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7 Pilates Moves for Core Strength You Can Do at Home

Boost core strength with these simple moves you can do anywhere.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Kamille McCollum
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

The core is your powerhouse and that is where all kinds of movement comes from. And whether you realize it or not, most Pilates exercises engage the core. You use your core to perform functional movement, such as sitting down, standing up, walking, bending down, squatting etc. If you don’t strengthen your core, you can open yourself up to injuries, poor posture and muscle pain. Keeping that core strong can lead to a better quality of life, because it will help you perform functional movement without pain and lowers your risk of injuries. You may also have better energy and endurance. Here are 7 pilates moves for core strength you can do at home.

Start With Stretching


If you're doing Pilates at home without a reformer, it’s called mat Pilates. Always start with a little bit of stretching and warm up your muscles. If you want to intensify your home Pilates workout, you can add hand weights or ankle weights. There are a lot of Pilates videos available online, but be sure to select a program that is inline with your abilities. If you’ve never done Pilates before, start with a beginner video. If after a few workouts it seems too easy, then advance to an intermediate workout. Remember to listen to your body. Take breaks. Pilates should not hurt. So if something doesn't feel good, then maybe checking that form and making sure that the form is correct before you continue moving.

Begin Your Mat Pilates With a Plank

Concentrated beautiful young sportswoman doing plank exercise on mat in gymShutterstock

I think that the best one to start with is a plank. Start on all fours with your wrists right underneath your shoulders. Step one foot back, then the other so your legs are straight. You can have space between your feet for an extra wider base or keep your feet together for a harder challenge. Engage the core by pulling the belly button towards your spine the whole time. Keep that spine nice and long. Your back should be flat back. Holding it for however long you can do it, whether it's 10 seconds or two minutes. Here are five key moves to do next.


Beautiful young woman wearing black sportswear practicing yoga, doing Paripurna Navasana exercise on mat, balance pose, attractive sporty girl working out at home or in yoga studio with grey wallsShutterstock

Sit back on your tailbone. Keep your spine long, but at a 45 degree angle. Legs come up to tabletop, bringing your ankles in line with your knees. Start extending one leg out into a straight leg and then bringing it back in and then switch legs. If you’re ready for a challenge, extend both legs out straight while you're balancing on your tailbone pulling the belly button towards your spine scooping through the belly.

Side Plank

Portrait of a handsome man doing side plank at gymShutterstock

You can also work into your obliques you can do a side plank. So same kind of concept as a plank but you're just on one forearm or one wrist facing the wall. Stack your feet on top of each other and put the free hand on the ground for stability or on the hip or up toward the sky for a little challenge,. Hold the position as long as you can then switch to the other side. You have the option to drop the lower knee down if you need to modify the movement.

Scramble Eggs

A girl in gray t-shirt and leggings workout sport at home on blue rug near palm tree in white pot and white laptop on ceramic wooden tileShutterstock

Start on all fours. Knees on the ground. Palms are down. Extend one arm out in front of you in with your wrist in line with your shoulder and then extend the opposite leg out and you hold there and then you can drop it down take it to the other side and you can even have a little advancements of moving that opposite arm and opposite leg kind of out to the side bring yourself back in trying to hold stable the whole time.

Roll Up


Plant your feet on the ground. You can even have something kind of over your feet so that your legs don't move. Lay all the way back long and straight arms extend overhead and then using your core lifting yourself all the way back up to seated and then scooping through the belly, slowly roll yourself back down.

Russian Twist

,Sporty,Russian,Twists, abs exercises sit up, kettlebell, kettleball, gym, Personal, trainerShutterstock

Sit back on your tailbone. Feet can be on the floor to start. Place your hands in a prayer position at heart center and then you can twist from side to side working into those obliques. To advance the exercise, bring those legs up to a tabletop position. Keep those ankles in line with knees and then twist side to side. Either one is challenging.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Close up of woman back with flexing her muscles in sweat on skin after workout. Female bodybuilder with perfect bicepsShutterstock

Always be aware of your spinal position. You're either rounding the back or you have a flat back but you're never getting that sway in the back or arching too much. If you start to feel any kind of pull in that lower back, you want to stop, pause and reset because you don't want to irritate your lower back. A lot of times with Pilates exercises, especially if you get into a challenging position, you might start to tense up your neck and shoulders. When you feel that tension, be sure to reset. Roll those shoulders down, and keep the shoulders away from the ears.

RELATED:11 Barre Moves That Sculpt Your Body

Final Word From the Expert

Home workout - woman exercising in front of a flat screen watching a fitness program or exercising during a TV show lying on a yoga mat in front of the sofa in the living room of a house or apartment.Shutterstock

Anytime that you get the chance, do a few core exercises at home. It is so beneficial. Whether you're sitting down watching TV, spend the first five minutes of your show doing some exercises on the floor thinking about how your core strength is affects, being able to get on the ground and play with your kids or maybe bending over gardening doing any of those kind of things moving laundry from the washer to the dryer keeping that core engaged at all times is really beneficial for your quality of life. And then also just being willing to try once you've done Pilates at home then maybe being willing to jump in and find a local Studio to take classes at and expand your practice there. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss This Is Exactly How to Lose Body Fat This Year.

Kamille McCollum is a certified pilates trainer and COO of BODYBAR Franchising

More For You

Kamille McCollum
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

The core is your powerhouse and that is where all kinds of movement comes from. And whether you realize it or not, most Pilates exercises engage the core. You use your core to perform functional movement, such as sitting down, standing up, walking, bending down, squatting etc. If you don’t strengthen your core, you can open yourself up to injuries, poor posture and muscle pain. Keeping that core strong can lead to a better quality of life, because it will help you perform functional movement without pain and lowers your risk of injuries. You may also have better energy and endurance. Here are 7 pilates moves for core strength you can do at home.

Start With Stretching


If you're doing Pilates at home without a reformer, it’s called mat Pilates. Always start with a little bit of stretching and warm up your muscles. If you want to intensify your home Pilates workout, you can add hand weights or ankle weights. There are a lot of Pilates videos available online, but be sure to select a program that is inline with your abilities. If you’ve never done Pilates before, start with a beginner video. If after a few workouts it seems too easy, then advance to an intermediate workout. Remember to listen to your body. Take breaks. Pilates should not hurt. So if something doesn't feel good, then maybe checking that form and making sure that the form is correct before you continue moving.

Begin Your Mat Pilates With a Plank

Concentrated beautiful young sportswoman doing plank exercise on mat in gymShutterstock

I think that the best one to start with is a plank. Start on all fours with your wrists right underneath your shoulders. Step one foot back, then the other so your legs are straight. You can have space between your feet for an extra wider base or keep your feet together for a harder challenge. Engage the core by pulling the belly button towards your spine the whole time. Keep that spine nice and long. Your back should be flat back. Holding it for however long you can do it, whether it's 10 seconds or two minutes. Here are five key moves to do next.


Beautiful young woman wearing black sportswear practicing yoga, doing Paripurna Navasana exercise on mat, balance pose, attractive sporty girl working out at home or in yoga studio with grey wallsShutterstock

Sit back on your tailbone. Keep your spine long, but at a 45 degree angle. Legs come up to tabletop, bringing your ankles in line with your knees. Start extending one leg out into a straight leg and then bringing it back in and then switch legs. If you’re ready for a challenge, extend both legs out straight while you're balancing on your tailbone pulling the belly button towards your spine scooping through the belly.

Side Plank

Portrait of a handsome man doing side plank at gymShutterstock

You can also work into your obliques you can do a side plank. So same kind of concept as a plank but you're just on one forearm or one wrist facing the wall. Stack your feet on top of each other and put the free hand on the ground for stability or on the hip or up toward the sky for a little challenge,. Hold the position as long as you can then switch to the other side. You have the option to drop the lower knee down if you need to modify the movement.

Scramble Eggs

A girl in gray t-shirt and leggings workout sport at home on blue rug near palm tree in white pot and white laptop on ceramic wooden tileShutterstock

Start on all fours. Knees on the ground. Palms are down. Extend one arm out in front of you in with your wrist in line with your shoulder and then extend the opposite leg out and you hold there and then you can drop it down take it to the other side and you can even have a little advancements of moving that opposite arm and opposite leg kind of out to the side bring yourself back in trying to hold stable the whole time.

Roll Up


Plant your feet on the ground. You can even have something kind of over your feet so that your legs don't move. Lay all the way back long and straight arms extend overhead and then using your core lifting yourself all the way back up to seated and then scooping through the belly, slowly roll yourself back down.

Russian Twist

,Sporty,Russian,Twists, abs exercises sit up, kettlebell, kettleball, gym, Personal, trainerShutterstock

Sit back on your tailbone. Feet can be on the floor to start. Place your hands in a prayer position at heart center and then you can twist from side to side working into those obliques. To advance the exercise, bring those legs up to a tabletop position. Keep those ankles in line with knees and then twist side to side. Either one is challenging.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Close up of woman back with flexing her muscles in sweat on skin after workout. Female bodybuilder with perfect bicepsShutterstock

Always be aware of your spinal position. You're either rounding the back or you have a flat back but you're never getting that sway in the back or arching too much. If you start to feel any kind of pull in that lower back, you want to stop, pause and reset because you don't want to irritate your lower back. A lot of times with Pilates exercises, especially if you get into a challenging position, you might start to tense up your neck and shoulders. When you feel that tension, be sure to reset. Roll those shoulders down, and keep the shoulders away from the ears.

RELATED:11 Barre Moves That Sculpt Your Body

Final Word From the Expert

Home workout - woman exercising in front of a flat screen watching a fitness program or exercising during a TV show lying on a yoga mat in front of the sofa in the living room of a house or apartment.Shutterstock

Anytime that you get the chance, do a few core exercises at home. It is so beneficial. Whether you're sitting down watching TV, spend the first five minutes of your show doing some exercises on the floor thinking about how your core strength is affects, being able to get on the ground and play with your kids or maybe bending over gardening doing any of those kind of things moving laundry from the washer to the dryer keeping that core engaged at all times is really beneficial for your quality of life. And then also just being willing to try once you've done Pilates at home then maybe being willing to jump in and find a local Studio to take classes at and expand your practice there. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss This Is Exactly How to Lose Body Fat This Year.

Kamille McCollum is a certified pilates trainer and COO of BODYBAR Franchising
Coach Tyler Warrior Made WeShape
Copyright WeShape/YouTube

Starting a core workout routine can feel intimidating, especially when you're new to exercise. Finding movements that are both effective and doable can seem like an impossible task. But what if you could build core strength with just four simple exercises from your living room?

"Core exercises are the foundation of your entire body. Every movement you make stems from your core," explains Coach Tyler from Warrior Made. With thousands of success stories from his online training programs, Tyler specializes in helping complete beginners transform their bodies through simple, at-home workouts. "In order to slim down your waistline and get toned, you need to be following the right exercises in a progressive order," he shares.

Master the Reverse Crunch First

Cute girl with dark hair wearing pink snickers, dark leggings and black short top doing reverse crunch at gym, fitness, white wall and wooden floor.Shutterstock

Your core journey begins with the reverse crunch. "The most common thing that people do with reverse crunch is as they bring their legs down, their lower back lifts off the ground," Tyler explains in his post. To perform this correctly, lie on your back and press your lower back firmly into the ground. Make a diamond shape with your hands and place them under your tailbone. Inhale as you lower your heels toward the ground, and exhale while bringing your knees back to your chest.

Build Strength With the Kneeling Plank

Plank on knees. Young woman doing sport exercise.


The kneeling plank provides a stable foundation for beginners. "Most people plank and they stick their butt up in the air," Tyler notes. Instead, start in a kneeling position with your elbows on the ground. The key is to "squeeze your glute, squeeze your button muscles as tight as you can." This action brings your body into perfect alignment from knees through hips to shoulders. Remember to tuck your chin and think about dragging your elbows toward your hips to engage your core fully.

Progress to Mountain Climbers


As your strength builds, try the mountain climber. "Start slow and use small range of motion at first," Tyler advises. Begin in a pushup position with hands flat on the ground. Alternate bringing each knee forward, as if running in place. If this proves challenging, Tyler offers a modification: "Try using a chair or the back of a couch to make it even easier for you."

Complete With the Kneeling Inchworm

Athletic 30 woman doing pilates exercise standing in a pose on all fours on gym mat in starting position. Body power training. Concept of active morning ritual. Breathing yoga practice concentration.


The final exercise, the kneeling inchworm, combines control with core engagement. Start on your knees with hands close by, squeeze your glutes tight, and walk your hands forward. As Tyler instructs, "Keep your elbows as locked as you can, and walk your body out as far as you can." Use your shoulder blades, not your elbows, to control the movement.

Create Your Workout Flow

Uses a fitness watch bracelet. woman sports lifestyle fitness in the city cardio endurance training.Shutterstock

For each exercise, Tyler recommends a 30-second duration. "You can get a great core workout in just two minutes," he explains. This makes the routine perfect for beginners who are just starting their fitness journey. Focus on form rather than speed, and remember that consistency matters more than intensity.

Stay Safe and Progress Gradually

Female doctor filling patient insurance information


Before starting any new exercise routine, Tyler emphasizes, "You should consult with your personal care provider before you take on any new exercise program." Listen to your body, start slowly, and gradually increase intensity as movements become more comfortable.

Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and these four foundational moves provide everything you need to begin building core strength at home. As Tyler reminds us, "We use similar workouts just like this with thousands of our members to achieve incredible results." Start your core journey today with these proven beginner-friendly exercises. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss these 3 Simple Stretches Made This Coach More Flexible in 2 Weeks


FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Is your busy life making it hard to work out? You're not alone. Many of us wish for a quick, easy routine we could do anywhere. Good news! Jordan Tredinnick, an expert trainer, has created a 10-minute workout perfect for beginners and shared it on YouTube. No gym or equipment is needed. We also asked Paige Johnson, a fitness teacher, to explain why a strong core matters. Keep reading to learn how 10 minutes a day can help you get stronger and healthier.

10-Minute Workout to Strengthen Your Core for Beginners

1. Start on All Fours

Jordan begins the routine by having you come onto your hands and knees. "When I talk about core activation, I don't want you to think of sucking your stomach in, but more of a general brace and squeeze," she explains in her video. This position allows for a neutral spine and proper core engagement.

2. Leg Extensions

From the hands and knees position, Jordan instructs, "You're going to go ahead and extend one leg straight back, taking it down and then switch." This movement engages the core while also working the glutes and lower back muscles.

3. Arm Extensions

Next, Jordan has you focus on arm movements. "Staying in that tabletop position, bracing your core, but now extending only your arms out. Every time you extend out, I want you to exhale," she says. This exercise helps improve balance and core stability.

4. Bird Dog Exercise

Combining the previous two movements, Jordan guides you through the bird dog exercise. "You're going to reach opposite arm and leg out. Take it back down and switch," she instructs. This exercise is excellent for improving coordination and strengthening the entire core.

5. Bear Crawl Hold

Jordan introduces the bear crawl hold, saying, "You're going to tuck those toes under, bracing through that lower abdominals, and you're going to lift just the knees up right here and hold it." This isometric hold challenges your core stability and endurance.

6. Side Plank with Leg Lift

Moving to the side, Jordan guides you through a modified side plank with a leg lift. "Bottom knee is going to stay down on your mat. You're going to lift your hips up, and then you're going to go into a leg lift," she explains. This exercise targets the obliques and hip muscles.

7. Side Plank with Arm Rotation

Jordan adds a variation to the side plank. "Take that top arm up and you're going to do a little rotation of that torso," she instructs. This movement further engages the obliques and improves rotational stability.

8. Dead Bug Exercise

Flipping onto your back, Jordan leads you through the dead bug exercise. "Arms are coming straight up, engaging, bracing, especially think about your lower abdominals here," she says. This exercise is excellent for core stability and coordination.

9. Glute Bridge

The routine concludes with glute bridges. Jordan instructs, "Press your hips up, core tight, lower back down, but keep tension so you're not setting all the way back down in between." This exercise engages the entire posterior chain while maintaining core activation.

The Importance of Core Strength

Paige Johnson emphasizes the importance of core strength beyond just aesthetics. "Core health is often a misunderstood term," she explains. "Core stability and strength include the abdominals and the deeper intrinsic core muscles and the muscles of the back and the muscles that attach to the pelvis, including the glutes."

RELATED:Perfect Your Posture in 100 Seconds With This Simple “Titanic” Exercise

Benefits of a Strong Core

Young woman feeling pain in spine back after sedentary computer work sitting in bad posture on sofa at home, tired girl rubbing backache tensed muscles suffers from lower lumbar kidney ache, backpainShutterstock

According to Paige, a weak core can lead to various health issues. "You might get the following health issues with a weak core: general fatigue, weakness, digestive issues, from a weak abdominal wall increased risk for injuries to the neck, shoulders, back, hips, and knees," she warns. A strong core can help prevent these issues and improve overall quality of life.

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Incorporating Core Work into Your Routine

Overhead shot of muscular and fit young woman doing stretching workout exercise mat. Fitness female lying on mat with stretching her hands.Shutterstock

Both experts agree that core work should be a regular part of your fitness routine. Jordan's 10-minute routine is an excellent start, while Paige suggests, "Find a strength-training-based Pilates class. At Mantra, we focus on strengthening the entire body, as one complete functioning unit."

Consistency is key. As Jordan says, "This is a great routine for beginners. Maybe you haven't ever done any core work before. Maybe you're really deconditioned for me." Start with this routine and gradually increase the intensity as you build strength and confidence. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.


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Does your lower back feel stiff after sitting at your desk all day? Or maybe you're worried about injuring yourself during workouts? You're not alone. In fact, most people are doing their core exercises wrong – and it's putting their backs at risk.

Anna Atras, a Pilates and Mobility Coach, has spent years helping clients overcome back pain through proper core training. "Many people think the core is simply the six-pack abs, but that's incorrect," she explains. In this comprehensive guide, she shares her most effective moves for building a bulletproof back.

Ready to learn the right way to train your core and prevent back pain? Let's dive into Anna's proven 8-move system, from fundamental techniques to advanced variations.

Why Traditional Core Training Fails Your Back

"In scientific literature, we refer to the core as a three-dimensional space with muscular boundaries – essentially a muscular box," Anna explains in her post. She describes how this box comprises 29 pairs of muscles that work together to stabilize your pelvis and lower back during movement, including the diaphragm, pelvic floor, and abdominal wall muscles.

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The Hidden Connection Between Core and Back Pain

"Core stability is simply the ability to control the position of this region, abdominal and lower back region, and specifically of the lumbopelvic hip complex," Anna explains. This complex system creates what she calls "a corset-like stabilization effect around trunk and lower back spine and also pelvis," which is crucial for maintaining a neutral spine position.

Move 1: Master Your Breathing Foundation

Young white woman doing breathing practice during meditation indoorsShutterstock

Anna starts every client with proper breathing mechanics: "At the start of your core stability enhancement journey, you could start with diaphragmatic breathing, make sure the diaphragm is doing its job." She suggests practicing abdominal hollowing ("drawing navel towards the spine") and abdominal bracing, which she describes as "wrapping a belt around the belly or even using your hands and pressing into the abdomen."

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Moves 2-4: The Essential Trio

For beginners, Anna recommends three key exercises:

  1. Knee Hovers: "Maintaining neutral spine and you see every time you lift, you exhale, you brace, you can see abdominals kicking in immediately."
  2. Modified Side Plank: "Create a straight line from the tailbone through the spine to the crown of head, holding for 10 seconds."
  3. Supine Bridge: "Drive your pubis up or your pelvis up tucking tailbone under... don't flare your ribs to the ceiling."

Move 5: The Bird Dog Progression

"It's all about creating stiffness through the midsection, creating stability around the lumbar spine," Anna explains when describing the bird dog exercise. She emphasizes proper form: "Don't lift the arm or leg too high and try to maintain that neutral position of the back. Don't hyperextend, don't let the pelvis rotate."

Move 6: The Marching Bridge

As you build strength, Anna introduces movement: "Try marching on the spot. From the bridge, you simply brace, prepare, keeping your hips square to ceiling." She emphasizes the importance of control: "You want to keep the trunk, the rib cage position of the lower back exactly the same as if both feet were on the ground."

Move 7: The Plank Slider Challenge]

For those ready for more challenge, Anna introduces her favorite advanced movement: "The plank slider is probably one of my favorite and most challenging core exercises." She describes how this variation requires "good shoulder stability" while challenging all the core muscles discussed earlier.

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Move 8: The Ultimate Back Protector

Anna saves her signature movement for last: "The bird dog on steroids, as I call it, performed on the forearms and knees down." She explains that at this level, "you will feel with every change of position how the trunk and core musculature adjust to protect the lower back to keep it stable."

According to Anna, proper core function is essential for spine health: "Without these abdominal muscles working properly and doing their job, the spine would become mechanically unstable." She emphasizes how this affects everyday activities: "Think of weightlifting, deadlifts, squats, picking up the kids, and also gravity. You want these muscles to work to create mechanically stable position."

💪🔥Body Booster: Focus on mastering each move before progressing to the next. Your back will thank you for taking the time to build proper core stability from the ground up. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want flat abs? According to one expert, there are a few key exercises that can help you achieve them. Haileigh Senatore is a personal trainer who focuses on science-based strength and core training. She regularly shares content focusing on “fitness tips I wish more women knew,” she says. In a new post, she discusses the importance of training your core and shares three key exercises that will help you strengthen and flatten your abs. “I wish more women knew the best core exercises aren’t crunches,” she writes across the video. “You need to geal your core,” she writes, going on to explain the importance of a strong midsection.

Planks, Bridges, and Bird Dogs Are the Perfect Core Exercises

What are the three exercises she recommends? “Deep core exercises like planks, bridges, and bird dogs can strengthen and tighten your entire midsection,” she says in the video. “They are the perfect complement to your strength training split and can be done almost anywhere.”

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Practice Core Engagement

Overhead shot of muscular and fit young woman doing stretching workout exercise mat. Fitness female lying on mat with stretching her hands.Shutterstock

However, she has some tips. "When doing any core exercise, be sure to practice good core engagement,” she says. This involves drawing the belly button comfortably to the spine, she explains, “and managing your internal pressure with deep, regular diaphragm breathing.”

Having a Strong Core Will Improve Your Life

Fit and attractive young adult woman kneels down on the beach looks to her left with a big beaming happy smile.Shutterstock

Why is it so important to train the core? “I prioritize core training each day because having a strong core can make your everyday life much easier,” she says. For example, if you have a strong core, you are likely to have better posture and fewer back problems.

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Here Are Some Other Benefits of Isometric Core Training

Fitness young woman working out core and glutes with bodyweight workout doing squat exercises on beach. Asian sporty girl squatting legs as part of an active and fit life.Shutterstock

According to Haleigh, when paired with balanced nutrition, just 10-15 minutes of daily isometric core training can:

  • build muscle
  • tighten your midsection after pregnancy
  • help you lift heavier
  • help prevent injury
  • improve your back pain
  • improve your balance
  • fix your posture.

These Exercises Can Help with Diastasis Recti

Attractive blonde woman in sports beige leggings and tank top, practicing yoga, doing Glute bridge exercise, dvi pada pithasana pose, home workout.Shutterstock

She then goes onto discuss ab exercises that can help with diastasis recti. “Glute bridges, bird dogs, toe taps, and heel slides can help you heal mild diastasis recti, a common postpartum abdominal separation,” she says.

These Exercises Can Make It Worst

Fitness determined mature woman lying doing crunches at home. Healthy mid woman doing exercises on gym mat. Concentrate middle age lady doing daily exercises lying on the floor in the living room.Shutterstock

However, some ab exercises can worsen the condition. “Jumping right into exercises like regular planks and crunches can make the separation worse, so use caution. However, there is evidence that abdominal hypertrophy from crunches can help to close the last of the gap,” she says.

Consult a PT If the Condition Is Severe

fitness, sport, exercising and diet concept - smiling young woman and personal trainer with clipboard writing exercise plan in gymShutterstock

Regardless, you might need to consult an expert. “If you have severe diastasis recti (a 2 finger gap above the bellybutton) you should consult a PT who can create a program for you,” she says.

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Don’t Overlook Nutrition

Middle age caucasian sporty woman eating salad at home.Shutterstock

Finally, nutrition matters if you want to flatten your abs. “Keep in mind that no matter what you see on social media, there is no way to spot-reduce fat anywhere on your body. Mindful calorie consumption and clean eating is essential,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

Tracy Campoli tracycampoli
Copyright tracycampoli/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

The battle against belly fat after 40 can feel like an uphill struggle. Those changes in our waistline seem to happen overnight, leaving many of us wondering if this widening middle is simply our new reality. Tracy Campoli understands this frustration firsthand. At 49, this certified personal trainer, Pilates instructor, and health coach balances her professional expertise with the real-life challenges of being a mom in menopause. "It's really frustrating seeing these changes that can happen in our bodies as we get older," Tracy says, "but we don't have to accept all of them as just being 'that's just how it is'." Tracy discovered that 20-second workout intervals were key to her transformation. Read on to discover how her Tabata-style workouts and other practical strategies can help you reduce belly fat at any age.

The 20-Second Workout That Changed Everything

Forget endless crunches - they're not the answer to reducing belly fat. "What we want to do is implement the right kinds of workouts," Tracy advises. For women over 40, she discovered that Tabata and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts were the most effective approach for burning fat and building lean muscle.

"Tabata is really my favorite because you're doing 20 seconds of intense work and then you have a 10-second break built in," Tracy explains. This 20-second interval approach became her secret weapon. "What that's gonna help you to do is burn fat and increase your lean muscle mass - that's what's gonna help you see that slimming in your middle."

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Focus on Strength

Strength training is equally important. Tracy emphasizes that your body itself provides resistance: "Your body is a source of weight and resistance." Whether through Pilates, resistance bands, light weights, or bodyweight exercises, incorporating strength work helps prevent the menopausal widening many women experience.

Why Her Old Workouts Weren't Working

"Back in the day, you know I grew up in the 80s myself, we were told if you want to have a slimmer middle, you got to do crunches all day long," Tracy shares. "That's not the case. By now we know that that is not true at all."

Instead of focusing solely on abdominal exercises, Tracy found that combining cardio intervals with strength training gave her the best results. In her fitness membership Total Body Transformation, she incorporates "strength training inside of the cardio workout so that you're getting basically more bang for your buck."

Chill Out To Slim Down

Your stress levels could be directly contributing to that stubborn belly fat. "Reducing your stress level is like a direct line to decreasing your waistline," Tracy explains. She points to that common experience of clothes feeling looser after vacation despite enjoying richer foods - that's your body responding positively to reduced stress levels.

The science is clear: stress elevates cortisol, which has a direct link to increased belly fat. "When we are stressed out, what happens? Our cortisol levels rise in an unhealthy manner, and so that is a direct link to our belly fat," Tracy says. She recommends simple stress-reduction techniques like nature walks, connecting with friends, practicing yoga, or even just taking three deep breaths. These small actions can make a significant difference in both your stress levels and your waistline.

Eat This, Not That

Proper nutrition becomes increasingly important as we age. "Especially if you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, it's really important that we are fueling our bodies with nutrient-dense food," Tracy emphasizes.

For women over 40, adequate protein is essential for building lean muscle mass. "You want to be making sure especially over 40 that you have adequate protein. That protein is going to really help to create lean muscle mass," Tracy advises. She recommends a balanced approach with plenty of vegetables, fresh fruits, and proper hydration.

Rather than obsessing over individual food choices, she suggests taking a "bird's-eye view" of your daily nutrition. "A lot of women will come to me and say 'I had three cookies so I messed it all up'," Tracy shares, explaining that occasional indulgences won't derail your progress when your overall diet remains nutrient-dense.

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Dress Smart, Look Slimmer

How you dress can significantly impact both how you look and how you feel about your body. "If you're wearing big floppy tents or just hiding, that's actually going to make you look worse," Tracy warns, acknowledging it seems counterintuitive.

On days when you're feeling less than your best, Tracy suggests putting more effort into your presentation, not less. "Those days when I feel like a troll... I feel like a completely different person when I actually brush my hair, put on some makeup, and dress in a way that makes me feel pretty," she shares. This outside-in approach can boost your confidence and actually make you appear slimmer.

You're Not Invisible After 40

Tracy is passionate about women of all ages feeling visible and valued. "One of my missions is that women of every age and every stage of life know that they are worthy of being seen," she says passionately. "You are not just doomed to being invisible after the age of 40, 50, or 60. Yes, you are still beautiful. Yes, you are still attractive. Yes, you are worthy of showing up in the world in the best way that you know how to be."

She encourages women to find styles that make them feel good about themselves, whether through online inspiration or fashion magazines.

My Ballet Trick That Works Every Time

Drawing from her lifelong ballet training, Tracy shares one final tip: lightly engaging your abdominal muscles throughout the day. "We're never letting our belly go; we're always lifting the belly up and in," Tracy explains, clarifying this isn't about uncomfortable "sucking in" but rather a gentle engagement of your deep abdominal muscles.

"This is not a size thing because I used to do this when I was pregnant and my belly was out to here," she notes. "This is about just lightly engaging the muscles, those deep muscles in your abdominals."
This simple practice improves posture, creates a longer, leaner appearance, and can even help prevent back pain, especially important as we spend more time sitting. "It's going to improve your posture, make you look leaner, make you look slimmer, and help prevent back pain," Tracy confirms. With practice, this engagement becomes automatic, creating lasting improvements in both appearance and well-being.

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Start Today, See Results Tomorrow

Tracy emphasizes that consistency is key with all these approaches. The 20-second Tabata intervals might seem brief, but when performed regularly, they create significant changes. "When you do it with time, you don't even have to think about it anymore. It just becomes like a natural part of your day," she explains about her techniques.

By combining strategic 20-second workouts, stress reduction, smart nutrition, confident dressing, and simple posture adjustments, Tracy transformed her menopausal middle—and believes you can too.

Amulya M precious_soul14
Copyright precious_soul14/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

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We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Diet and exercise are two components of weight loss. However, if you want to transform your body, there are additional habits you need to incorporate into your routine. Amulya M is a weight loss coach and influencer who helps her followers lose weight and transform their lives. In a new viral post, she reveals her plan for a four-month transformation. “For the next 4 months become addicted to these 7 habits, and you’ll be unrecognizable by June 2025,” she writes.

Wake Up Early

Her first transformation habit is waking up earlier. According to Amulya, it gives you more time to workout, plan your day, work on business, and be more productive. “It is a huge life hack and gives you more time to achieve your goals,” she says.

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Write Down Your Thoughts Before Bed

Hand writing in journal with coffee mug​De-StressShutterstock

Next, she recommends writing down your thoughts before bed. “Journaling before bed will improve your quality of and sleep,” she says. “You’ll be unrecognizable.” Not sure what to write down? She suggests “your goals for tomorrow” and “what you’re grateful for.”

Learn an Online Skill


Her third transformative habit? “Learning an online skill 30 minutes a day,” she says. “With inflation and taxes rising, an online skill can save you financially.” She recommends skills like selling digital products, investing, and affiliate marketing.

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Exercise Four Times a Week

Professional swimmer, swimming race, indoor poolShutterstock

She also recommends exercising four times a week and prioritizing mental health. “You also need good physical health,” she says, revealing a few exercises with the best results, including running, swimming, and lifting weights. “These will strengthen and tone your body,” she writes.

Sit in Silence

Woman practicing yoga and meditation at home sitting in lotus pose on yoga mat, relaxed with closed eyes. Mindful meditation concept. Wellbeing.​And, They Reduce Her CravingsShutterstock

“Sit in silence 10 minutes a day,” she adds. “Your mind is racing with hundreds of thoughts every minute.” She suggests taking just 10 minutes to sit in silence, practice mindfulness, and be present in the moment. “This is an underrated habit for your mental health, but very powerful,” she says.

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,Woman,Sleeping,,Bed,,Night,rest,​You’re Sleeping Less Than 7 HoursShutterstock

Make sure to get your rest. “Create a proper sleep schedule,” she says, adding that sleep is essential for your performance and mental health, reducing stress and improving your mood.


,Brunette,Waking,Morning,,Stretches,sleep,bed,bedroom,wake,up,yawn,sleeping​Bottom Line: Don’t Skip BreakfastShutterstock

Her last tip? Be consistent and repeat these habits every single day, week, and month. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Tara Gidus Collingwood dietdivatara
I'm a Weight Loss Coach and These 7 Daily Habits Help Clients Drop 50+ Pounds
Copyright dietdivatara/Instagram

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Once you hit 40, your metabolism slows down a bit. Paying attention to nutrition becomes more important to prevent weight gain or lose some pounds you may have accumulated. Maintaining or building muscle is also more complex, so good nutrition is key. As an experienced nutrition coach and nutritionist who spends a lot of time helping my clients lose weight, I often advise my clients to eat certain types of food to fuel fat loss. These are the best foods for weight loss if you are over 40.

Lean Protein

Fresh fish, raw cod fillets with addition of herbs and lemon49. White fish (like cod): 48 caloriesShutterstock

My first recommendation is lean protein, including chicken, fish, lean beef, tofu, eggs, and Greek yogurt. These foods help support muscle mass and keep you full longer. I recommend spreading protein throughout the day, having some at each meal especially breakfast. Also, choose grilled or baked instead of fried.

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Leafy Greens

Arugula on a white background. Raw and fresh arugula, green leaves, from above.20. Arugula: 25 caloriesShutterstock

Another one of the best foods for weight loss is any leafy green. My favorites are spinach, kale, arugula, and romaine. Not only are these veggies low in calories, but they are also high in fiber and essential nutrients. An added bonus? Leafy greens are super high in antioxidants for disease fighting.


Girl,Holding,Up,A,Glass,Bowl,Of,Blackberries.,Blackberries,In43. Blackberries: 43 caloriesShutterstock

Another great food for weight loss that also serves as a sweet treat? Berries. Personally, my favorites are blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. What makes this type of fruit so special? Berries are packed with fiber, which promotes satiety and good digestive health. They are also low in sugar compared to other fruits and high in antioxidants.

Healthy Fats

Green, black and red olives, olive oil on a brown wooden background. Fresh juicy olives in a bowl and fresh olive leaves. Vegan. Olive fruits. Place for text. Copy space.Shutterstock

Healthy fats – including avocados, nuts, and olives – are also excellent fat burners. They help keep you feeling full and satisfied, support brain and heart health, and are needed to help regulate hormones, which is crucial for weight management over 40.

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Probiotic-Rich Foods

Korean,Traditional,Kimchi,On,A,Dark,Background.6. Kimchi: 15 caloriesShutterstock

Don’t sleep on probiotic-rich foods like Greek yogurt, kimchi, and other fermented foods. these food types aid digestion and help immune and gut health.

Whole Grains

Freshly,Cooked,Brown,Rice,,A,Bowl,Of,Unpolished,Rice, chop, sticksShutterstock

Lastly, when it comes to carbs, fill your plate with whole grains. I recommend quinoa, brown rice, and oats. They provide long-lasting energy and fiber to keep you full, help regulate blood sugar levels, and aids in supporting gut health. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.