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I Lost 50 Pounds and Here's How You Can Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Months

Getting in shape before Memorial Day is easier than you think, says one expert. 

Losing weight can seem overwhelming, but it shouldn't be. In fact, you can quickly lose ten pounds before Memorial Day weekend, according to one health expert. Gen Cohen, CNC, recently shared a motivating video via Instagram with her followers, offering some easy ways you can lose weight without going to extremes. "How to feel your best by summer! Here's how I lost 10lbs in the first two months of my health journey," she writes in the caption of the Instagram post. The Body Network also consulted The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, to weigh in on the weight loss suggestions that could get you feeling like the healthiest version of yourself before swimsuit season. 

Focus on Losing Body Fat, Not Water Weight

"What I would do if I was trying to lose 10 pounds in the next two months," she says in the video. "And I'm not talking about 10 pounds of water weight that you just gained back the next day. I'm talking about 10 pounds of body fat." She starts by pointing out things a person should avoid, even if they could work in the short term.

Don't Starve Yourself


"What I would not do is starve myself," she says. "That is the quickest way to lead to fat gain after weight loss." Collingwood agrees. "Starving and fasting can produce fast weight loss, but it also stresses the body and causes the metabolism to shut down, which in turn can cause rebound weight gain," she says. 

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Don't Do "Hours of Cardio" Daily

Blonde young woman give up workout in gym, fail.

"What I also wouldn't do is … hours of cardio every single day," she continues. "Exercise is excellent, but too much can also stress the body and cause injury, not to mention burnout," Collingwood adds. 

Eat in a "Modest Caloric Deficit"

Calorie counting on a paper with calculator. Diet and weight control concept

She then reveals her plan. "What I would do is eat in a modest caloric deficit, which, if you're a woman watching this video, means you'll probably be eating an average of 1500 to 2000 calories per day in order to lose weight," she maintains. 

Download a Meal Planning App

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"I would download an app like MyFitnessPal and pre-plan my meals the day before to make sure I was able to hit my calories and my protein goal while still enjoying my social life," she continues. Collingwood loves the idea of the app. "Keep track of calories to increase awareness, but don't obsess over it," she elaborates. "Focus on getting target goals for macros and balancing with movement and exercise."

Invest in a Big Water Bottle and Hydrate

Close-up of a large water bottle on a running track with woman's legs in background

She also suggests investing in a big water bottle. "I would drink 16 ounces of water before getting out of bed in the morning, which helps regulate your cortisol and stress levels throughout the day," she says. "And I would also drink 16 ounces of water before each meal. This will help you feel full quicker while you're still learning proper portion control." Water is always essential for overall health, and when embarking on a weight loss plan, "however, it will not really fill you up for very long because it is absorbed within minutes into the stomach and intestines," Collingwood points out. 

Lift Weights and Walks

Young woman walking on green asphalt road in forest

"And finally, rather than subscribing to some crazy fitness routine, I'd commit to lifting weights three maximum four times per week and prioritize getting a 60-minute walk in per day," she suggests. "You can go to the gym and do 12-3-30. You can take your dog for a walk. You can get a walking pad and put it under your desk. I don't care how just 60 minutes of walking." 

Collingwood agrees that walking is a great way to burn calories with low impact. "Lifting weights is key to maintaining muscle while you are losing weight," she says.

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Be Happy


"I'd also visualize myself being the hottest, happiest version of me and remember that while my life isn't defined by the number on the scale, it's okay to want to take control of my health," she concludes the video. In the caption, she added: "P.S. It's okay to want to lose weight and improve your health…but please remember your life isn't defined by the number on the scale." Collingwood is on board with Gen's overall approach. "Positive self-image and body image are wonderful. You don't walk around with people knowing how much you weigh, but people do respond to your energy and attitude. If that is positive, you will be someone others will want to be around!" she says. 

💪🔥Body Booster: Lift weights 3-4 times per week max. Prioritize getting a 60-minute daily walk for overall fitness. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more