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She Lost 270 Pounds and Recommends a Single Habit for Weight Loss

It might be time to change your workout schedule.

Do you want to achieve more weight loss success in 2025? It may be time to modify your approach to exercise. Laura Flusche is a social media influencer and weight loss warrior who lost 270 pounds. On her Instagram page, she regularly shares her experiences, revealing things that worked and those that didn't. In a new post she reveals one key habit she is adopting in the new year. "I lost 270 pounds and continue to make tweaks in my habits. I'm making this small habit change in 2025," she says.

Early Morning Workouts

Her big change? "EARLY morning workouts!" she reveals in her video. "I've wanted to do this for so long- but just never have committed. NOW is the time! Everyone swears by early morning workouts and after a quick Google search, you can clearly see the benefits!"

They Help You "Avoid Distractions"

The first reason she gives? "Morning exercise helps you avoid distractions! No excuses of things that come up, you wake up and get it DONE!" she writes.

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You Will Reap the Benefits All Day Long

Reason number two? "You'll reap the benefits of morning exercise ALL day! Exercising boosts mood and productivity- by doing it early you get to have that with you throughout the entire day," she says.

You Are More Likely to Stay Healthy Throughout the Day

When you get your workout over with in the morning, you are less likely to indulge in junk later on. "Helps you make healthier choices. When you feel better, you do better," she says.

You Will Boost Your Metabolism

The fourth reason for early morning workouts, according to Laura?  "You'll boost your metabolism!" she says.

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You Will Sleep Better

The final reason she gives for early morning workouts? She claims it will help improve your z's. "You'll sleep better!" she writes.

She Makes New Goals for Herself Regularly

"After losing 270lbs AND maintaining this loss of over a year, I still make new goals for myself. I still make tweaks to my habits. I STILL try everyday to improve myself! So here's to the first change, EARLY workouts!" she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more