Andrew Huberman, PhD, is an American neuroscientist who shares all of his life and health hacks on his YouTube channel, Respire. In a new viral video, he reveals the ultimate weight loss secret: How to burn at least 800 extra calories a day without exercising. “If you're really interested in burning calories and you don't have the opportunity to exercise or you're averse to exercise, for whatever reason,” there is another alternative, according to Huberman. He explains that it “is one of the strongest stimuli that one can incorporate to stimulate fat loss, 800 to 2,500 calories per day,” and has “nothing to do with exercise in the traditional form.”
Movement Is Effect to Stimulate Fat Burn
“Small movements are actually mobilizing and oxidizing a lot of fat and a lot of energy,” he says. “So one of the most powerful ways to stimulate epinephrine, which is also called adrenaline, from these neurons that connect to fat and thereby stimulate more fat, mobilization, and oxidation is through movement. But I'm not talking about exercise.”
Subtle Movement, Like Shivering, Is Effective in Oxidizing Fat
“The type of movement that I'm referring to is extremely subtle. Some of you may be familiar with this type of movement, but I'm guessing you're probably not familiar with what I'm about to tell you, which is that shivering or shivering is a strong stimulus for the release of adrenaline into fat and the increase in fat, oxidation, and mobilization. But shivering is not just induced by cold. And there are other subtle forms of movement that can greatly increase fat metabolism and fat loss,” he continues.
There Is Research That People Who Shiver Burn More Calories
He explains that research has found that people who fidget and engage in “subtle movement” throughout the day may overeat but don’t gain weight. “In fact, many people who had low levels of body fat had a lot of resting tremor, not of the Parkinsonian type, but they would bounce their knee while they were sitting. When they would talk, they would engage in very angular movements. They were sort of electric.”
In Fact, They Could Burn 800 to 2,500 More Calories
“Fidgeters, people that bounce their knee, people that have a head bob while they're listening, people that nod a lot, people that stand up and sit down a lot throughout the day, and people that pace burn anywhere from 800 to 2,500 calories more than the control group in the experiments that they looked at,” he says.
There Is Modern Research Backing This Up
“There's been a modern look into all this, and these numbers check out that simply moving around a lot, even if those are subtle movements, greatly increases the amount of energy that you burn. And people who overeat, the people who can have the second or the third donut or donuts at all and don't seem to put on weight to the same degree, they are people that move around a lot, even when seated,” he says.
It Can Include Moving Your Limbs or Even Standing Up More Quickly
“There are people that will often move their limbs very quickly as well. There even have been studies that have explored other things that correlate with fidgeters. Fidgeters stand up very quickly at the end of a lecture, or they start to gather their things very quickly, whereas nonfidgeters don't,” he says.
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Metabolic Tracking Has Confirmed This
“In 2015, and again in 2017, there have been studies that have explored this using some modern metabolic tracking. Indeed, simply moving a lot, being a fidgeter, bouncing your knee, standing up, and pacing several times or many times throughout the day led to considerable amounts of fat loss and weight loss. When people were ingesting the same amount of food if they overate, they were able to compensate and burn off that food,” he says.
People Trying to Lose Weight Have Found Success Doing This
“If they were trying to lose weight, and they incorporated this fidgeting protocol of deliberately trying to fidget more and move around during the day, pace, stand up more quickly, sit down more often, sit down and stand up more often,” he says that “they found that they greatly increased their weight loss anywhere from 20 to 30% increases” and sometimes more. “It seems to work best in people who are already slightly overweight. So, for people who are overweight and are kind of averse to exercise, fidgeting might actually be a good entry point. And 800 to 2,500 calories is a considerable amount of calories when you really think about it.”
Keep Moving
“There's clearly a tool to export from this, which is that you can increase the amount of calories burned without having to go on additional long runs. I do hope that people are exercising regularly because it's so important for other aspects of brain and body health,” he says.
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Use This Tool to Lose Weight
“If you're really interested in burning calories and you already exercise, you wanna burn more, or you don't have the opportunity to exercise, or you're averse to exercise for whatever reason, fidgeting movements, staccato movements, standing up, walking around, pacing all the sort of nervous activities that we're so critical of in other people and sometimes in ourselves are actually mobilizing and oxidizing a lot of fat and a lot of energy. And while this probably won't compensate for chronic overeating, the caloric burn from this is considerable and very likely can offset a meal that had excessive calories or a kind of steady state of accumulate of eating too much.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.