Do you want to get a full-body workout in without leaving the house? Alex Rice is a certified personal trainer and fitness influencer who boasts over 1.1 million Instagram followers. She regularly shares workout sets that don’t require a gym membership or expensive exercise equipment. “I love a full body workout,” Rice writes in the caption of one of her posts. “It leaves you feeling accomplished and strong!!! Let’s go.” Here are 13 at-home exercises that will help to firm your upper body fast.
Dumbbell Squats
The first exercise she recommends? 4 sets of 10-12 dumbbell squats. “You can do any version of a dumbbell squat you like!” she says.
Kneeling Arnold Press
Next up, 4 sets / 10 (each) of single arm kneeling Arnold presses. To do the exercise, kneel on one knee. With the opposite arm, lift your weight up and down.
Deficit Reverse Lunge
The third exercise? 3 sets / 8 (each) of deficit reverse lunge. Stand with two feet together, holding your weight in one arm. With that same leg, lunge back. Repeat. After 8 reps, switch to the other leg and arm.
Push Up
The next exercise is one of the most old school but effective: Push ups. Do 3 sets of 10 to 12. You can also modify and do incline push ups, she says.
Seesaw Bent Over Row
Rice recommends doing 3 sets / 10 (each) of seesaw bent over rows. Kneel over with knees slightly bent holding a dumbbell in each hand. Row arms up and down.
Explosive Squat Jumps
The final exercise of this workout? 3 sets of explosive squat jumps. Holding a weight in each hand, squat down and then spring up. Repeat.
Kneeling Single Arm Shoulder Press
In another video, Rice shares her “dumbbell demolisher,” workout, asking: “did someone say they are looking for a dumbbell only workout??? I got you! Let’s train upper body!” The first exercise is a kneeling single arm shoulder press. Do 4 sets | 8-10 reps on each arm.
DB Close Grip Row
The second exercise is a dumbbell close grip row. In her demonstration she kneels over. Keeping weight close to her side she rows with both arms, completing 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
Hand Release Push Ups
Rice does a modified version of the OG push up, which she calls a hand release push up. After each one she lifts her hands from the ground. She does 3 sets, 8-10 (each) reps. You can also do incline push ups- hands on a bench/box/wall as a modification.
Single Arm Row
The fourth exercise of the set is another row: The single arm row. She recommends 3 sets, 8-10 (each) reps.
Seated OH Tricep Extension
The fifth exercise she does are seated overhead tricep extensions. She sits on the bench and holds a single weight with both hands, dropping it behind her head and raising up. She does 3 sets, 10-12 reps.
Hammer Curls
The final exercise in this circuit. Hammer curls. She recommends doing 3 sets of the simple but effective exercise.