types of exercise in your routine, adjusting the balance based on your personal preferences and goals.

Improve Your Lifestyle Habits

Good morning, new day, weekend, holiday. Happy Young Woman sets on Bed, teen Girl Stretching arms after sleep and enjoying morning in cozy comfort bedroom interiorShutterstock

Beyond diet and exercise, several lifestyle factors contribute to successful fat loss. Adequate sleep is crucial, as poor sleep patterns can disrupt hunger hormones and increase stress levels. Managing stress is equally important, as elevated cortisol levels can contribute to increased abdominal fat. Don't forget about hydration and moderate alcohol consumption, too.

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Consider Advanced Methods Carefully

Brittany WernerCopyright Brittany Werner

While there are advanced techniques and technologies available for fat loss, remember that the fundamental principle remains a calorie deficit. These advanced methods may offer additional support, but they're not magic solutions. Always consult with a professional before trying any new techniques or technologies.

Overcome Common Fat Loss Obstacles

A man sitting on the bench and looking at the seaShutterstock

Fat loss isn't always smooth sailing. You might encounter plateaus, where progress stalls despite continued efforts. To overcome these, try adjusting your caloric intake, changing up your exercise routine, or incorporating periodic refeeds. Emotional eating triggered by stress or boredom can also hinder progress. Find alternative coping mechanisms and seek support from friends and family. Remember, consistency is key. Working with a nutrition coach can help you establish a realistic, sustainable routine and set achievable goals.

Keep the Fat Off Long-Term

Mechanical weight scale, body mass control concept : Bathroom scale, personal accurate body fat tester / skin fold caliper measurement tool for stomach / belly and measuring tape on blue backgroundShutterstock

The real challenge often comes after you've lost the fat - keeping it off. The key to long-term success is finding a nutrition plan you can stick to consistently and enjoy. Prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods and regular physical activity. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Sustainable fat loss is about making lasting lifestyle changes, not quick fixes.

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Start Your Fat Loss Journey Today

Brittany WernerCopyright Brittany Werner

As you embark on your fat loss journey, remember this quote from Zig Ziglar: "If you are unwilling to learn, no one can help you. If you're determined to learn, no one can stop you." Be open to new ideas and willing to make challenging changes. Surround yourself with a supportive community, and don't give up - you're worth the fight. There will be hard days, but I promise you, the end goal of health is worth it. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

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We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to get rid of body fat but aren’t sure where to start? Mario Tomic is a fitness and nutrition coach who regularly shares videos to help people get in shape using research-based methods. In a new viral YouTube video, he reveals ten things you can do if you want to drop body fat fast. “I’m going to walk you through the exact steps I would take if I were back at 25 to 30% body fat and I wanted to get lean again,” he says in the clip.

Implement the Principles of Fat Loss

Mario starts by explaining that if he were out of shape right now, the first step he would take to start getting lean is implementing the first principles of fat loss. “These are the key behaviors that have the biggest impact on our body composition. And I know if I don't get these right, nothing else matters,” he says in the post.

Stay in a Calorie Deficit

So, what are these essentials? “Well, I know that I need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight that is non-negotiable,” he says. “I know my numbers well because I've done this before, and if you're not sure where to start, a simple formula to figure out your starting calorie intake will take your goal weight in pounds and multiply that by 12. For example, 170 pounds or 77 kilo goal weight, you take 170 times 12, that'll be 2040 calories per day.”

Increase Calories If You Are Losing Weight Too Fast

“You would start there. And if you're noticing that you're losing weight too quickly, let's say more than two pounds or one kilo per week, you can always increase your calorie intake to make it a bit more sustainable,” he says.

Make Sure Your Diet Is Mostly Unprocessed Foods

“We don't all agree on what the ‘best’ diet is to create that calorie deficit. Instead of looking at what each diet does differently, I would like to look at what the most successful methods have in common. And that is keeping your diet 80, 90% minimally processed food, keeping high protein intake, lots of vegetables and simple repeatable meals while at the same time cutting out sodas, snacks, junk food and alcohol,” he says.

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Lift Weights

The next thing to do as you are losing weight is to make sure you are not losing muscle, he says. “The best way to do that is lifting weights with the intent to get stronger. Here, I would start with a simple full-body training routine, five, or six exercises for all the major muscle groups three times per week and keeping the sessions to about an hour. That's more than enough,” he says.

Amp Up Your Protein Intake

“Also for building muscle and preserving muscle, I'd make sure that I'm getting my daily protein intake to about one gram per pound of my goal weight. So for 180 pounds or 81 kilos, that would be 180 grams of protein per day plus-minus 10 to 15 grams,” he says.

Prioritize Sleep

“Third, I would prioritize sleep,” he continues. “Sleep deprivation leads to less fat loss and more muscle loss and increases cravings and hunger, which makes staying consistent with fat loss incredibly difficult. Also, without good sleep, it's harder to recover and make progress in the gym. So my priority would be seven hours or more of high-quality sleep in a dark room with minimal interruptions and really make sure that I have a consistent sleeping schedule because I know that this will make everything easier.”

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Track Everything

His third recommendation? “Start tracking everything,” he says. “By everything, I mean daily body weight, step count, weekly waist size, food lifting, and sleep. If you're not doing this, you're practically self-sabotaging. Tracking is the fastest way to figure out what's working and what's not, especially when you're just starting out on your journey. This is the highest return on investment activity.” This way, there will be no surprises, and you can adjust things accordingly if you aren’t losing weight. “Also, tracking is the ultimate form of self-accountability,” he continues. “When you're tracking, it's hard to ignore the evidence. You can clearly see when you're losing progress, and you're more incentivized to stay consistent.”

Fully Immerse Yourself Into Fitness

“Now the third step I would take if I were starting over again is fully immerse myself into fitness,” he says. “ Immersion is one of the most powerful and underrated things when it comes to staying consistent because maybe right now nobody around you prioritizes getting lean or fitness in general. And if you don't create your own mental space that's focused on these goals, it's going to be much harder to ignore the distractions and stay on track.” You can do this by “building your routine of watching fitness videos, reading about fitness, learning about this doesn't have to be my videos,” he says. Also, surround yourself with people with similar goals.

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Finally, Be Adaptable

“Speaking of consistency, I would focus on being adaptable. As Darvin said, ‘It's not the strongest or the most intelligent that survive, but the most adaptable to change.’ I wouldn't go on this journey believing that it will all be perfect and a universe will conspire to arrange everything for me to get lean. No, that's delusional. Instead, I will trust my ability to adapt and learn. I know there will be a lot of mistakes, and this is actually what separates those who succeed from those who fail. Those who fail rely on one rigid plan. They try to force it into their life, and it might work on some days, but it won't work consistently. Those who succeed adapt.

It's not about perfection. It's about consistency. There's no perfect plan. No one knows exactly what's coming. But I can tell you one thing: if you trust your ability to adapt and figure it out as you go, you'll handle anything life throws at you, and you will ultimately get to your goal,” he says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 31 Fitness Tips Every Beginner Needs to Look Sexy, According to Coaches.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Do you want to lose belly fat? Jeremy Ethier is a kinesiologist fitness influencer with over 6.1 million YouTube followers and one million Instagram followers who uses his science-backed training to help people lose weight and get into great shape. In a recent viral video, he tackles belly fat. “Belly fat is really easy to gain but seems almost impossible to lose. Now, you're probably aware that your diet is the key to losing fat from this area, but you likely have no idea where to start, let alone how to keep fat loss going for long enough to get rid of the most stubborn areas,” he says. “Today, I'll show you step by step in three stages how to eat to start losing fat and how to keep that going until you successfully lose all of your belly fat and for good.”

You Are Likely Between 15 and 25 Percent Body Fat

Fat belly. Man with overweight abdomen. Weight loss concept.Shutterstock

“Before we dive into the three stages, let me explain what these stages mean and why you need them in the first place,” says Ethier. “So you're likely somewhere between a body fat of 15% and 25% or maybe even higher. Regardless of where you are right now, you need to lose enough fat from other areas of your body before your body starts prioritizing burning off your belly fat for energy.”

The Magic Starts Happening Around 15 Percent Body Fat

For most people, this starts to really happen around 15% body fat, he maintains. “By the time you reach around 12% or 10% body fat, your belly fat will be almost completely gone.” He notes that while your diet is key to achieving this, “the diet you use to get you from let's say 25% to 15% most often won't be enough to take you down to the next level of 12%. The same is true for going from 12% down to even 10%,” he says. “As you get leaner and leaner, there's certain things you need to be aware of and certain changes you should make with your diet to prevent you from getting stuck and to prevent you from losing muscle.”

Stage One: Kickstarting the Fat Loss Process

Male athlete measuring Body Composition with ScaleShutterstock

He starts with stage one. “The first stage is designed to kickstart the fat loss process and keep it going until you get to about 15% body fat. Throughout this stage, your hunger levels will be low.

Your risk of muscle loss will also be low, and physiologically it will be the easiest stage to get through,” he explains.

Start by Consuming Fewer Calories Than You Burn

Man choosing food from refrigerator in kitchen at night. Bad habitShutterstock

“The stage is actually quite simple. There's only two factors you need to focus on: calories and protein,” he says. “Let's first talk about calories. You don't need to completely cut out carbs, sugar, or any of your favorite foods. All you need to do is create what's known as an energy deficit to start forcing your body to burn body fat for energy. You create this deficit by consuming fewer calories than your body burns every day.”

Here’s How to Find Energy Deficit

Gray pencil, calculator and opened account bookShutterstock

“Now, to find the appropriate energy deficit for your body, take your body weight in pounds and multiply that by anywhere from 11 to 13. If you're a taller individual, younger, or more active, go with the higher end. If you're a shorter individual, older, or less active, go with the lower end. The number you get will be a rough estimate of the amount of calories you should eat every day, but to hit your goal calorie intake, some foods are better than others,” he says.

Stick to Low-Calorie Density Foods

Women housewife with cart shopping in supermarketShutterstock

“What I recommend is focusing on what's known as low calorie density foods. These are foods that for the amount of space they take up in your stomach will only add a relatively low amount of calories to your daily total,” he says. For example, you can eat a lot more strawberries or carrots than Oreos for 200 calories. “Not only that, but since low calorie density foods tend to be unprocessed, they also tend to require more calories to burn and digest the more processed foods,” he says.

This Can Make a Big Difference in Terms of Fat Loss

Unhealthy products. food bad for figure, skin, heart and teeth. Assortment of fast carbohydrates food.Shutterstock

“Now, as for how much of a difference this can make for fat loss, a recent 2019 paper took 20 adults and first ran them through a diet consisting of only high calorie density processed foods. For two weeks afterwards, they switched them to a diet of low calorie density unprocessed foods for two weeks. In both conditions, they were allowed to eat as much food as they wanted. The result, the processed foods diet led to almost two pounds of weight gain. Once they switched the unprocessed diet, however, their daily calorie intake dropped by over 500 calories and they ended up losing over two pounds,” he reveals.

Protein Will Help You Lose Fat Versus Muscle

High protein food for body builders as meat, fish, dairy, eggs, buckwheat, oatmeal, nuts, bean, pumpkin seed and sunflower seed. Top view.Shutterstock

Eating fewer calories will help you lose weight, but “you want as much of that weight loss to be from fat rather than muscle,” Ethier says. “This is where protein comes in. You need to start eating more of it. In fact, in studies in which subjects go on the same diet and lose the same amount of weight, the ones who eat more protein end up losing more fat and less muscle.”

Here’s How Much Protein You Should Eat

Steak of salmon fish in a black plate on digital scale displaying 200 gram.Shutterstock

He recommends eating one gram per centimeter of your height, “so if you're 175 centimeters tall (5.74 feet), try to eat around 175 grams (6.17 ounces.) of protein per day with the rest of your calories coming from carbs and fats. Whereas if you're a relatively lighter individual or closer to 15% body fat, then you'll want to multiply your body weight and pounds by 0.8 and, at a minimum, eat that many grams of protein per day. Now, this might sound like a lot at first, but as you'll see, it's pretty easy to do if you choose the right protein sources,” he says.

After You Get Down to 1%, You Are Ready for the Next Stage

Bodybuilder woman lifting curl bar barbell in modern gym. Front view. Muscles woman showing sixpack abs.Shutterstock

“So focus only on calories and protein every day, and if you're consistent, you'll be able to get your body fat all the way down to 15%, but at this point is when you'll likely need to refine your approach to continue getting results,” he says.m

Stage Two: Get More Precise with Your Approach

Slim attractive young man using fat caliper to measure bodyfat on waist line.Shutterstock

“This is where stage two comes in, which evolves going from 15% down to 12% body fat. By this point, you'll be hungrier, your fat loss will slow down, and you'll be at a slightly greater risk of muscle loss. This is where most people get stuck,” says Ethier. “There are two things that will help you overcome this. First, you need to get more precise with your approach from stage one, as your body loses more and more fat, your metabolism will decrease and you'll start burning fewer calories per day. This is your body's way of protecting its remaining fat source. This means the energy deficit you used in stage one to get down to 15% body fat may no longer be enough to get you down to 12% body fat.”

Track Your Daily Calorie Intake

CALORIE counting counter application Medical eating healthy Diet conceptShutterstock

“To overcome this, if you haven't yet been doing so, you should start tracking your daily calorie intake and doing so more carefully,” Ethier continues, noting that research has shown the average person will think they eat about 429 fewer calories per day on average than they actually do. “So even if just temporarily measure out your food to see how many calories you're actually consuming and ensure you're in an energy deficit,” he says.

RELATED:The Number 1 Diet to Lose Body Fat, According to an Expert

Also, Start Looking at Your Carb and Fat Intake

Healthy Food: Best Sources of Carbs on a wooden table. Top viewShutterstock

During this stage, you'll also want to start addressing your carb and fat intake. “Take a look at this list of carbs and fats. Although healthy fats are needed in your diet on a gram-per-gram basis, fats contain more than twice as many calories as carbs do. Because of this, an effective approach is to keep your protein intake high as is but lower your daily fat intake to the lower end of what's recommended for general health. This is about 20 to 25% of your daily calorie intake,” he says.

Now You Can Intro More Carbs Into Your Diet

Portrait of proud bodybuilder boasting his arm muscles taking selfie in gym mirror flexing biceps after working outShutterstock

As a result, you'll now have room to introduce more carbs into your diet. “These extra carbs can not only help you better manage your hunger levels, but they'll also provide you with a boost in energy to support your daily activities and performance in the gym, helping you burn more calories every day and better maintain your muscle mass. Make these two weeks, and if you're consistent, you'll be able to get down to around 12% of body fat,” he claims.

Stage Three: Discipline and Sacrifice


This is where stage three comes in. “This is the most difficult stage,” Ethier maintains. “While consistency with what we mentioned earlier will be the key to progressing through the stage, it's going to require more discipline and sacrifice.”

You Will Need to Be Eating High Volume Foods

Beautiful young couple having fun in the kitchen while cooking.Shutterstock

“First off, not only will you very likely have to be accurately tracking your calories every day, you'll also want to ensure your daily meals are making the best use of the limited calories you have. At this point, your hunger levels will be the highest they've been, so most of your meals throughout the day will need to come from high-volume foods that will help you stay full for fewer calories,” says Ethier.

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You Will Need to Make Better Choices Eating Out and Might Want to Consider Quitting Drinking

Multiracial happy friends cheering and drinking mojitos at beach party - Focus on left hand holding cocktailShutterstock

“You don't have to eliminate it completely, but you will have to make wise choices when you're out and make sure that you plan in advance for big meals out or for alcohol, both of which can drastically increase your calorie intake without you even realizing,” he says.

He Recommends Sticking to a Body Fat of 12 to 15%

A woman using a body fat scale at the gymShutterstock

“Lastly, ask yourself if the sacrifices are worth it. In my opinion, for most natural lifters, a body fat of around 12 to 15% is the most sustainable physique,” Ethier states. “It's practical to maintain. You get the health benefits of being leaner, and you'll still look great, especially if you have a good amount of muscle on you and well-developed abs from training them while getting leaner than this. Yes, it's going to provide a bit more definition than cuts. It not only requires a lot more sacrifice, but for many people, that's when daily energy levels will start to be negatively effective.”

You Can Get Down to 10% If You Really Want

Mechanical weight scale, body mass control concept : Bathroom scale, personal accurate body fat tester / skin fold caliper measurement tool for stomach / belly and measuring tape on blue backgroundShutterstock

“So while you definitely can get to 10% body fat by pushing through with what you've learned, at least consider hanging around at a higher level of body fat first and be proud of how far you've come and realize that the extra push just may not be worth it, especially if you can't maintain it overall, guys, the strategy when it comes to your nutrition is actually quite simple,” he says.

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Be Consistent

Young muscular smiling couple celebrating after successful hard workout at the garage.Shutterstock

The hard part? “Staying consistent with it,” Ethier concludes. “You have to be clear about what your goals are and then find what you personally enjoy and can stick to consistently in the long run.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

people, diet, culinary and food concept - hungry young woman eating meat on fork over kitchen background

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Do you want to burn fat without having to make major changes to your life? According to experts, there are a few simple things you can do to majorly amplify fat loss. Mike Diamonds, MD, founder of Sculpt by Science, is social media famous for sharing helpful hacks on how to get into shape and lose weight. In a recent clip, he reveals some little-known tips for burning belly fat. “These are five fat loss cheat codes. I wish I knew when I started,” he says at the start of the YouTube Shorts clip. We also asked our Resident RDN, The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, and co-author of the Flat Belly Cookbook for Dummies, to weigh in.

Walk for Cardio


“Number one, walking should be your main form of cardio,” says Diamonds, citing research that has shown that it burns the most fat. “I’m not sure it actually burns the most fat, but low to moderate intensity cardio is great, especially for beginners,” says Collingood. “Walking is simple—it doesn't take any equipment other than a good pair of shoes,” she adds. It can also be social. “Meet friends or family or take the dog with you for a nice brisk walk.”

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High Protein Diet

Grilled top sirloin or cup rump beef meat steak on marble board. Black background. Top viewShutterstock

Next, “the formula to being able to build muscle and lose fat is a high protein diet,” claims Diamonds. “30 to 50 grams per meal multiplied by a caloric deficit and weightlifting.” Collingwood agrees that you “definitely want protein to maintain and build muscle,” adding that it also keeps you satisfied.

Seven to Eight Hours of Sleep


“Three, sleep a minimum of seven to eight hours,” says Diamonds. “Sleeping any less will feel like playing Call of Duty or FIFA in hard mode.” Collingwood agrees that sleep is “absolutely necessary,” recommending 7 to 9 hours “to recover the body and help with hormone regulation.”

Morning Workouts and Exercise in Afternoon


“Train in the morning and eat in the afternoon. Myself and my clients find the most productive formula is to train in the morning and then break your fast after midday,” claims Diamonds. “Morning is great for training but if you wait several hours to eat you are leaving yourself open to poor recovery,” notes Collingwood. “It is better to eat something within an hour after training, especially if training is intense or long.”

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Eat the Same Food Every Day for a Week

Beautiful young sports people are talking and smiling while cooking healthy food in kitchen at homeShutterstock

And his last tip, “track your diet for one day and then eat the same food every day for a week. This will make your journey so much easier,” he says. “Tracking what you eat can be very eye opening, but it’s not necessary to eat the same thing every day,” says Collingwood. “Variety is better for the gut microbiome and to keep you from getting bored or feeling deprived.”

💪🔥Body Booster: In order to maximize belly fat, start by taking a look at your diet and making sure you are meeting the protein recommendations for your height, weight, and gender.

Dr. Jennifer Caudle, DO, FACOFP drjencaudle
Copyright drjencaudle/Instagram

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Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Many of us have heard about the remarkable results people are experiencing with Ozempic and Wegovy for weight loss. But what happens when treatment ends? Dr. Jennifer Caudle, DO, FACOFP, known to many as Dr. Jen, is a board-certified Family Medicine physician and Associate Professor at Rowan University-School of Osteopathic Medicine who understands these concerns. Understanding these medications and their effects after discontinuation is crucial for anyone considering or currently taking them. Read on to discover the five key changes your body may experience when stopping these medications.

What Are Ozempic and Wegovy?

Before diving into what happens when you stop these medications, it's important to understand what they are. "Ozempic is FDA-approved for diabetes. Wegovy is FDA-approved to help with weight loss," Dr. Jen explains in her post. She notes that both medications contain the active ingredient semaglutide, which is why many people take Ozempic off-label for weight loss as well.

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Blood Sugar Changes

Woman use glucometer checking blood sugar level


The first significant change when stopping these medications affects your glucose levels. "Your blood sugar will likely go up," says Dr. Jen. She explains this happens because these medications are designed to lower blood sugar, so removing them naturally allows levels to rise again. "Depending on who you are will determine the significance of that," Dr. Jen cautions, emphasizing that for diabetics, this change could be particularly important and might require replacement medications.

Appetite Returns

upset woman in pajamas looking at camera while eating cake in bed aloneWhat Happens to Your Body When You Stop Emotional EatingShutterstock

One of the most noticeable effects of discontinuing Ozempic or Wegovy is the return of your pre-medication appetite. "Your appetite may increase when you stop these medications," warns Dr. Jen. She explains that many of her patients appreciate how these drugs reduce cravings and hunger while taking them. "If you go off the medication, your appetite very likely will return. So you've got to be prepared for that," Dr. Jen advises.

Side Effects Disappear

handsome man feeling sick after the party put his head in toillet and vomit. Strong headachesShutterstock

There's a silver lining to stopping these medications if you've been experiencing adverse effects. "Side effects that many people say they have with these medications can be things like nausea or vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, abdominal cramping," Dr. Jen lists. She points out that gastrointestinal issues are the most common, but other effects like headaches can occur as well. "Should you stop them, if you had these side effects, they're likely going to go away," Dr. Jen reassures.

RELATED:20 Possible Ozempic Side Effects

Weight Loss Benefits End

Menopause, weight gain. Concerned woman standing on floor scales in bathroomShutterstock

Perhaps the biggest concern for many people is what happens to their weight after stopping. "One of the big side effects of these medications is weight loss. It's one of the reasons why so many people take these medications," acknowledges Dr. Jen. She explains that when you stop taking Ozempic or Wegovy, "the additional help that you're getting from the medications to help you with weight loss will go away too."

Will all the weight return? Dr. Jen says that's complicated: "That's going to depend on you, your body, what things you're doing to try to maintain your weight loss, how you're managing your diet, your exercise and all the other things in your life." She confirms that many people do regain weight after stopping but emphasizes that this isn't inevitable with proper maintenance strategies.

Cardiovascular Benefits Cease

ozempic_wegovy-split2Wegovy vs Ozempic: Pros and Cons for Weight Loss TreatmentShutterstock

The final important change involves heart health. "There have been studies that have shown that both Ozempic and Wegovy have cardiovascular benefits," Dr. Jen points out. These medications have been shown to reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular issues. Unfortunately, "when you stop the medication, those benefits that these medications afford you will go away," explains Dr. Jen.

RELATED:What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Taking Ozempic


Santiago, Chile, august 16th, 2023. Pen injection of semaglutide named \u201cozempic\u201d, is a diabetes medicine to improve blood sugar​And Now, Some Are Recommending MicrodosingShutterstock

Whether you're considering starting or stopping these medications, understanding these five potential changes is essential for making informed decisions about your health. Dr. Jen emphasizes that this information isn't meant to judge anyone's choice to use or discontinue these medications—rather, it's about being prepared for what might happen. As with any medication change, consult with your healthcare provider before making decisions about Ozempic or Wegovy.

Hana Carrier carrierfitness
Copyright carrierfitness/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to shape up by spring? It might be time to incorporate some new, healthy habits into your routine. Hana Carrier is a fitness coach who helps women get into their best shape ever. In a new social media post, she reveals her strategy for losing weight fast. “Here is what I would do to lose 10 pounds before spring break as a transformation specialist for single moms,” she writes.

Get in a Calorie Deficit

“Get in reasonable caloric deficit,” she says. “Everyones deficit is different but if you go too low- you won’t be able to last for too long. Aim for 500-700 less than you maintenance calories,” she says.

Track Every Bite

The next thing you need to do is keep track of the food you are eating. “Track every bite- You would be surprised how many extra calories those bites and licks add up too,” she says.

Add Protein to Every Meal

Third, add protein to every meal. “Aim for 25-50 grams per meal. Protein will help you feel full longer and it will also help you balance those sugar crashes,” she says.

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Add Veggies Too

She also recommends adding veggies, 2 to 3 times daily. “Veggies are a great way to feel full without racking up the calories,” she says. “Plus they are great for your health.”

Strength Training 3 to 4 Times a Week

“Strength training 3 to 4 times a week, is another key habit. “This won’t help you lose much weight quicky but it will help you build more muscle mass so you can burn more calories daily over time. Plus who does not want to look toned and strong. These workouts don’t need to be an hour long. 30-45 min is enough,” she says.

Walk 8,000 Steps Per Day

Also, get your steps in. “8K steps daily (add weighted vet to your walks when possible)- start moving more. Get a step tracker and aim for 8 K steps daily if possible,” she suggests.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Eat 3 to 4 Times a Day

Make sure to eat enough. She recommends three to four times a day. “You don’t need 6 meals per day. Focus on 3-4 filling meals,” she says.

Meal Prep Twice a Week

Mealing prepping will also help you achieve your goals. She recommends doing it twice a week. “Fail to prep- prep to fail. It is soo much easier when you have the right foods ready,” she says.

Stop Drinking Alcohol

Don’t drink your calories. “Stop drinking alcohol,” she suggests. “Drinking alcohol stops you from losing fat- your body takes time to metabolize the alcohol(24-48 hours) and while your body is metabolizing the alcohol, fat burning stops.”


Her last recommends is to hydrate. “Drink 2-3 L of water. It will help you speed up your metabolism but also feel full,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Breanna Henry breehenryy
Copyright breehenryy/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you struggling on your weight loss journey? One weight loss warrior shares her effective, step-by-step approach to her impressive transformation. Breanna Henry is a swimwear and activewear founder who lost weight and transformed her body, regularly sharing about how she did it on social media. In a new post, she offers some tips. “How to transform your body in five easy steps,” she writes in the Instagram post.

You Need to Break Your Old Habits

“HOW I FINALLY LOST THE WEIGHT AND KEPT IT OFF!!!” she continues. “Maybe ‘easy’ isn’t the word. It will be difficult to break the old habits you’ve instilled. But they’re simple rules,” she says. “My weight fluctuated for years and I always felt like I had to ‘cut’ or ‘diet.’”

These 5 Changes Helped Her Lose Weight

“Once I made these 5 changes, I’ve been able to lose the weight. Anytime it feels like I’m putting weight on, I evaluate where I’m slipping up with one of these and get back on track and I’m good to go,” she says. “It doesn’t have to be difficult and confusing. Dumb it down and get it done.”

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Step One: Improve Sleep

The first step is to improve sleep. “Cold temperature at night and sleep in less clothing magnesium before bed. I mask to make it dark. No phone in bed,” she continues. “Charge it in another room. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same times every day. Sunlight in your eyes, first thing in the morning.”

Step Two: Eat Regularly

Her second step has to do with nutrition. “Eat to prevent crazy glucose spikes. Eat greens first, then protein and fats, then carbs. Never eat carbs by themselves. Decrease overall sugar intake,” she says.

Step Three: Eat More Protein

Her third step? Amp up your protein intake. “Eat more protein. Eat as much meat, fish and eggs as you please,” she says.

RELATED: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Step Four: Focus Your Diet Around Whole Foods

Step four? Most of your diet should be whole foods like meat, fish, eggs, fruit, and veggies. “Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store where things have to be refrigerated. Foods that don't have ingredient labels,” she says.

Step Five: Exercise

The final step is “balanced training,” she says. “Strength train two to three days a week. Some form of endurance training once a week, 10 to 15,000 steps per day. The remaining of exercise to be lower intensity, Pilates, yoga, something fun outdoors. Occasional HIIT workouts to challenge yourself, but not multiple times per week. Allow time for recovery. Better to train harder on fewer days. Exercise doesn't have to be the gem. It can be pickleball, roller skating, long walks with friends, run club to socialize.”