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I Lost 134 Pounds After Saying Goodbye to These 6 Habits

Christina Jordan maintains that getting rid of a few bad habits has helped her lose significant weight.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Sometimes, weight loss boils down to saying goodbye to a few simple unhealthy habits and making a psychological shift. Christina Jordan is a Board Certified Master Nutritionist at Fit Body Weight Loss. She personally lost 134 pounds and reversed Type 2 Diabetes, thyroid issues, and autoimmune issues with healthy eating and lifestyle. In one viral video, she reveals how she lost weight by getting rid of a few bad habits. "Goodbyes are always hard… But not when it's saying goodbye to the things that hold us back! It's time to step up and be the WARRIOR —and NOT the worrier— that we were ALL born to be!" she writes in the caption of the video. "This is how I lost 134 pounds and kept it off over 10 years and 3 kids!"

Saying Goodbye to Things That "Aren't Lifting You Up" Is Hard But Worth It

"The truth is, goodbyes are hard. Goodbyes are making changes. It's always hard. It's never easy to say goodbye, especially when you're saying goodbye to things that don't serve you, to things that aren't good for you. To people who don't appreciate you or to situations that aren't building you up, saying goodbye is always hard. But let me tell you, my friend, it is always, always worth it. It's always worth it to say goodbye to those things that aren't building you up, that aren't encouraging you, that aren't lifting you up in your journey," she says at the start of the clip.

People Make a Lot of Excuses

Senior fat woman holding the knee with pain.

"I get lots of messages from people who will message me, and they'll email me, and they'll text me, and they'll call us at the clinic, and they'll say, you know what? I wish I could do it. I wish I had what it takes. You know what, you do have it," she says. "But the truth is, if you keep letting those excuses rule you, if you keep letting those excuses tell you what to do, boss you around, you're giving up your authority."

She Weighed 271 Pounds and Made Every Excuse in the Book Before Changing Her Life

Overweight unhappy asian woman extra heavy body cellulite sitting on bed at home. Upset oversized lady worry diet weight loss suffering from extra weight. Obesity unhealthily concept.

"When I started my journey, I started at 271 pounds. And I had, I told myself, some of those bullshit lies I did. I said I can't change. I said, you know what? I've had kids. I've destroyed my body. I'll never get it back. I dropped out of college to have babies. I'll never go back. I said I can't do it. I can't go back to college with babies. You know what? I went back to college with three babies, and I got my degree. I went back and got it again. I went back twice with the babies. And I found my passion after having those kids. And you know what? My struggle with my weight became my passion."

Say Goodbye to Viewing Mountains as Obstacles, But Instead, Challenges to Her Make You Stronger

Young man with backpack hiking mountains - Hiker having trekking day out on a sunny day - Successful, sport and inspirational concept

"Don't think that mountain in your life is going to stop you. That mountain is actually your practice to become greater, to go more, to become stronger because nothing grows without that. That literally you gotta have something to do. You have to try. There's gonna be a problem because it's those problems that make us stronger," she says.

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Say Goodbye to Telling Yourself You Aren't Good Enough


"The truth is, that's like life. Stop letting the excuses rule you. Stop letting people tell you you're not good enough. Stop telling yourself you're not good enough. Stop lying to yourself thinking that you can't do this because honey, you can do this. You should do this. And my God, you should take action now," she says.

Say Goodbye to Excuses


"You should stop telling yourself it's too late. Somebody needs this. It is not too late. It is not too late. There are no more excuses that can say it's too late, or you're, you don't have what it takes. 'cause you do. I do. And you do too. You can do this. And goodbyes are hard. But if you're gonna say goodbye to anything, say goodbye to those excuses," she says.

Say Goodbye to People That Don't Believe in You

A beautiful girl and her well-built boyfriend are greeting each other with a high-five. They are happy to see each othr in the gym. Young people are ready to start their workout.

"Say goodbye to the doubters. Say goodbye to the people that don't believe in you, because you know what you are, who you hang around with. And if they're not saying, 'My God, you have greatness in you, you are powerful, you are amazing, you are smart, you are courageous, you are absolutely astounding, and you're not living up to your best self,' then get rid of 'em. Say goodbye, baby," she continues.

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Replace Them with People Who Lift You Up

Happy woman, friends and running in forest for workout, training or outdoor cardio exercise together. Active female person, athlete or runners smile for sports run, sprint or race in nature fitness

"Move on and get around people who lift you up, who cheer you on, the 'You know what I want people' who cheer for me instead of, you know, who put me down. I want people who lift me up instead of beating me up. If people beat you up, get rid of 'em. I don't care if your coworkers are talking down bye. If your friends make you feel bad about yourself, they ain't friends. They're frenemies. Get them out."

Say Goodbye to Talking Down to Yourself

"If you are not speaking well about yourself every single freaking day, if you're not looking at yourself in the mirror and saying, 'I'm amazing. I'm fabulous, I'm strong, I'm powerful, I can do this. I have a dream. And you know what? God gave me that dream, and I'm gonna do it.' If you are not speaking good over you every single day, then something's wrong," she says.

Say Goodbye to "Limited Thinking

Image of happy excited young friends loving couple chefs on the kitchen eat tasty pasta.

"You need to say goodbye to those bad habits. Say goodbye to that limited thinking. Say goodbye to that old you and step into who you were created to be," she says, admitting that she "never dreamed" she could have the life that she does. "But you know what? What happens when you climb those mountains? Don't let the mountain in your journey stop you. Don't let that mountain scare you. You were born to climb. This is your mountain, and you are gonna climb it, and you're gonna conquer it. And it is hard. It is hard to say goodbye to the limiting thoughts, but it is worth it. And if you're gonna say goodbye to anything, you say goodbye to those limiting thoughts, to the negativity, to the self-doubt, and just watch what happens. You're the world changer. Seriously, if you wanna be a world changer, change your world, change your habits."

Start with One Thing


How should you go about changing? "Start with one thing," she recommends. This going be "getting up early tomorrow morning," to get a head start on your goals. "Set your alarm clock tonight. Go to bed early. Get up early tomorrow and go for a walk in the morning. Do some stretching in the morning. Do some yoga in the morning. Have a healthy breakfast in the morning. Have a green drink instead of that coffee."

Invest in What You Need, But Stop Wasting Money On What You Do


But if you need a gym membership, do it. If you need to get some supplements, do it. If you, you know what? Instead of wasting money on things that steal from you, like fast food, why not go get those organic apples and the organic lettuces and all the great veggies? Seriously? It doesn't cost any more.

Start Building New Habits

Two women in their 30s talking a walk or jog together in the outdoors.

"You just have to trade-off. And that is how it works. You say goodbye to the excuses, goodbye to the habits, and start building some new ones. I'm telling you, it is worth it. It will change your life. It'll change tomorrow. And you just start, you don't gotta worry about, 'Oh, I gotta totally, radically change my world,'" she promises.

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Make the Changes Now

Side view of two attractive sports women on running track. Girls on treadmill

"Just change tomorrow. Just change what you do tonight. Just change what you do tomorrow morning. That's all you gotta do. And then you stay with it and you keep going," she says.

If You Fail, Forgive Yourself and "Do It Again"

Blonde young woman give up workout in gym, fail.

"And when you fail, you forgive yourself, and you do it again. You keep trying. I'm serious. It's not about being perfect. It's about being persistent. And you just keep trying every freaking day you put in the work, and you keep trying, and tomorrow you try again," she adds.

But the Most Important Thing Is to Start Right Now

Happy woman, friends and running in forest for workout, training or outdoor cardio exercise together. Active female person, athlete or runners smile for sports run, sprint or race in nature fitness

"If you wanna know how to change your life, change tomorrow morning. Let's just start tomorrow. Let's go to bed early tonight. Let's get a good night's sleep because tomorrow, you're saying goodbye to those bad habits. You're saying goodbye to the excuses, and you're saying goodbye to the old you and hello to the new me. Listen, you got this. I'm cheering for you. And if I can do this, you can do this. I'm the most stubborn mama around," she says.

Put Yourself on Your To-Do List

Man hand writes with a pen on a white sheet of paper, night dark background

She stresses the importance of making yourself a priority, even if you have kids. "I got three little boys, well, they're big boys now. I have three sons in my house. I have a lot to do in my life. And I'm telling you, I had to put me on the to-do list 'cause I never did," she explains. "And once I did, something magical happened. I had a lot more energy to give my family. I had a lot more love to give my husband and a lot more patience to give my friends, my neighbors, and my community. I just had a lot more to give." You can benchmark your progress with this useful Lean Body Mass Calculator.

Fill Your Cup Every Day

Picture of two fitness women in gym

"If you are not filling up your cup every single day with kindness, with good words, with good thoughts, with self care, you're not gonna have anything to give anybody else. And you're gonna feel empty and you're gonna wonder why you walk around like a zombie or like I like to say a mom," she points out. "You just feel dead."

Say Goodbye to Bad Habits Today

Group of happy friends stands with raised arms at sunset mountain and enjoys sunset

"You're gonna wake up. And it starts with saying goodbye. Goodbye. Bad habits, goodbye excuses, goodbye limiting beliefs. See you later. I don't need you. Goodbye. Negative people. Buy toxic people and toxic food. See you later. I don't need you. Adios, goodbye," she maintains. "And I did that two years ago. I literally got rid of every, almost every friend in my life that was toxic. And I found out I had no friends left. I had like two," she admits. "They were amazing. And they lift me up instead of beat me up." Her bottom line?

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If You Need Help, She Encourages You to Reach Out

Cheerful female friends walking outdoors in city and having fun. Young women piggybacking their friends outdoors in the city.

"It's time to say goodbye. It's time to make some changes. And I'm telling you, if you need any help, reach out. I've been there. I've walked the journey. I would love to help you, especially if you need help with wellness," she concludes. You can contact Christina via her website or by calling 844-537-2408. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more