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I Wore a 25-Pound Vest for a Year and These 7 Things Happened

There are tons of benefits to walking with a weighted vest, says one expert.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Do you want to up the ante with your daily walks? You should try a weighted vest, one influencer recommends. Liz, the creator of 5050 Gal channel and advocate of the Starch Solution, makes it no secret that walking is her exercise method of choice for weight loss. In a recent viral video she discusses weighted vests and how they help her achieve her goals faster.

She Is a Big Advocate of Weighted Vests

"A lot of you see me on the walks now, and you are interested in learning more about a weighted vest and how it can support you and really enhance your activity. So let's sit down and chat," she says at the start of the clip.

It "Changed the Game" of Her Walking

Wearing a weighted vest "literally changed the game from my walking and also how I carry myself from like a weight on my shoulders," she says in the clip. "I feel like my muscles are more defined in general because of my weighted vest. I don't think that would've just naturally happened by walking without a weighted vest."

It Helps You Burn More Calories and Improves Bone Density

"Research is now showing that when you wear a weighted vest, you are able to burn more calories, but it also helps your bone density. It's almost making you stronger. And so my philosophy around a weighted vest is if you are already going to be walking for a period of time or you're going to be doing stuff around the house, whatever the case may be, wear a weighted vest to enhance your activity, your fat burn," she says.

It Also Helps Posture

"I also believe it helps your posture because you have weight on your shoulders, so you're aligning your shoulders to your ears. And I just feel like that is really important, especially as a woman, to have bone density, to be healthy, and to have proper posture. So there's, there's so many benefits," she says.

She Started with 11 Pounds

She explains that she started with an 11-pound vest because "11 more pounds is actually a lot of extra weight to be carrying," she notes. She ended up upgrading because she wanted a different style and was ready for more weight.

She Went Up to 20-25

"I went up to about 20 pounds, and I got a different weighted vest that was like full armor, and I love it because it fits really, really tight," she says. She also notes that you can add extra weight to it, so hers is actually 25 pounds.

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Start Lower and Move Your Way Up

"You have to start at a lower weight if you're not used to it because you will get back from a walk and want to take it off right away because it's really heavy. You want to start conditioning yourself at a lower weight and then be able to increase up to a higher weight when you feel comfortable."

You Will Sweat More and Burn More Calories

"You will sweat more, meaning you're gonna be burning more calories. And so you have to keep that in mind when you're looking to see which kind of weighted vest you want because the one that I originally had had more breathing capacity, whereas the one I have now doesn't. So when I take it off, I'm drenched with sweat," she says.

She Walks with It and Sometimes Wears It While Doing Chores

She explains that she wears it in the morning for her 3-mile walk. By the time she gets home, she is ready to take it off. "I sometimes do my chores with it on in the morning," she adds.

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Here Is Everything You Should Consider Before Buying One

"If you are thinking about getting a weighted vest, consider the style you want, the weight that you want, and how you're going to incorporate it into your daily lifestyle," she suggests. "Also, start thinking about how it could benefit you. It benefits me for a lot of reasons for weight loss, reminding me of how much I used to weigh. It also helps me with my posture. It's making me stronger, especially around my upper neck and shoulder area." And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more