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I Lost 45 Pounds and Transformed My Dad Bod by Walking More and Lifting

James Riedel shares his no-fad approach to lasting weight loss and fitness success.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

James Riedel, better known to his YouTube audience as JDL, recently opened up about his inspiring weight loss journey. In a candid video, he shared how he went from tipping the scales at 230 pounds to reaching his current weight of 185 pounds. But this wasn't about a quick fix or fad diet—James' transformation is a testament to the power of sustainable, long-term changes that anyone can adopt.

Through a combination of weight training, increased daily activity, and mindful eating, James developed a plan that didn't just help him lose 45 pounds but also gave him the tools to maintain a healthier lifestyle. His story is one of discipline and determination, offering a refreshingly honest take on the reality of shedding pounds without gimmicks. Read on about his go-to weight loss strategies, and discover how you can achieve your fitness goals by focusing on the right habits and mindset.

Focusing on Weight Training

Barbell deadlift hands, strong fitness and power of black woman, athlete and bodybuilder in gym, sports workout and exercise. Closeup floor start, healthy muscle training and heavy challenge lifting

For Riedel, weight training was a key component of his success. He emphasizes the importance of building muscle to increase daily calorie expenditure.

"You have to do weight training above all else," says Riedel. "The more muscle you build through weight training, the more your calorie budget goes up every single day."

He acknowledges that there are different styles of lifting but encourages people to focus on progress:

"You just want to progress. You want to raise your calorie budget… that alone, over almost anything else I help tell you in this video, is going to help you lose weight."

Increasing Daily Step Count

Aside from weight training, James recommends increasing daily activity by walking more. He suggests setting realistic step goals:

"Your goal should be to up it by 2,000," he says. "If you're above 6,000, just try to up your step count by a thousand."

James admits that walking can sometimes be boring, so he recommends giving it a purpose, whether it's walking the dog or heading to a nearby coffee shop.

"Walking my dog gives a purpose to walking… If you're someone who struggles walking, definitely bring headphones, listen to a podcast, listen to music," he suggests.

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Mindful Eating and Cutting Sugary Drinks

Soft drinks

When it comes to diet, Riedel stresses the importance of cutting out sugary drinks and processed foods.

"Cut sugary drinks all that out of the way. No soda. You don't need soda," he advises. He also highlights the benefits of eating whole, unprocessed foods: "The less processed food is, the more energy it takes for your body to break it down, and the more full you feel."

One of his biggest tips is to incorporate protein into every meal to feel fuller longer. "Try to avoid meals that don't have protein," he says, adding that protein also helps build muscle, which works hand-in-hand with weight training.

Managing Cheat Meals

Chicken hamburger. Sandwich with chicken burger, tomatoes, cheese and lettuce. Cheeseburger.

James believes that dieting doesn't have to be all or nothing. He advises indulging occasionally but only in social settings.

"If you're going to cheat, don't do it alone," he says. "Make having a cheat meal always be part of a social thing… It's just a lot easier than if you are diligent if you are strict about your habits when you're alone, you've opened up the opportunity to be freer when you're with your friends."

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The Power of Protein and Yogurt


A big fan of yogurt, James refers to it as his "superfood" for its balance of low calories and high protein, which helps him stay full while maintaining his weight.

"Yogurt is a true superfood because you can always stay under that ratio of one protein to 10 calories with your other macronutrients," he says. He also praises its probiotic benefits and how it helps with gut health.

Final Thoughts on Long-Term Success

Riedel emphasizes that weight loss is not about quick fixes but about adopting a lifestyle that will keep you healthy in the long term.

"There's so many cascading benefits to it that you'll be shocked at how much weight you lose, how much better you feel, how much more mentally strong you feel," he says. "It's amazing."

James concludes with a motivational note: "This is what worked for me to lose weight. This is how I lost weight. It was going consistently to the gym, eating healthy, and staying focused." And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Alek Korab
Alek Korab is Founding Editor of Body Network Read more