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The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Best Body as a Mesomorph

Discover expert strategies to optimize your mesomorph body type.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Have you ever felt like your body doesn't quite fit into the typical molds of "skinny" or "curvy"? As a celebrity dietitian and nutritional therapist with over 25 years of experience, I've helped countless individuals navigate their unique body types to achieve lasting weight loss and optimal health. I'm Kim Shapira, M.S., R.D., and I've dedicated my career to helping people transform their relationships with food and their bodies. With a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Tulane University and a Master's degree in Human Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition from Boston University, I've honed my expertise in both private practice and various healthcare settings. Today, I'm here to share my insights on the mesomorph body type and how you can leverage its strengths to reach your fitness goals.

Understand Your Mesomorph Body Type

Close-up of female with perfect abdomen muscles and protein shake bottle on her hand on black background with copyspace. Mesomorph Body Type

As a mesomorph, you're blessed with a naturally athletic build. The mesomorph body type is athletic, muscular, and strong. A mesomorph body type will appear fat and contain muscle mass easily. However, it's crucial to understand that body types aren't set in stone. One common myth is that body types can't be changed. They can. Your body is in constant flux, influenced by factors like lifestyle, diet, sleep, and exercise.

Embrace Your Metabolic Advantage

Young woman eating Italian thick tomato pizza with burata cheese

Mesomorphs typically have a higher muscle-to-fat ratio, which translates to a more active metabolism. When we are high muscle and low fat, we are metabolically on fire, which means our body is functioning at a higher speed and burning through calories we get from our diet. This metabolic advantage means you're likely to feel hungry more often and be more aware of your hunger cues, which can be beneficial for weight management.

Track Your Body Composition


I love a scale that tells you your body, fat, metabolic age, water, percentage, visceral fat, and muscle mass. These metrics can provide valuable insights into your overall health. Ideally, body fat for a male body is under 18%. For females, the range is 18 to 24%; a metabolic age of your exact age or slightly younger is winning, a body water percentage of 52% or higher, and a visceral fat of 8 or lower. You can benchmark your progress with this useful Lean Body Mass Calculator.

Focus on Balanced Nutrition

Healthy food at home. Happy woman is preparing the proper meal in the kitchen.

For mesomorphs looking to maintain or optimize their physique, I recommend a balanced approach to nutrition. There are six main nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals. Each one of them is important. None of them should be restricted. A Mediterranean-style diet often works well for mesomorphs, providing a good balance of nutrients to support muscle tone without promoting unwanted bulkiness.

Practice Mindful Eating


One of my core principles is mindful eating. Eat when you are hungry, make sure to start with your normal portion cut in half and wait 15 minutes to see if you need more. This approach helps you tune into your body's needs and prevents overeating, which can disrupt your metabolism and lead to unwanted weight gain.

Love Your Food, Let It Love You Back

Image of young woman sitting in kitchen while eating fish and tomatoes.
Shutterstock/Shift Drive

Eat what you love and make sure the food loves you. This rule is designed to help you recover from any food triggers or emotional eating issues. Choose foods that nourish your body and don't cause digestive problems or inflammation.

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Eliminate Distractions While Eating


Make sure you're eating without distractions. This helps you focus on your hunger cues and avoid eating for emotional reasons or simply because food is in front of you.

Tailor Your Exercise Routine

Panoramic Side view of beautiful young asian woman running on treadmill and listening to music via headphone with arm a smart watch for tracking speed during sports training in a gym.

As a mesomorph, you have the potential to excel in various forms of exercise. It's important to emphasize balance here. I believe exercise should be part of a daily routine. The intensity can change from one day to the next, but it should include cardiovascular, strength training, flexibility, and functional training. This diverse approach helps maintain muscle tone without excessive bulking.

Incorporate Cardio Wisely


While mesomorphs can build muscle easily, it's important not to neglect cardio. Take a brisk walk or jog, cycle, swim, or use any cardio machines like a bike, elliptical or treadmill. We need to move our body daily but aim for 3-5 cardio sessions per week, with each session lasting 20-60 minutes, depending on fitness level and goals.

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Prioritize Strength Training

Concentrated woman lifting dumbbells in gym

To maintain your mesomorph physique, strength training is crucial. You should aim for 2 to 4 sessions of strength training to maintain your muscle mass or improve your muscle mass. Focus should be on the combination of free weights, resistance bands, bodyweight exercises. Always listen to your body and take a break when you need to.

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Don't Forget Flexibility

Athlete doing stretching exercises on running track. Woman runner stretching leg muscles by touching his shoes and looking away.

Flexibility training is often overlooked but incredibly important for mesomorphs. Flexibility actually is what makes our muscles able to perform to their best ability. It will decrease your risk for injury, preventing tightness that will ensure that bodies can and will move properly while also decreasing joint pain and immobility.

Hydrate and Rest

A girl is drinking water from her transparent bottle, a smart watch on her wrist, and headphones in her ears.

Proper hydration and rest are crucial for mesomorphs. Drinking 8 cups of water. This is essential to feeling well and making good decisions and allowing your body to do its natural calibration and cleansing. Additionally, never get less than 7 hours of sleep. This helps to keep our hormones balanced, our mood balanced and lower inflammation.

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Manage Stress Through Meditation

woman practices yoga and meditates in the lotus position on the beach

Stress management is key for maintaining a healthy mesomorph physique. I want to quote a famous quote: everybody should meditate for 20 minutes a day, and if you're very busy, then you should meditate for one hour a day. Even starting with 30 seconds a day can make a difference.

Stay Consistent and Patient

Happy woman with bread on her shoulders laughs front view and sunset in the background

Remember, achieving your ideal body composition takes time. Keep your eye on the ball. If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be to remember to find joy in the journey, not look forward to the destination. Consistency in your nutrition and fitness routine is key to long-term success.

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Embrace Your Unique Journey


Finally, it's crucial to remember that everybody is different. Keep in mind that every single person's body is different from yours and what they have gone through and are going through is completely different than yours. Embrace your mesomorph strengths while addressing any concerns you have about your physique. You are in a relationship with yourself… so today choose to be in a new relationship with yourself and live it exactly how you want it to be.

You live inside of the body you have. To quote one of my clients, who the other day responded to me, "I am trapped in my body, and I agreed, yes, you are, so why not love and honor it." It's not just about how you look but how you feel and function in your daily life.

Kim Shapira, M.S., R.D.
Kim Shapira, M.S., R.D., is a celebrity dietitian and nutritional therapist. Read more