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5 Quick Fat-Burning Tricks This Natural Bodybuilder Swears By

Unlock the secrets to sustainable fat loss now!

Struggling with stubborn fat despite your best efforts? You're not alone. Dr. Mike Diamonds, a medical professional and natural bodybuilder, understands this challenge firsthand. He's discovered that shedding fat isn't just about diet and exercise—it's about making scientifically-backed adjustments to your lifestyle. Dr. Mike's journey from an overweight kid to a fitness influencer with over a million YouTube subscribers proves that anyone can transform their body and life with the right knowledge.

We've also included insights from Nikolai Puchlov, Head Coach and Founder of Pro Kettlebell, whose expertise in functional fitness complements Dr. Mike's methods. Ready to take control of your body and boost your confidence? Read on to discover simple yet effective rules for killing body fat fast.

Master Intermittent Fasting for Effortless Calorie Control

Dr. Mike underlines the power of intermittent fasting as a cornerstone of fat loss. In his post, he explains, "Your stomach is like a balloon. Intermittent fasting naturally limits how much that balloon can inflate." Start with a 12-hour fasting window, gradually increasing to 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hours eating) as you progress. For faster results, experienced fasters can push to 18:6 or even 24-hour fasts. Dr. Mike advises, "As you implement fasting, your body sends hunger signals called ghrelin. But as time passes, you don't respond to the ghrelin signal, and you actually start not feeling hungry anymore." He adds, "The amazing benefits of intermittent fasting is, number one, your gut is so much healthier because you're not consistently putting food down. So it decreases your gut inflammation."

Puchlov adds: "Intermittent fasting can be a powerful tool for fat loss, but it's crucial to approach it gradually. Start with a 12-hour fast and slowly increase the fasting window as your body adapts. This method helps regulate insulin levels, which is key for fat burning."

Prioritize Protein for Satiety and Muscle Preservation

Aim for 50 grams of protein with each meal. Dr. Mike shares a simple mnemonic: "Two scoops of whey protein, six ounces of cooked chicken breast, eight ounces of steak, or ten ounces of fish will give you 50 grams of protein." This high-protein approach keeps you feeling full, boosts metabolism and preserves muscle mass during fat loss. Dr. Mike explains, "Out of all the macros you'll eat, protein has the highest satiety effect. It will make you feel the fullest for longer. That's why you've never heard someone say, 'Hey, I got fat off eating chicken breasts and steak.'" For faster results, Dr. Mike suggests replacing most carbs with non-starchy vegetables, keeping insulin levels low for enhanced fat burning.

Puchlov emphasizes: "Adequate protein intake is not just about muscle preservation. It also plays a crucial role in hormone regulation and metabolic function. For optimal results, I recommend spreading your protein intake evenly throughout your eating window."

Walk Your Way to Fat Loss

Simple yet effective, walking is a powerful fat-burning tool. Dr. Mike reveals, "For the average male and female, you burn roughly between 400 to 500 calories daily if you walk 10,000 steps." This translates to about a pound of fat loss per week. For quicker results, aim for 15,000 to 20,000 steps daily.

Dr. Mike says, "Walking will tap into your time in your day. But if you can be smart, like walking during your workout or cleaning your apartment, you'll be blown away by how much fat tissue comes off." He emphasizes, "Fat loss is the nice byproduct, but when you walk, it's better for blood flow to your brain. You have more ideas, better mental clarity."

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Incorporate High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Puchlov suggests: "While walking is excellent for fat loss, incorporating HIIT can accelerate results. Kettlebell swings, for instance, are a fantastic full-body exercise that can burn fat and build muscle simultaneously. Just 15-20 minutes of high-intensity kettlebell work can be as effective as an hour of steady-state cardio."

Challenge Yourself with Resistance Training

Maintain and build muscle through consistent, challenging resistance training. Dr. Mike advises, "You need to train in a manner that is uncomfortable. When I train, I'm going there to unlock a new version of myself." He elaborates, "I make sure that the weight scares me a little bit, but I know I can handle it because I can maintain my form." Aim for 3-6 sessions per week, focusing on proper form while pushing your limits. This approach not only preserves muscle during fat loss but also increases your resting metabolism.

Dr. Mike points out, "Research has shown that one pound of muscle will burn about six calories at rest compared to the fat that only burns two calories." Puchlov says: "Resistance training is crucial for long-term fat loss success. It not only preserves muscle mass but also increases your resting metabolic rate. I recommend incorporating compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses for maximum efficiency."

Prioritize Sleep for Hormonal Balance and Fat Loss

Quality sleep is crucial for fat loss. Dr. Mike states, "When you sleep less, there's less testosterone. When you sleep more, you have more testosterone—the main muscle-building hormone." He uses an analogy to drive this point home: "Your body's a Ferrari… if there's no oil in that car, the chances it makes it down the road is very slim." He recommends the "10, 3, 2, 1" rule: No caffeine 10 hours before bed, no food 3 hours before, no liquids 2 hours before, and no blue light 1 hour before bed.

Dr. Mike says, "On the days they slept the most, they always saw the greatest amount of fat loss." He concludes, "If you are in terrible shape, your life is in shambles and you're overweight, just forget everything else. Just focus on sleeping. I promise you, you will make better decisions and the weight will come off."

Focus on How You Feel, Not Just How You Look

Shift your focus from appearance to overall well-being. Start tracking your mood and energy levels alongside your physical progress. Puchlov notes: "Mental health is a crucial component of any successful fat loss journey. When you feel good, you're more likely to stick to your plan and make healthier choices overall."

Celebrate Non-Scale Victories

Don't fixate on the scale. Celebrate improvements in skin clarity, energy levels, and overall fitness. Puchlov suggests: "Keep a journal of your non-scale victories. This can be incredibly motivating when the numbers on the scale aren't moving as quickly as you'd like."

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Develop a Healthy Relationship with Food

Practice mindful eating. Slow down, savor each bite, and really taste your food. Puchlov advises: "Mindful eating can help reduce overall calorie intake naturally. It also helps you develop a healthier relationship with food, which is crucial for long-term success."

Find Enjoyable Forms of Exercise

Discover workouts that feel like play rather than a chore. Puchlov recommends: "Experiment with different forms of exercise until you find something you genuinely enjoy. Kettlebell training, for instance, can be both challenging and fun, providing a full-body workout that doesn't feel monotonous."

Exercise Outdoors When Possible

Take your workouts outside when you can. Puchlov notes: "Outdoor exercise not only provides variety but also has additional mental health benefits. The change of scenery and fresh air can make your workouts more enjoyable and effective."

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Consider Morning Workouts

Try exercising in the morning. Puchlov explains: "Morning workouts can kickstart your metabolism for the day. They also ensure that you get your exercise in before other commitments can interfere."

Schedule Your Workouts

Treat your workouts like important appointments. Puchlov advises: "Scheduling your workouts in advance increases accountability. It's harder to skip a workout when it's a set part of your daily routine."

Continuously Make Small Changes

Avoid plateaus by regularly adjusting your routine. Puchlov suggests: "Small, consistent changes keep your body adapting and prevent boredom. This could be as simple as changing the order of your exercises or trying a new workout style every few weeks."

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Track Your Progress

Keep a record of your journey. Puchlov recommends: "Track not just your weight, but also your measurements, strength gains, and how you feel. This comprehensive approach gives you a clearer picture of your progress and can be incredibly motivating." As Dr. Mike says, "Your chances of success are only determined by you taking action and implementing everything I mentioned." Start today, and watch your body and life transform! And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 31 Fitness Tips Every Beginner Needs to Look Sexy, According to Coaches.

Christopher Roback
Christopher Roback is an experienced news journalist specializing in political, science, and crime news. Read more
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