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I Replaced These 10 "Clean" Foods and I've Never Looked Better

Just because a food is clean doesn’t mean it will help you achieve your body goals.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Are you eating "clean" but can't seem to achieve the body composition results you are striving for? Fun fact: Just because food is "clean" doesn't mean it is going to help you lose weight or build muscle. In fact, lots of "clean" foods might be making you eat more. Sarah Bouchard is a Nutrition Coach & Educator who helps women over 35 "ditch diet confusion & simplify nutrition" for "Sustainable fat loss + healthy body composition," she explains in her Instagram bio. In a recent post, she revealed 10 "clean" foods she replaced with "satiety-boosting food" that helped her achieve her body goals.

Many "Clean" Foods Won't Keep You Full

"It doesn't matter if your granola is Keto or Paleo…It still has a million calories, virtually no protein, and won't keep you full for more than 2 hours," she writes in her post. "So if you're starting your day with coconut yogurt and 'clean' granola – not only are you missing an opportunity to stimulate your muscle tissue (which matters for so much more than a toned physique)…But you're also EXTREMELY likely to have unstoppable binges in the evening!"

She Reveals That She Used to Eat Foods She Thought Were Clean Daily

"Ladies, I've been down, 'but I eat so clean' road before, and it led me absolutely nowhere," she continues. "I used to eat these ten foods almost every day, and yet struggled to get the body composition that matched how active I was and how healthy I ate."

Here Are the 10 She Tries to Avoid Now

  1. Nut butter
  2. almond flour
  3. chia seeds
  4. paleo granola
  5. full-fat coconut milk
  6. olive oil
  7. my healthy homemade dressing
  8. coconut oil
  9. grass-fed butter
  10. coconut yogurt.

You Don't Need to Eliminate But Limit Them

She stresses that elimination isn't necessary. "I don't necessarily avoid the foods above, but I measure them and don't rely on them to keep me full on their own," she says.

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Now, She Eats Food That Has More Protein and Fiber

"Here are ten foods I used to avoid or not eat regularly that I now eat almost daily and ACTUALLY give the health & results I want," she continues. "The difference? MORE satiety, MORE volume, MORE protein, and MORE fiber, to optimize my SATIETY so I don't struggle to stay within my calories."

Here Are 10 Foods She Eats Daily

  1. Whey protein pancakes
  2. extra lean ground beef
  3. extra lean ground turkey
  4. mixing egg whites with whole eggs
  5. top sirloin instead of ribeyes
  6. low-fat yogurt
  7. cottage cheese
  8. oats & oat flour
  9. lots of high-fiber starchy vegetables
  10. apples, bananas, and fruit in general (not just berries).

You Also Need to Make Sure You Are Eating Enough Protein

In another post, she reveals some common protein mistakes people make. The first? Not eating enough. "I don't care how clean your breakfast is. If you're not getting 30-35g of QUALITY PROTEIN, you ain't triggering MPS, and your breakfast isn't doing anything for your body composition!" she says in her post.

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And, That You Are Choosing High Fat Proteins

Another faux pas you might be making is choosing proteins higher in fat. "I love a good ribeye just as much as anyone, but at the end of the day, if you're trying to lose body fat, calories still matter. There is a difference between high in protein and protein dense. A protein-dense option for red meat could look like a top sirloin, a fillet, or extra lean ground beef!" she says.

Or, Assuming That All You Need to Do Is Increase Protein

Sarah also emphasizes that "just increasing protein alone isn't necessarily going to get you the results you want if you are still in a calorie surplus," she says. "When I started tracking my food, I quickly realized that I was overdoing the 'healthy fats' on the side."

You Also Shouldn't Be Relying Too Much on Protein Bars and Shake

She also points out that protein bars and shakes aren't the best type. "Protein is mostly helpful for satiety when it is in a whole food form. And satiety matters a lot if you are in a deficit. I love whey protein powder myself, but try to incorporate it into foods I can eat that are also mixed with whole foods and are higher in volume!" she says.

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Finally, Salad Isn't Always the Best Choice

She also points out that sticking to the "healthy" salad with 4 ounces of chicken instead of the lean steak with a baked potato and veggies might be a mistake. "Stop being afraid of protein! That healthy salad probably has more calories than the 6oz steak and will leave you ravenous for the rest of the day," she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more