Family Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Educator Brigitte (@BrigitteNP) was a personal trainer in the past and is still very passionate about all things diet, exercise, and wellness. Brigitte knows first-hand how difficult it can be to lose weight if your metabolism isn’t being supported. “I was not blessed with a very fast metabolism,” she says. “There are certain people who can eat anything they want and stay skinny. That was never me, has never been me, and will probably never be me, but there are things that you can do to help boost your metabolism.” Read on to learn about her top metabolism-boosting tips!
Yearly Checkups
Keep up with your yearly checkups to rule out any medical conditions that could undermine your weight loss, Brigitte says. “I always recommend that you schedule your yearly visit with your healthcare provider or make an appointment anytime you feel there's a change in your health conditions, such as hypothyroidism, which is a sluggish thyroid or a slow thyroid that can decrease your metabolism,” she says. “Hypothyroidism can be detected through lab work.”
Thyroid Issues
Brigitte says to watch out for specific symptoms of thyroid issues. “Depending on your lab results, it must be corrected with medication. So if you're feeling very fatigued and cold all the time, and you've put on a lot of weight, I urge you, please go to your healthcare provider and get your thyroid checked out because sometimes a low thyroid can get missed and that does need to be treated as soon as possible. But let's say you've had your blood work checked out. Your thyroid is in great function, and if you don't have hypothyroidism, then let's boost your metabolism.”
Metabolism 101
Brigitte gives some background into what metabolism is. “Your basal metabolic rate is your BMR, and it's essentially how many calories do you burn at rest,” she says. “So, for example, those people who can eat a lot of food and never gain weight most likely have a very high basal metabolic rate. Their body burns more calories at rest, and therefore, they are able to eat more without gaining weight.”
Not Naturally Blessed
Brigitte works hard to keep her metabolism in tip-top shape. “I was not blessed with a good metabolism, but there are hacks around this,” she says. “As always, make sure you always check with your healthcare provider before following these tips.”
Tip #1: Get Enough Protein
Brigitte is vegan and consumes vegan protein powder. “Tip number one is during meals, consume some type of lean protein,” she says. “When you eat protein, you get a temporary rise in your metabolism by around 15 to 30%. Additionally, protein helps you feel more full and prevents you from eating. When I'm working and I don't have time to eat, I will use my blender cup and I'll add a scoop of protein, and it helps satisfy my cravings.”
Tip #2: Eat Lean Protein
Brigitte recommends lean protein for non-vegans. “So if you're not vegan, you could opt for a lean grilled chicken breast,” she says. “As a vegan, I eat vegan alternatives such as gardening or beans and lentils, and sometimes I'll even add edamame to salads.”
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Tip #3: No Soda or Sports Drinks
Eliminate sodas and sports drinks from your diet, Brigitte says. “The third tip to boost your metabolism and even to help you lose the weight is to ditch the soda and even sports drinks,” she says. “Unless you are a marathoner or you're an elite athlete that is using up all these calories and all these electrolytes, you don't need sports drinks. Many sports drinks are loaded with sugar. They barely have any electrolytes, and if your workout is light, you don't need to replace electrolytes. If you're just walking by drinking a sports drink or even a soda, everything that you would have burned, you just drank back.”
Drink Water
Brigitte recommends drinking plenty of cold water instead. “You're better off drinking cold water. Sugar equals calories, and when you drink water, you automatically decrease your calorie intake. Drinking water also boosts your metabolism. Studies have found that drinking 17 ounces of water, which is around 0.5 liters, increases your resting metabolism by 10 to 30% for about an hour. A pro tip is to drink cold water to burn even more calories. This is because by drinking cold water, your body has to work harder to regulate your body temperature back to normal.”
Tip #4: HIIT Workouts
Brigitte recommends HIIT workouts to boost metabolism. “Walking alone is not going to help you lose a lot of weight,” she says. “A lot of times, providers will tell patients like, oh, make sure you walk at least 30 minutes a day. But if you're walking and you know you're not even getting your heart rate elevated, that's not doing much. So don't get me wrong, walking is better than not walking any day. But there's a more efficient way to maximize your workouts.”
Tip #5: Lift Weights
Brigitte strongly encourages strength training. “The fifth tip, and possibly my favorite, is to lift some weights. I can tell you that when I solely did cardio, I barely lost any weight. That all changed when I learned one huge hack to losing weight, which involved lifting weights. The truth is that muscle burns more calories and fat, so the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism.”
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More Muscle
The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. “Men naturally have more muscle mass than women, and this is why they can eat more than us,” she says. “Research shows that one pound of muscle burns seven to 10 calories per day, while one pound of fat burns only two to three calories. This was according to the American Council on Exercise. Also, as we age, our muscle mass tends to decrease, and lifting weights helps combat that drop in metabolism. If you've never lifted weights, start lightly and slowly build up. Don't overdo it.”
Life-Changing Workout
Brigitte says you don’t need to lift huge weights to get good results. “A small amount of weight goes a long way,” she says. “Lifting weights has been life-changing for me. It helps keep me toned, and it has helped boost my sluggish metabolism. I'm 35 years old, and I actually weigh less than what I weighed in high school.”
Find Something Fun
Brigitte makes the excellent point that if you find something fun, you’re more likely to keep up with it. “Find something that you enjoy doing. Running on a treadmill is so boring for me,” she says. “So now I opt for hot Pilates, Pilates, which incorporates core training I do, and that Pilate class I go to also incorporates high interval intensity training and calisthenics, and that helps tone and strengthen.”
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Yoga and Stretching
Brigitte makes sure to incorporate lots of stretching into her workouts. “I incorporate hot yoga into my workouts, and this helps keep me flexible and injury-free,” she says. “I have an autoimmune condition, so it's very important that I prevent injury and that I stay flexible because I tend to be predisposed to tendon and ligament injuries and inflammation.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.