Are you on a keto diet but aren’t sure what you can drink while you are fasting? Eric Berg, DC, is a doctor and chiropractor who specializes in keto and intermittent fasting. He regularly shares videos on how to lose weight with time-restricted eating and has amassed a whopping 12.1 million YouTube subscribers. In a viral video, he discusses “the non-acceptable and acceptable liquids during intermittent fasting,” which he calls a “very important topic because so many people make mistakes when they're fasting.”
What Is a “True” Fast
“A true fast is really not eating anything except drinking water,” he says. “The problem with that is the majority of the population has a lot less stored nutrients than we had even 20 years ago. So you're going to experience all sorts of side effects and problems if you don't enhance your fasting with certain nutrients.”
What Happens When You Break a Fast
“The benefits of fasting can get nullified with anything that spikes insulin. So the whole goal of doing fasting is to lower your insulin as low as possible,” he says. “When you consume pure fat, okay, you don't trigger insulin. When you consume fiber, which is a carbohydrate, you're not going to trigger insulin. Your body is going to go after that fat as its primary calories before it taps into your own body fat. So even though you're in ketosis, the ketones are coming from the dietary fat, not your own fat. This is why you may not be losing weight,” he says. However, if you consume pure fat during a fast, “it's not gonna increase insulin, it's not gonna bump you outta ketosis, but it's just gonna stop your weight loss.”
Number one, water. “Of course, there's good water, and there's bad water. Tap water is just filled with chemicals. So if you need to get a filter, get one and start using it because there are plastics, there are chemicals, there are hormones in the water supply, not to mention the toxic chemicals that they use to kill off germs and things in the city water. So just get a filter,” he suggests. “Spring water is the best you can do. Bottled water. Pellegrino is a bit expensive, but it has all the minerals, and it's naturally carbonated.
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Apple Cider Vinegar
You can also add apple cider vinegar to water. “ACV vinegar will greatly help your blood sugars. It's an acid so it's going to help your digestion. So you're gonna just digest better. And even though you drink it when you're not eating, it's still gonna help your digestion,” he says. He recommends adding a tablespoon in water a few times a day.
Lemon Juice
Next up, lemon juice. “Lemon juice has citrates, which help inhibit oxalates. So it decreases the risk of getting a kidney stone. Lemon juice does have vitamin C, but only if it's a fresh lemon. If it's in a lemon concentrate, it's pasteurized. It's not going to have pretty much any vitamin C at all. So the goal is not to drink it for vitamin C. The goal is to drink it to help prevent kidney stones by inhibiting oxalates. And it's also good for other things too. It helps the liver, it helps the gallbladder and it also has certain phytonutrients that help in other ways.”
Diet Sodas
Diet sodas are a “big fat no,” he says. “The artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame, affects your microbiome and that can indirectly affect your insulin levels and create insulin resistance and that can actually cause you to put on weight.”
Diet Sodas Made with Stevia
However, diet sodas made with stevia, “that's a whole different story. Totally fine,” he says. Monk fruit is another good sweetener as well.
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Black Coffee
Next up, coffee. “If you're just doing black coffee, it's not going to hurt you at all. So that would be a yes on the list. The only point I'm gonna bring up is caffeine. If you're drinking a lot of coffee throughout the day, you're gonna be consuming a lot of caffeine and that can inhibit your sleep cycles, which will then increase cortisol and that will slow down your weight loss. So I would recommend only doing one cup in the morning if possible. That's what I do. And my cup is actually pretty small. Of course the coffee is strong, but it's a very small cup. I would definitely spend a little bit more money and get organic because out of all the things that are sprayed with pesticides, coffee beans are at the top of the list.
Bulletproof Coffee
Next up is Bulletproof coffee, which has butter or MCT oil added. “This brings up the point that I talked about in the beginning: It's not going to bump you out of ketosis; it's going to bump you out of losing weight if you have a slow metabolism,” he says. “But I do recommend Bulletproof Coffee in the very beginning while you start this program because it's gonna allow you to do longer fasting and it has other benefits for your cognitive ability because MCT oil and even butter will help you generate ketones for your brain and it's going to help you with memory and focus and concentration.
Coffee with Half-and-Half or Cream
“Now what about half and half versus cream?” he asks. “Half and half is half milk and half cream. And then you have whole cream or whipping cream. Now half and half has maybe 1.6 grams of carbs. So I mean, it's pretty small, but it has some in two tablespoons, whereas whole cream has zero carbs. So I would always recommend doing the whole cream in your coffee versus the half and half,” he says.
Coffee with Non-Dairy Creamer
Next up, coffee with non-dairy creamers. “Those things are filled with chemicals, so I would avoid those at all costs,” he says.
Next, tea. “Green tea is very good to consume when you're fasting. There are certain phytonutrients in tea, even if you heat the tea that will help your metabolism, that will speed things up, that have antioxidant properties that have other phytonutrients that fight cancer, that have phytonutrients that support blood sugars, and the list goes on and on and on. I highly recommend consuming some type of herbal tea. Green tea is one of them. There's many others on a keto plan, but just one point about that is that these teas sometimes have caffeine. So take that in consideration because that can start affecting your sleep, especially if you're sensitive.”
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Coconut Water
Next, coconut water, which has between 11 to 16 grams of sugar, he points out. “So you definitely want to avoid coconut water. Some people drink it for hydration thinking it's a great electrolyte drink, but it comes with a package, it comes with a lot of sugar. And anytime you eat sugar or when you're fasting, you nullify your results for a good amount of time.
Coconut Milk
“Coconut milk also has some carbs, but it really depends on the type of coconut milk,” he says. “The coconut milk from brand name Silk actually has one gram of carbs, so that may be okay. So coconut water is a no, coconut milk could be a maybe.”
Pre-Workout Powder
The next drink is “pre-workout powders that you would put in your drink, like branch chain amino acids,” he said. “Not good at all.” Why? “This protein is not a complete protein, it is just amino acids.” You don't want them while you're fasting, as they will “definitely bump you out of ketosis,” he says. “It will bump you out of fat burning.”
What about alcohol? “You've probably heard of types of alcohol that are so-called keto friendly. They have no carbs in them. Here's the problem. The alcohol itself really toxifies your liver, which is gonna affect your fasting results and your ability to lose weight and your autophagy. It's not a good idea in any amounts,” he says.
Is milk keto friendly? “That would be a big fat, no, because one cup has 12 grams of carbs and zero fiber,” he says.
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Another drink he approves of? Electrolytes, “if it doesn't have any added sugar, if it's sweetened with stevia or monk fruit, totally fine,” he says. “Electrolytes are essential when you're fasting. So are other nutrients like B vitamins and vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids because the last thing you want to have happen is run out of these nutrients when you're fasting and get dizzy or faint or feel weak.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.