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This "20-10" Method Is the Simplest Way to Lose Belly Fat and Up to 40 Pounds 

Weight loss coach Christy Campbell reveals an easy way to lose weight fast.

Do you want to lose weight fast and keep it off? Christy Campbell is a weight loss coach who helps women lose weight and "20 – 40 pounds of fat without dieting." In a new social media post, she reveals the details about her method. "I wish more women 40+ knew that losing belly fat really is as simple as the 20-10 method," she writes in an Instagram video. "This is based on coaching hundreds of people and seeing exactly what works," she adds in the captions.

First, Stay in a Calorie Deficit for 20 Days

"The 20. I want you to shoot for 20 days in a row of following a plan that puts you in a calorie deficit. The best way to do this is to subtract 300-500 calories from the amount of food your body needs to stay the same. Get apps 1g/ pound of goal body weight in protein and split the rest of your calories between carbs and fat. Ideally, you are eating mostly whole, nutrient-dense foods," she writes in her post.

This Will Give Your Body the Consistency It Needs to Change

"By committing to 20 days in a row, you give your body the consistency it needs to change. After 20 days, give yourself a day off to eat higher calories and enjoy a break. Then repeat again." She recommends repeating this twice. "Doing this 2x in a row is 42 days and will help you lose approximately 8-12 pounds of body fat," she says.

Next, Walk 10,000 Steps Per Day

"Then the next part…the 10. 10k every day… and those are intentional steps… so if you need to take a 45-minute to 1-hour walk to get it done- do it! Walking speeds up your metabolism without causing your body additional stress," she says.

Also, Lift Weights

"Should you lift weights, too? Yes, because that makes it a lot easier to maintain weight loss and also gives you a fit, healthy body. Do a minimum of three days a week… but the 20-10 method will get you big progress even if you can't do the workouts right away," she says.

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This Will Help Boost Metabolism and Burn Body Fat

Increasing daily movement and following a nutrition plan is a game-changer, she says. "20-10…simple and easy to remember. If you store fat in your belly, this will help a ton, and if you are over 40, the additional movement is going to give your metabolism a much-needed boost."

She Also Maintains That Ditching a Few Bad Habits Changed Her Body

In another post, she reveals that "ditching" a few habits "really changed" her body. "And I really wish I would have done them sooner…but here are the deets if you want to steal any or all of them," she writes.

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She Stopped Scrolling and Started Sleeping Moore

"Stopped scrolling and started sleeping" is the first change she made. "How did I do it? I deleted TikTok and gave myself time during the day to scroll…that wasn't before bed. I go to bed early…like 9 pm, and am typically asleep by 930. It is a priority. More sleep means better body composition, less cravings, and better hormone balance…aka…my body feels and looks its best."

She Stopped Over and Under Exercising

Next, she "stopped over and under exercising," she writes. "I've had times in my life where I was 40 pounds overweight and basically sedentary…and times in my life that I was doing CrossFit for 3 hours a day and felt very inflamed and puffy. Now, I exercise to build lean muscle, feel good, and enjoy life. I keep a very consistent routine, and it pays off."

She Quit Drinking

She also put down the bottle. "I quit drinking," she says. "This one is a very personal choice, but I'm sharing it bc it really made a big difference for me. I have had about ten drinks in the past year, and it has only been a positive in my life. I don't have the sleep issues, inflammation, or extra body fat from alcohol."

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She Paid More Attention to Her Nutritional Needs

"I stopped guessing how much food my body needs," she concluded. "There wasn't a secret diet or solution. It was simple…Understand macros and how they impact my body, learn how to turn macros into meals that I would eat consistently, and then learn to adjust the portions for my goals." And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more