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I Dropped 100 Pounds as a Dietitian and These Are 5 Surprising Things I Learned

Ilana Muhlstei reveals secrets that helped her to lose weight.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Have you ever felt like your weight loss journey was taking forever? You're not alone. Ilana Muhlstein, RD, is a mother-of-two, nutritionist, and weight loss warrior who dropped 100 pounds naturally. She has amassed a following of over 2 million TikTok followers for sharing content about how she lost all the weight without going to extremes. Her story of persistence and gradual change spans more than a decade, and two best-selling books (You Can Drop It! and Love the Food That Loves You Back) offer inspiration and practical advice for anyone looking to make a lasting transformation.

A Journey of Persistence

Ilana's weight loss journey began at age 14 when she weighed 215 pounds. In her own words: "I was about 14 years old when going into high school when I was 215 pounds and I was two inches shorter, and that summer I lost 30 pounds." This initial success set the stage for her long-term transformation.

Lacy Puttuck, MS, RDN, CISSN, CSCS, underlines the importance of a sustainable approach: "There are 3 key components of a sustainable body fat loss plan: Weight training, higher protein diet, and adopting healthy habits." This aligns with Ilana's gradual and consistent approach to weight loss.

The Power of Maintenance

One of the key aspects of Ilana's journey was her ability to maintain her weight loss. She explains, "So I went from two 15, I think to 180 5 that is, or 180 9, maybe one 90. And then I stayed there. So I got to that weight from 14 to 15, I lost 30 pounds, and then I stayed there, and then I maintained that freshman year of high school."

This pattern of losing weight and then maintaining it for extended periods became a crucial part of her success story.

Overcoming Challenges

The journey wasn't always smooth. Ilana faced challenges like mono and the temptations of college life. Despite these obstacles, she managed to maintain significant weight loss throughout college. She recalls,

"Then I went to Israel for four months after high school and I got mono, which was just the weirdest thing ever because I was obsessed with veggies at that point."

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

One of the keys to Ilana's success was her gradual approach. It took her 14 years to lose 100 pounds, going from 215 to 117 pounds. This slow-and-steady method allowed her body to adapt and helped her avoid loose skin issues.

Ilana reflects on this journey: "When people ask me how long it took me to lose weight from top to bottom, the a hundred pounds, 215 to my lowest of 1 17, 2 inches taller, took 14 years, I would lose 30 pounds and I've maintained for a couple years. Then I lose 30 pounds and I maintain it for a couple years, then I lose 30 pounds."

Courtney Pelitera, MS, RD, CNSC, supports this approach: "When it comes to losing body fat, nutritional intake is the basis for overall success. However, the different aspects of eating may not be what you would expect. Without a doubt, the most important part of a weight loss diet is to be in a calorie deficit."

The Importance of Regular Exercise

While diet played a crucial role, exercise was also an important part of Ilana's journey. She shares an experience from her time as a camp counselor: "I decided to get really jacked. I think I was flirting like crazy with the gym guys. So the guys who were in charge of the weightlifting gym were these really, really good-looking Australian guys with adorable accents… I was asking them to train me. So on all my free periods and even days off, I would be in the gym lifting weights, and I never lifted so many weights."

Puttuck adds, "It is important to look at daily habits that will not support fat loss and work with a health professional on making long term adjustments."

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Adapting to Different Environments

Ilana's journey took her through various life stages and environments, from high school to college and beyond. She had to adapt her strategies to each new situation.

For instance, when she moved into her sorority house, she faced new challenges: "Every morning in the sorority house, we got delivered probably three dozen fresh bagels, and everyone loved our bagels… I gained weight being in the sorority house because even though I tried not to eat the bagels every day when I did indulge, I'd quickly gain weight. If I had eaten them daily, I would have gone right back to 215 pounds."

Body Image and Self-Perception

Interestingly, Ilana's perception of her body took time to catch up with her physical changes. She shares, "It has taken me a very long time to be comfortable in my body and see it the way I see it now." This highlights the importance of mental adaptation alongside physical changes.

Practical Tips for Success

Ilana shares practical tips from her experience, including prioritizing veggies and water, planning meals, always having healthy snacks, focusing on progress rather than perfection, and being patient with oneself.

She underlines the importance of sustainability: "I try to live a life that feels good enough and satisfying enough every day that I don't feel the need to cheat on it."

Pelitera supports this, stating, "The best way to use nutrition for fat loss is to find what works best for you in order to be in a caloric deficit. Looking at the research, there is no one weight loss diet with better long term effects, as long as the caloric deficit is maintained."

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Addressing Underlying Health Issues

Ilana advises seeking medical advice to ensure there are no underlying health issues preventing weight loss. She also stresses the importance of having the right plan.

Colette Micko, MS, RDN, CDES, adds another important perspective: "When trying to lose body fat and optimize metabolism, it's important to ensure you are getting optimal sleep and managing stress in addition to quality nutrition and exercise. Both sleep and stress are key players in metabolism."

Embracing Your New Self

For those struggling with body image issues, Ilana suggests donating clothes from heavier days. She advises, "If you've lost 30 pounds and you still see yourself as heavier, don't, it really comes down to getting rid of the clothes you wore 30 pounds heavier. Just donate them."

A Message of Hope

Ilana's journey shows that significant, lasting weight loss is possible for anyone willing to commit to the process. She believes our bodies are designed to be lean, healthy, fit, and strong. In her words, "You can do this. I really truly believe our bodies were designed to be lean, healthy, fit, and strong."

Puttuck supports this view, noting, "By increasing and maintaining muscle mass, your overall calorie burn is higher. This higher calorie burn makes keeping fat off more successful."

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The Power of the Right Mindset

Ilana's final piece of advice emphasizes the importance of a sensible, simple, and sustainable plan. Her story is a testament to the power of persistence and self-compassion in weight loss, demonstrating that with the right mindset and approach, anyone can achieve their health goals, no matter how long it takes.

Micko concludes, "If you are getting inadequate sleep, generally defined as less than 7 hours per night, it will impact workout performance and recovery from workouts, nutrition habits including overall food preferences and portion sizes, and disrupt the body's natural rhythm to burn fat for energy." This underscores the holistic approach needed for successful, sustainable weight loss. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Alek Korab
Alek Korab is Founding Editor of Body Network Read more