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I'm 60 and Lost 120 Pounds in a Year With Walking and 3 Other Changes That Finally Worked for Me

YouTube sensation Scott Sampson reveals simple hacks to lose 10 pounds a month.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Are you sick and tired of your weight yo-yoing? Scott Sampson, 60, the YouTuber behind the account Becoming Superhuman, struggled with his weight for most of his life, losing pounds and then putting them – and then some – back on again. It wasn't until he figured out the secret equation to weight loss that he achieved long-term success. "I lost 120 pounds, from 307 to 187 pounds in a 12-month period of time from July 2022 to July 2023," he exclusively tells Body Network. Here is everything you need to know about his weight loss journey.

Scott Sampson Struggled with Being Overweight and Obese Almost All His Life

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

Sampson, who lives in Tyler, Texas, struggled with being overweight "and then obese" for almost his entire adulthood. "Each year, I would gain 20-30 pounds, try a diet, and lose 10-15 pounds. As I approached 300 pounds, I became more serious about my weight and managed to lose 30-40 pounds, but inevitably fell back into unhealthy eating habits of overeating and eating unhealthy food, leading to regaining the weight, often plus some. This cycle of losing and gaining continued for 20-25 years. I would lose 20, 30, or 40 pounds, and then I would gain most of it back. Over and over and over again," he explains to Body Network.

He Hit His Breaking Point in 2019

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

In 2019, he experienced a pivotal moment when my dad passed away from a heart attack at 73. "Taking care of my mom, who was 74, disabled, and facing serious health issues like diabetes, hypertension, and severe CV, made me realize I was on a similar path, and it was going to be fast approaching. I was pre-diabetic and marginally hypertensive, and I decided to take control of my health and that if there was anything I could do to avoid being in poor health as I aged, I was going to do it," he says.

He Shifted His Focus From Losing Weight to Becoming Healthy

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

"For the first time, my focus shifted from just losing weight to becoming healthy. I dove into YouTube content about metabolic health, learning about insulin resistance and the harmful effects of ultra-processed foods. Understanding the dangers of these foods helped me commit to a whole-food, low-carb lifestyle. Recognizing my struggles with food addiction, I created a 'do not eat' list, allowing me to stick with my new eating habits," he says, "what most people would consider a keto or ketogenic diet. I didn't count any macros, but I also knew I was not consuming enough carbs to count." He also didn't add in a lot of additional fat as a lot of traditional keto purists advocate, "because I knew my body was carrying around all the fat that I needed to fuel my body. I didn't go low fat. I just didn't increase my fat intake and didn't have to count my fat macros. In hindsight, I probably should have done a better job of making sure I was getting enough protein as I was actively trying to lose weight. It wasn't until I was in a maintenance phase that I began to prioritize my protein intake," he says.

He Cleaned Up His Diet and Started Intermittent Fasting

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

"Throughout the weight loss phase of my health journey, I ate primarily cruciferous vegetables, berries, cheese, and proteins (eggs, beef, chicken, pork, fish). By eating a whole food, low-carb diet, combined with Intermittent Fasting, I was able to lose 100 pounds without any exercise," he says, revealing that he started fasting about one month into the diet. "At first, two meals a day with no snacks in about a 6-7 hour eating window, and then I later transitioned to one meal a day (OMAD). I completely avoided ultra-processed foods, seed oils, refined grains, and fast foods," he says.

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He Did a Water Fast Once a Month

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

"In addition, about once a month, I would do a 3-5 day water fast. For me, this was more about health than weight loss, and I learned that these extended fasts have incredible health benefits. Your body recycles damaged and abnormal cells. You produce additional human growth hormone. Your body produces additional stem cells. Your gut microbiome rests and resets. It's also beneficial for your DNA and mitochondria," he explains.

He Added Walking Into His Routine

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

"I did begin to introduce exercise into my routine and was able to lose an additional 20 pounds while building some lean muscle mass," he says. "Walking is my primary form of exercise. Once I established a routine of daily walks, I noticed increased energy and mental clarity. Walking is sustainable for most people, offering tremendous health benefits. I recommend aiming for 30-40 minutes of walking each day, ideally after meals, as it's easy to start at your own pace. Walking is also one of the easiest things for someone who is very overweight (like I was), and they can start at their own pace and improve as they drop weight," he says. "I also incorporated bodyweight exercises like push-ups, air squats, and planks, along with some dumbbell workouts."

It Is Now His Lifestyle

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

"Even a year after losing 120 pounds, I continue to eat a whole food, low carb diet, continue to eat one or two meals a day, and continue to consume YouTube content on health and wellness. This is a new lifestyle for me. After I had lost about 100 pounds, I had a friend ask me when I was going to stop dieting. I explained to them that we all diet all the time and that my new diet was something I was going to do for the rest of my life."

Here Is What He Eats in a Day

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

Here is what he eats in a day during the maintenance stage. "My diet resembles a 'carnivore adjacent' approach. Typically, I consume 3-4 eggs, 12-24 ounces of protein (usually beef), an avocado, and a handful of strawberries. I also include chicken, pork, and fish a few times a week," he says.

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He Also Hydrates

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

He also has a "strict" hydration routine. "I start my day with 6-8 ounces of water mixed with electrolytes, followed by about 15 ounces of coffee with cream or milk. By mid-morning, I drink 40 ounces of black iced tea, then another 40 ounces of green iced tea in the afternoon, finishing with 30-40 ounces of water later in the day."

Sleep Is Also Key, He Says

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

Sleep is also a priority. "I aim for at least 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep. Good sleep is crucial for overall health and effective weight loss, and it's often overlooked," he says.

His Message? "Mindset Is Everything"

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

What is his message for people out there who are struggling to get in shape? "Mindset is everything," he says. "You need the desire to change and the determination to learn what it takes. I've been where you are, that I struggled for years and years, and I found success through a whole food diet. Processed foods are detrimental to our health; recognizing them as harmful can make it easier to stop consuming them. The idea of "everything in moderation" often leads to failure for those who struggle to moderate. If I can do this, anyone can—there's nothing special about me. I simply learned the impact of certain foods on my body and decided to eliminate them. You can too!"

He Started His YouTube Channel to Help Others

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

"I started my YouTube channel because I feel like I have something to offer. I want to share what I've learned about gaining control of my health and how it's impacted my life. I believe I come from a different standpoint than most people on social media talking about weight loss. I named my YouTube channel Becoming Superhuman because sometimes that's how I feel now that I've regained my health. Super basically just means 'over and above,' higher in quantity, quality, or degree than 'more than,' and taking control of our health in the way that I've been able to do so, is more than most people these days. I have a message to share that's positive, that's possible, and so many people don't realize how much better they can make their lives. They feel trapped, and I want to help them take their first steps to Becoming Superhuman," he explains.

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He Has "Transformed" His Life

Scott Sampson Becoming Super Human
Copyright Scott Sampson

"Losing over 100 pounds has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. I've ditched the daily medications for joint pain and body aches, and I no longer suffer from frequent acid reflux or digestive issues. It's been years since I've had a cold or a sinus infection. With newfound energy and mental clarity, I finally care about my appearance and feel confident in my own skin. At 60 years old, I'm more excited about the future than ever before." And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more