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Emily Skye Shows Off Her Sculpted Curves and Reveals Her "Insecurities"

Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits. 
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Even fitness influencers have insecurities. In a new social media post fitness guru Emily Syke shows off her enviable curves in a skintight dress, while revealing that even she has body image issues. "It might be hard to believe that I'm not a super confident person who doesn't have insecurities, but that couldn't be further from the truth! I've been battling with negative self-talk for as long as I can remember. It's like a constant companion, whispering in my ear that I'm not good enough, not smart enough, not worthy enough. And I'll admit, it's taken a toll on me," she says. "But I've come to realize that this negative self-talk is nothing more than a lie. It's a voice that tries to hold me back, to keep me small and afraid, and I refuse to let it win. I'm tired of believing these false narratives about myself. I'm tired of letting negativity control my thoughts and actions. It's time to take a stand and start challenging those negative thoughts. I'm learning to recognize when those thoughts creep in, and I'm fighting back," she continued. "I'm replacing those negative thoughts with positive affirmations. I'm reminding myself of my strengths and achievements. I'm surrounding myself with people who believe in me and support me. It's not always easy. Some days, the negative self-talk is louder than ever. But I'm determined to break free from its grip. I'm embracing my worth and cultivating a mindset of self-love and positivity. Because I deserve it. I am capable, strong, and worthy of all the good things life has to offer. I won't let negative self-talk hold me back any longer. If you're struggling with negative self-talk too, know that you're not alone. We're in this together. Let's challenge those thoughts, embrace our worth, and create a life filled with self-love, confidence, and happiness. We've got this." she wrote. How does Emily approach diet and fitness? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits. 

Protein-Centric Diet

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Emily maintains a protein-centric diet. For breakfast she has an egg, spinach and halloumi wrap and then has a tuna, kale, sweet potato and avocado salad at lunch. "I usually aim to include protein at breakfast, like eggs and dairy, which also have a range of important minerals," she told NW Magazine. "A savoury breakfast means I can throw in some vegetables, plus wholegrain carbs for slow-release energy." She is also a fan of fish. "I try to include fish a few times a week for lean protein and important omega-3 fats. I add some pumpkin and sesame seeds for extra mineral, protein and healthy fats," she said.

Meal Prepping and Intuitive Eating


Skye preps her meals ahead of time. "A salad or noodle bowl is a quick lunch option," she said in the same interview. "I like intuitive eating and to allow myself one or two treat meals a week. It does depend on what's happening though. If I have a photoshoot or something coming up, I'm a bit more strict with myself because I know I have a goal to achieve, but generally, I allow a couple of treats. My favorite 'treat' foods are chips and chocolate," she added to Women's Best.

Adapting Her Diet

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"It's always about what my gut will tolerate. At the moment I'm working through fixing that. I like to eat basics, unprocessed and organic food wherever and whenever it's possible. I like the hunter-gather diet, organic meats, fish nuts, and seeds. I don't have much in the way of bread or pasta just because it doesn't agree with my tummy. My diet is all about how I feel when and after eating the food!" she told Women's Best.

Daily Workouts

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Skye works out almost every day – 5-6 times per week – she said on Instagram."Some people might think my progress is due to my genetics or because of breastfeeding but I can tell you it's got a LOT to do with hard work and consistency," she wrote in an Instagram post. "All those midnight workouts I did after Mia fell asleep and eating healthy meals from my FIT Program are getting me great results."

HIIT Workouts


"You can't spot reduce," Skye told People. "Work your whole body doing high-intensity interval training workouts and weights. A lot of women neglect [weight training] because they have this fear that weights will make them bulky, but it's actually really good for getting that toned look. Plus it burns fat," she added. "You've got fat that sits on top of the muscle, so if you work the muscle and get it nice and toned, once you remove the fat you're left with long, lean, toned muscles."

No Processed Food

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"Some things are okay in packets, but mostly processed foods are packeted, so stay with the fresh food section of the shop," Skye told People. "If you stay there, you can't go wrong."

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Eating Enough


"A lot of people don't eat enough food," Skye added to People. "They think if they eat less or calorie-restrict they'll burn more, but your body will adapt to that, which means it slows down your metabolism and will store food as fat. You've got to eat enough food to keep everything going."

💪🔥Body Booster: When you look in the mirror, try to do so with love. Keep in mind that even people who are in excellent shape also struggle with insecurities. 

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more