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Over 60? Here Are the Best Tips to "Tone and Tighten Your Thighs" by Denise Austin

Here are her lifestyle habits.

Fitness and health expert Denise Austin (@deniseaustin) is revealing the one exercise you need to do to "tone and tighten your thighs." In a new exercise video shared on social media, the fitness guru demonstrates an easy but effective lower-body exercise. "Get up with me right now and try this move, it only takes a minute but works so many muscles at one time it's worth it!!" she captioned the clip. What is the exercise, and what other health habits help keep Austin, 67, in shape? Here is everything you need to know. 

Wall Sits

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Denise demonstrates a wall sit in the video. "Simply rest your back against the wall and walk your feet out so your legs are as close to a 90° angle as possible. The lower you are the hard it will be… you will feel the burn in your quads, glutes, calves and core!! Hold for as long as you can and repeat 3-4 times!" she instructs. 

Short Bursts of Exercise


You don't need to invest large chunks of time in exercise. "If you can do 10 minutes of working out at a time and do that three times a day, you will have worked out 30 minutes in one day,' noted the star in her charming easy-to-relate-to manner," Denise told Daily Mail.

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Movement All Day


Denise emphasizes the importance of constant movement. "It is all about blood circulation and moving. I even stand up and walk in place when I watch TV just to keep it flowing," she told Daily Mail. "The consistency pays off."



Walking "is a healthy way to feel better" and helps improve mood and sleep, Denise told the Daily Mail adding that "exercise is the best pre-meditative medicine," and she works out for mental health benefits "I like to exercise to feel good. I feel energetic after a walk, the endorphins get going and flow, it helps with stress and anxiety and pent-up feelings."

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Portion Size


It's not always what you eat, but how much you eat, says Denise. "I eat smaller portions," she told Daily Mail. "For dinner I may have salmon and veggies. A snack is flax seed with yogurt. I love avocados and eggs for breakfast." She also prepares her own meals. "I cook really healthy for my family. There are a lot of salads, chicken tacos, vegetable lasagnas, casseroles with less cheese."

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80/20 Rule


Denise is all about moderation. "I eat well 80 percent of the time and the other 20 percent I am bad," she confessed to Daily Mail.

💪🔥Body Booster: Working out just 10 minutes a day can make a big difference if you focus on doing effective moves. If you aren't sure what to do, hire a personal trainer to put together a short but intense workout for you. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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