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I'm a Dietitian and These 7 Morning Habits Changed My Life

Discover how these simple morning routines can boost your well-being.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Mornings can be chaotic, especially for busy professionals and parents. As a registered dietitian and mother of three young children, Becca Bristow, MA, RD, LDN, knows this all too well. Bristow, known for her laid-back approach to nutrition advice, has discovered key morning habits that have transformed her daily life.

"Life is busy. Life is crazy," Bristow admits. "It's really, really important for me to be intentional about the vibe of my home. It's intentional for me to take care of myself and to do certain things that just really help me set the tone for the day in the morning so that I can show up as my best self."

Boost Your Physical and Mental Health

The importance of a structured morning routine is backed by medical professionals. As Joanne Sotelo, MD, tells Baylor Scott & White Health, "Beginning your day with a morning routine can have a profound impact on your physical and mental health. A well-structured routine can help you feel more energized, focused, and ready to tackle the day ahead with a clear mind."

The Power of Early Mornings

Bristow underlines the importance of waking up early despite the challenges. "The early morning hours when everyone is still asleep is when I actually have quiet time," she explains in the post. "It's when I have time A to think and B to do things for myself and only for myself. I don't have to worry about anyone else."

This sacred time allows her to focus on herself without distractions or guilt. Bristow aims for a 5:30 AM wake-up call, acknowledging, "While it is so hard to get up early these days, I've been trying to get up at 5:30 AM."

Nurture Your Mind: Embrace Reflection and Spirituality

During her early morning quiet time, Bristow engages in activities that nourish her mind and spirit. "Usually, I spend a little bit of time doing a Bible study, something that's super important to me, reading the Bible, praying, and that kind of thing," she shares.

Additionally, she's taken up journaling: "I just write out whatever thoughts. Maybe it's things that I'm trying to work on for myself. Maybe it's prayers, intentions that I have, just kind of anything that's spinning around or swirling around in my head, taking up brain space that I honestly don't have to spare."

Start with Mindfulness: The Benefits of Morning Meditation

While not part of Bristow's routine, experts suggest incorporating mindfulness practices into your morning.

Dr. Sotelo recommends, "Taking just a few minutes to meditate, stretch, or practice mindfulness can help you focus and reduce stress." This practice can be particularly beneficial for weight management, as stress and weight gain are linked.

Hydrate Before You Caffeinate

While coffee might be the first thing on your mind, Bristow stresses the importance of hydrating early. "I have one of those Stanley tumblers; it's like 40 ounces, and I aim to drink an entire one of those before I have coffee in the morning," she says.

This habit not only kickstarts hydration but also makes it easier to maintain throughout the day. Bristow notes, "If I hydrate first thing in the morning, it is so much easier for me to continue to drink water and remain hydrated throughout the day."

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The Morning Coffee Boost

After hydrating, enjoying your morning coffee can have additional benefits. Allegra Picano, RDN, tells Henry Ford Health, "There have been quite a few studies that suggest higher blood concentrations of caffeine may be associated with a lower body mass index (BMI) and lower body fat mass. One of the studies stated that a person who consumed twice as much caffeine as another had 22% more reduction in weight, 17% more reduction in BMI, and 28% more reduction in body fat." You can benchmark your progress with this useful Lean Body Mass Calculator.

Set the Tone: Create a Positive Atmosphere

Music plays a crucial role in Bristow's morning routine. "Music can immediately change the vibe in your house," she explains. "It just does wonders for my energy level, for my happiness, and just for how patient and excited I feel about the day. It just makes the biggest difference."

Putting on some tunes, typically soft acoustic or background music, helps elevate her mood and energy levels for the day ahead.

Awaken Your Senses: Diffuse Energizing Aromas

To further enhance the morning atmosphere, Bristow recommends using essential oil diffusers. "In the morning, I love doing anything like citrusy or really clean smelling, just something that is going to kind of elevate the mood, make everything smell nicer, make everything smell fresh," she says.

These invigorating scents help create an energizing environment. Bristow adds, "Seeing the mist going, smelling grapefruit and peppermint and pine and just these really lovely kind of energizing aromas, it just makes me so happy."

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Embrace the Morning Light

While not mentioned by Bristow, research suggests that morning light exposure can have significant health benefits. Kathryn Reid, research associate professor of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, states, "The earlier this light exposure occurred during the day, the lower individuals' body mass index."

Dr. Phyllis C. Zee adds, "Light is the most potent agent to synchronize your internal body clock that regulates circadian rhythms, which in turn also regulates energy balance."

Plan Ahead: Think Dinner at Breakfast

One of Bristow's game-changing habits is considering dinner plans right after breakfast. "It's important for me to cook a healthy meal for my family, but if you're not prepared, this will throw a huge wrench in actually accomplishing that goal," she advises.

Bristow says, "After breakfast, I like to think about, okay, what am I actually making for dinner tonight?" This proactive approach ensures smoother meal preparation later in the day.

Corewell Health supports this idea, stating, "When you're hungry and your blood sugar drops, you're more inclined to eat whatever you can get the fastest. This is why some of us settle for the closest fast food joint with unhealthy options. Meal planning eliminates this issue when you have a balanced meal at your fingertips, filled with nutrient-dense food prepped and ready to go!"

Dress for Success: The Impact of Real Clothes

Lastly, Bristow emphasizes the importance of getting dressed in proper clothes. "If you are just straight up staying in your pajamas, you are going to be way less motivated. You are probably going to be way less productive. You're not going to feel as energized," she warns.

Opting for "real clothes" like jeans and a nice top helps shift her mindset into a more productive mode. Bristow explains, "If I put on jeans like real pants, real jeans, and a nice shirt, I automatically feel put together. I feel more energized and it just kind of elevates my mindset and my mood."

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Kickstart Your Metabolism: Morning Exercise

While not part of Bristow's routine, experts highly recommend morning exercise. Nick Parkinson, M.Ed., AT, ATC, TSAC-F, tells Henry Ford Health, "After a full night's sleep, walking helps jump-start your metabolism, allowing you to burn calories at a faster rate. Along with a healthy diet, walking can help manage weight. Even if you only have time for a 10-minute walk each morning, you'll have up to 70 minutes of exercise by the end of the week."

Ross Andersen, a professor of exercise physiology, medicine, and nutrition at McGill University in Montreal, adds, "Our metabolism doesn't just return to baseline after a tough workout. It remains a little higher. If people are walking around most of the day with a higher metabolic rate, it's a good thing."

Bristow has found a way to set a positive tone for her day, increase productivity, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. While adapting to new routines can be challenging, the potential benefits to your overall well-being make it worth the effort. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I'm a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Alek Korab
Alek Korab is Founding Editor of Body Network Read more