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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Top 10 Superfoods Every Woman Should Eat for the Best Body

See which superfoods are considered beneficial for a woman's health.


As the co-founder and Head of Nutrition at Alta Coaching, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, my nutritional philosophy is rooted in eating a variety of unprocessed nutrient-dense whole foods. Why? They help clients improve their health, reduce inflammation and reach their ultimate potential. I teach my clients how to fill their plate up with superfoods on a daily basis in addition to building habits to make it a seamless part of their new healthy lifestyle. So which superfoods are considered beneficial for a woman's health, and what are the key reasons one should consider incorporating them into their diet? Read on to see them ranked from 10 to 1.

10. The No. 10 Superfood for Women is Kefir

Milk,Kefir,Grains,Spoon, probiotics, health, gut, food, dietShutterstock

Kefir is one of the world’s oldest fermented foods and is a staple in many cultural cuisines for centuries. Kefir is the richest sources of probiotics (yes, more than yogurt) and this fermented food has shown to improve digestive health by restoring the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut. Kefir is also rich in calcium and vitamin K2, which supports bone health and helps prevent osteoporosis, a common concern for women. Kefir can be store-bought, or even better made at home and is easy to incorporate daily due to its drinkable form.

Related: Influencer Sculpted Her Arms With These 4 Simple Tricks

9. The No. 9 Superfood for Women is Blueberries


Blueberries are the most nutrient dense berries with one of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits. These antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that damage DNA, and cause inflammation and chronic disease which means they play an important role in longevity and overall health. Blueberries are also high in fiber, low in sugar and low in calories which make them a perfectly daily staple for most women to feel their best. I advise clients to have blueberries with yogurt, oatmeal, in smoothies, on salads or as a snack alongside some nuts or seeds.

8. The No. 8 Superfood for Women is Grass-Fed Beef

Medium,Rare,Ribeye,Steak,,Herbs,Grass,Fed, Beefed,meatShutterstock

The eighth superfood for women is grass-fed beef. For any woman to look and feel her best, she needs to be eating enough protein on a regular basis. Lack of sufficient protein is the number one commonality I see with all my female clients and when they do start eating adequate amounts, coming from high-quality sources, they see their body transform, their blood sugar regulate and their cravings are greatly reduced. Grass-fed beef is a top protein source and nutrient powerhouse compared to conventionally raised beef. Grass-fed beef is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, CLA, and vitamin E, which makes it a top superfood for women to eat.

7. The No. 7 Superfood for Women is Eggs, Including the Yolks


Eggs (especially the yolks!) are nicknamed “nature’s multivitamin” for a reason. They are a rich source of several essential nutrients for women such as choline, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron and protein. I recommend eggs to my female clients on a daily basis for that reason but also due to their equal protein and fat content that supports satiety. Feeling full and energized is important for weight management, but especially weight loss. The protein and cholesterol in eggs also support healthy lean muscle tissue growth which is important for maintaining a lean, strong, and energized body. I have a fool-proof hard boiled egg recipe here that I make on a weekly basis so I always have a quick superfood dose of eggs daily.

6. The No. 6 Superfood for Women are Avocados

Avocado,And,Avocado,Oil,On,Wooden,Table, AvocadosShutterstock

Packed with fats (the good kind!), fiber and phytonutrients, avocados are one of the best foods to eat daily for optimal health with benefits such as lowering blood pressure, regulating digestion and lowering inflammation throughout the body. A recent study on women shows that women who ate one avocado per day for 8 weeks showed significant increase in elasticity and firmness in the skin. Skin is a huge component for women to feel their best and tighter firmer skin helps reduce the appearance of cellulite as well making it a good choice for women to feel more confident in those aesthetic areas.

Related: 2 Ways to Shed Inches Off Your Waist That "Most Personal Trainers Aren't Talking About"

5. The No. 5 Superfood for Women is Beets


The fifth superfood for women is beets. Women are more prone to anemia or iron deficiency during menstruation, and the folate and iron found in beets help the body make more blood cells. Consuming beets can also help women regulate their cycles, boost fertility and have fewer cramps due to the increased bloodflow to the uterus. The tricky part about beets is the taste and preparation is not for everyone. I recommend adding steamed frozen beets to smoothies or adding pickled beets to salad or side dish to make beets part of a woman’s daily routine.

4. The No. 4 Superfood for Women are Leafy Greens


The fourth superfood for women are leafy greens like kale, spinach, chard or collard greens. Leafy greens are packed with vitamins A, C, E and K and antioxidants that have benefits from preventing cancer, supporting the immune system to building stronger bones. I love recommending leafy greens for weight management clients due to their large volume and low calories, not to mention the fiber and hydration benefits that reduce appetite and overconsumption of unhealthy foods. Leafy greens are prefect for salads, smoothies, stir frys and are so easy to source and prep.

3. The No. 3 Superfood for Women is Bone Broth


The third superfood for women is bone broth which packs a strong nutritional punch in one comforting cup. High in protein and minerals that support the immune system, bone broth is also rich in collagen which makes it different from vegetable broth. As the broth is made, bones and ligaments release compounds like collagen and glucosamine which help reduce inflammation and pain along with giving skin a youthful texture and reducing wrinkles. I recommend bone broth daily as a protein packed snack that also supports the immune system in times when colds and flus run rampant.

2. The No. 2 Superfood for Women are Flax Seeds

Flax,Seeds, diet, food, FlaxseedsShutterstock

The second superfood for women are flax seeds due to their phytoestrogens and lignans that help balance oestrogen in the body and help regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce PMS symptoms and menopausal symptoms which lead to better quality of life for many women. Flax seeds also have omega-3 fatty acids that support glowing skin and fast-growing hair. I recommend women add ground flax seeds to smoothies, and yogurt bowls or sprinkle on top of salads for a superfood boost.

Related: How I Lost Belly Fat and 70 Pounds With This Simple 3 Tricks You Can Steal

1. The No. 1 Superfood is Salmon

,Salmon,Fish,Fillets, protein, food, dinnerShutterstock

The first superfood I recommend for women is wild-caught salmon. Research shows that the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in salmon help reduce inflammation which reduces the risk of many chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes as well as support cognitive function. Salmon is easy to cook, versatile and delicious as well as providing a good source of protein which is crucial for a woman to feel her best. Check out my go-to 20 minute sheet pan salmon dinner that features 2 other superfoods, asparagus and potatoes!

11. Here's How These Superfoods Can Benefit You

Fresh,Berry,Smoothies,On,Mason,Jars,,protein, shakeShutterstock

The best part about superfoods is that they are everywhere and you probably eat them already! A superfood is simply a food with high nutrient density. The opposite of a superfood is a highly processed food where nutrients are stripped and replaced by hyperpalatable additives that make it hard to put down once you get started eating. These nutrients could be antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, flavonoids etc. When we eat food, this food acts as information or instructions that in turn, tell our body how to grow, repair and maintain our bodies. The more nutrients a single food has, the more “super” it is and the more it supports health and optimal bodily functioning.

12. Here's How to Get Your "Best Body" Using Superfoods


The “best body” for a woman is not about aesthetics, but a body that provides sufficient energy to meet the daily demands placed on it, has lean muscle mass and healthy body fat (not too much and not too little), and is not in a chronically stressed or diseased state. Placing emphasis on eating plenty of high-quality superfoods, instead of restricting or eating low-quality processed foods is important for a woman to feel her best. I work with dozens of women on a daily basis and I encourage them to eat a variety of superfoods that are also very easy to find at any grocery store. No fancy powders or expensive supplements can replace the power of whole foods from making a woman feel her best.

13. Avoid These Superfood Mistakes


When it comes to adding superfoods into the diet, it’s hard to go wrong as long as you are choosing unprocessed foods as close to their original form as possible. For example: fresh ripe blueberries are not the same as blueberry-flavored yogurt. The more processed a food, the fewer nutrients present, so be sure to source and prepare the food to keep nutrients intact as best as you can. It's also important to eat these foods in the context of a balanced meal that includes a protein, a vegetable, a fat, and optional carbohydrate. Many nutrients are better absorbed with other vitamins and minerals present, that’s why combining foods can lead to more nutrient absorption.

14. Final Word From the Head of Nutrition


Food quality is an undeniable factor for a woman to feel her best, but body composition changes like weight loss and building lean muscle cannot happen without eating the optimal macronutrient ratio and caloric amount for the individual. When my clients start adding more superfoods to their diet, they feel the overall benefits but no significant body changes will occur without consistently following the right plan for their unique body. There is no one-size-fits-all all approach, all women need something a little different to feel their best but incorporating more of the foods on this list is guaranteed to support overall health and wellness.

💪🔥Body Booster: Flax seeds aid in balancing estrogen levels in the body, regulating the menstrual cycle, and reducing symptoms of PMS and menopause. Additionally, they promote glowing skin and rapid hair growth. If you enjoyed this article, don’t miss out on my previous one titled The #1 Carb You Could Eat For Your Body.

Kat Best is a co-founder and Head of Nutrition for Alta Coaching, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition.

More For You


We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As the co-founder and Head of Nutrition at Alta Coaching, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, my nutritional philosophy is rooted in eating a variety of unprocessed nutrient-dense whole foods. Why? They help clients improve their health, reduce inflammation and reach their ultimate potential. I teach my clients how to fill their plate up with superfoods on a daily basis in addition to building habits to make it a seamless part of their new healthy lifestyle. So which superfoods are considered beneficial for a woman's health, and what are the key reasons one should consider incorporating them into their diet? Read on to see them ranked from 10 to 1.

10. The No. 10 Superfood for Women is Kefir

Milk,Kefir,Grains,Spoon, probiotics, health, gut, food, dietShutterstock

Kefir is one of the world’s oldest fermented foods and is a staple in many cultural cuisines for centuries. Kefir is the richest sources of probiotics (yes, more than yogurt) and this fermented food has shown to improve digestive health by restoring the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut. Kefir is also rich in calcium and vitamin K2, which supports bone health and helps prevent osteoporosis, a common concern for women. Kefir can be store-bought, or even better made at home and is easy to incorporate daily due to its drinkable form.

Related: Influencer Sculpted Her Arms With These 4 Simple Tricks

9. The No. 9 Superfood for Women is Blueberries


Blueberries are the most nutrient dense berries with one of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits. These antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that damage DNA, and cause inflammation and chronic disease which means they play an important role in longevity and overall health. Blueberries are also high in fiber, low in sugar and low in calories which make them a perfectly daily staple for most women to feel their best. I advise clients to have blueberries with yogurt, oatmeal, in smoothies, on salads or as a snack alongside some nuts or seeds.

8. The No. 8 Superfood for Women is Grass-Fed Beef

Medium,Rare,Ribeye,Steak,,Herbs,Grass,Fed, Beefed,meatShutterstock

The eighth superfood for women is grass-fed beef. For any woman to look and feel her best, she needs to be eating enough protein on a regular basis. Lack of sufficient protein is the number one commonality I see with all my female clients and when they do start eating adequate amounts, coming from high-quality sources, they see their body transform, their blood sugar regulate and their cravings are greatly reduced. Grass-fed beef is a top protein source and nutrient powerhouse compared to conventionally raised beef. Grass-fed beef is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, CLA, and vitamin E, which makes it a top superfood for women to eat.

7. The No. 7 Superfood for Women is Eggs, Including the Yolks


Eggs (especially the yolks!) are nicknamed “nature’s multivitamin” for a reason. They are a rich source of several essential nutrients for women such as choline, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron and protein. I recommend eggs to my female clients on a daily basis for that reason but also due to their equal protein and fat content that supports satiety. Feeling full and energized is important for weight management, but especially weight loss. The protein and cholesterol in eggs also support healthy lean muscle tissue growth which is important for maintaining a lean, strong, and energized body. I have a fool-proof hard boiled egg recipe here that I make on a weekly basis so I always have a quick superfood dose of eggs daily.

6. The No. 6 Superfood for Women are Avocados

Avocado,And,Avocado,Oil,On,Wooden,Table, AvocadosShutterstock

Packed with fats (the good kind!), fiber and phytonutrients, avocados are one of the best foods to eat daily for optimal health with benefits such as lowering blood pressure, regulating digestion and lowering inflammation throughout the body. A recent study on women shows that women who ate one avocado per day for 8 weeks showed significant increase in elasticity and firmness in the skin. Skin is a huge component for women to feel their best and tighter firmer skin helps reduce the appearance of cellulite as well making it a good choice for women to feel more confident in those aesthetic areas.

Related: 2 Ways to Shed Inches Off Your Waist That "Most Personal Trainers Aren't Talking About"

5. The No. 5 Superfood for Women is Beets


The fifth superfood for women is beets. Women are more prone to anemia or iron deficiency during menstruation, and the folate and iron found in beets help the body make more blood cells. Consuming beets can also help women regulate their cycles, boost fertility and have fewer cramps due to the increased bloodflow to the uterus. The tricky part about beets is the taste and preparation is not for everyone. I recommend adding steamed frozen beets to smoothies or adding pickled beets to salad or side dish to make beets part of a woman’s daily routine.

4. The No. 4 Superfood for Women are Leafy Greens


The fourth superfood for women are leafy greens like kale, spinach, chard or collard greens. Leafy greens are packed with vitamins A, C, E and K and antioxidants that have benefits from preventing cancer, supporting the immune system to building stronger bones. I love recommending leafy greens for weight management clients due to their large volume and low calories, not to mention the fiber and hydration benefits that reduce appetite and overconsumption of unhealthy foods. Leafy greens are prefect for salads, smoothies, stir frys and are so easy to source and prep.

3. The No. 3 Superfood for Women is Bone Broth


The third superfood for women is bone broth which packs a strong nutritional punch in one comforting cup. High in protein and minerals that support the immune system, bone broth is also rich in collagen which makes it different from vegetable broth. As the broth is made, bones and ligaments release compounds like collagen and glucosamine which help reduce inflammation and pain along with giving skin a youthful texture and reducing wrinkles. I recommend bone broth daily as a protein packed snack that also supports the immune system in times when colds and flus run rampant.

2. The No. 2 Superfood for Women are Flax Seeds

Flax,Seeds, diet, food, FlaxseedsShutterstock

The second superfood for women are flax seeds due to their phytoestrogens and lignans that help balance oestrogen in the body and help regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce PMS symptoms and menopausal symptoms which lead to better quality of life for many women. Flax seeds also have omega-3 fatty acids that support glowing skin and fast-growing hair. I recommend women add ground flax seeds to smoothies, and yogurt bowls or sprinkle on top of salads for a superfood boost.

Related: How I Lost Belly Fat and 70 Pounds With This Simple 3 Tricks You Can Steal

1. The No. 1 Superfood is Salmon

,Salmon,Fish,Fillets, protein, food, dinnerShutterstock

The first superfood I recommend for women is wild-caught salmon. Research shows that the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in salmon help reduce inflammation which reduces the risk of many chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes as well as support cognitive function. Salmon is easy to cook, versatile and delicious as well as providing a good source of protein which is crucial for a woman to feel her best. Check out my go-to 20 minute sheet pan salmon dinner that features 2 other superfoods, asparagus and potatoes!

11. Here's How These Superfoods Can Benefit You

Fresh,Berry,Smoothies,On,Mason,Jars,,protein, shakeShutterstock

The best part about superfoods is that they are everywhere and you probably eat them already! A superfood is simply a food with high nutrient density. The opposite of a superfood is a highly processed food where nutrients are stripped and replaced by hyperpalatable additives that make it hard to put down once you get started eating. These nutrients could be antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, flavonoids etc. When we eat food, this food acts as information or instructions that in turn, tell our body how to grow, repair and maintain our bodies. The more nutrients a single food has, the more “super” it is and the more it supports health and optimal bodily functioning.

12. Here's How to Get Your "Best Body" Using Superfoods


The “best body” for a woman is not about aesthetics, but a body that provides sufficient energy to meet the daily demands placed on it, has lean muscle mass and healthy body fat (not too much and not too little), and is not in a chronically stressed or diseased state. Placing emphasis on eating plenty of high-quality superfoods, instead of restricting or eating low-quality processed foods is important for a woman to feel her best. I work with dozens of women on a daily basis and I encourage them to eat a variety of superfoods that are also very easy to find at any grocery store. No fancy powders or expensive supplements can replace the power of whole foods from making a woman feel her best.

13. Avoid These Superfood Mistakes


When it comes to adding superfoods into the diet, it’s hard to go wrong as long as you are choosing unprocessed foods as close to their original form as possible. For example: fresh ripe blueberries are not the same as blueberry-flavored yogurt. The more processed a food, the fewer nutrients present, so be sure to source and prepare the food to keep nutrients intact as best as you can. It's also important to eat these foods in the context of a balanced meal that includes a protein, a vegetable, a fat, and optional carbohydrate. Many nutrients are better absorbed with other vitamins and minerals present, that’s why combining foods can lead to more nutrient absorption.

14. Final Word From the Head of Nutrition


Food quality is an undeniable factor for a woman to feel her best, but body composition changes like weight loss and building lean muscle cannot happen without eating the optimal macronutrient ratio and caloric amount for the individual. When my clients start adding more superfoods to their diet, they feel the overall benefits but no significant body changes will occur without consistently following the right plan for their unique body. There is no one-size-fits-all all approach, all women need something a little different to feel their best but incorporating more of the foods on this list is guaranteed to support overall health and wellness.

💪🔥Body Booster: Flax seeds aid in balancing estrogen levels in the body, regulating the menstrual cycle, and reducing symptoms of PMS and menopause. Additionally, they promote glowing skin and rapid hair growth. If you enjoyed this article, don’t miss out on my previous one titled The #1 Carb You Could Eat For Your Body.

Kat Best is a co-founder and Head of Nutrition for Alta Coaching, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition.

Bare-chested man in apron pointing with finger at egg carton.
Shutterstock/LightField Studios
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

During my experience as co-founder and Head of Nutrition at Alta Coaching, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, I work with dozens of men on a daily basis and I encourage them to eat a variety of superfoods that are also very easy to find at any grocery store and prep. No fancy powders or expensive supplements can replace the power of whole foods from making a man feel his best. So which ones are the ones you should eat for your best body—a body that is field all day long? Read on for my list, ranked from #10 to #1.

10. The No. 10 Superfood for Men is Onions


Onions are a rich source of quercetin, a plant compound with strong antioxidant properties that help reduce oxidative stress in the body. Reducing stress is key for a man to prevent chronic diseases like diabetes or cancer. Onions are also highly beneficial for men in the sexual health department by supporting a healthy libido, reproductive organs and reducing sexual dysfunction. Onions are easy to find, come in many varieties and are a great aromatic in cooking which makes them a great daily superfood for men.

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9. The No. 9 Superfood for Men is Blueberries


Blueberries are the most nutrient dense berries with one of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits. These antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that damage DNA, cause inflammation and chronic disease which means they play an important role in longevity and overall health. Blueberries are also high in fiber, low in sugar and low in calories which make them a perfectly daily staple for most men to feel their best. I advise clients to have blueberries with yogurt, oatmeal, in smoothies, on salads or as snack alongside some nuts or seeds.

8. The No. 8 Superfood for Men is Grass-Fed Beef

Medium,Rare,Ribeye,Steak,,Herbs,Grass,Fed, Beefed,meatShutterstock

For any man to look and feel his best, he needs to be eating enough protein on a regular basis. Lack of sufficient protein is the number one commonality I see with all my male clients and when they do start eating adequate amounts, coming from high quality sources, they see their body transform, their blood sugar regulate and their cravings are greatly reduced. Grass-fed beef is a top protein source and nutrient powerhouse compared to conventionally raised beef. Grass-fed beef is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, CLA, vitamin E, which makes it a top superfood for men to eat.

7. The No. 7 Superfood for Men is Eggs

Eggs (especially the yolks!) are nicknamed “nature’s multivitamin” for a reason and Rocky was on to something by chugging raw eggs daily. They are a rich source of several essential nutrients for men such as choline, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron and protein. Eggs are a rich source of cholesterol which is necessary for the production of testosterone. Without cholesterol, the body does not have the resources to make sex hormones and that can wreak havoc on a man’s body. The protein and cholesterol in eggs also support healthy lean muscle tissue growth which is important for maintaining a lean, strong and energized body. I have a fool-proof hard boiled egg recipe here that I make on a weekly basis so I always have a quick superfood dose of eggs daily.

Related:Top 10 Superfoods Every Woman Should Eat for the Best Body

6. The No. 6 Superfood for Men is Avocados

Avocado,And,Avocado,Oil,On,Wooden,Table, AvocadosShutterstock

Packed with fats (the good kind!), fiber and phytonutrients, avocados are one of the best foods to eat daily for optimal health with benefits such as lowering blood pressure, regulating digestion and lowering inflammation throughout the body. The fats in avocados are important for hormone production, especially testosterone. Testosterone plummets as men age and increases with poor lifestyle habits and stress. Eating an avocado per day will help a man’s body have the raw materials to make the testosterone they need for healthy energy levels, libido and mental health.

5. The No. 5 Superfood for Men is Beets


The fifth superfood for men is beets. Beets are naturally high in nitrates which the body converts to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide improves blood flow which can directly improve performance by reducing fatigue and increasing blood flow to repair tissue. Being able to exercise regularly is an important part for men to build and maintain healthy muscle tissue that in turn keeps them leaner and metabolically health as they age. I recommend adding steamed frozen beets to smoothies or adding pickled beets to salad or side dish to make beets part of a woman’s daily routine.

4. The No. 4 Superfood for Men is Bone Broth


The fourth superfood for men is bone broth which packs a strong nutritional punch in one comforting cup. High in protein and minerals that support the immune system, bone broth is also rich in collagen and glucosamine which supports joint health and reduces pain. WHen a man’s body is healthy and feeling good, their ability to exercise and lift weights to build muscle increases which is important for a man to feel his best. I recommend bone broth daily as a protein packed snack that also supports the immune system in times when colds and flus run rampant.

3. The No. 3 Superfood for Men is Tomatoes


A study conducted by Harvard University indicated that men who included at least 10 tomato products in their weekly diet reduced risk of prostate cancer by as much as 34%. This is due to the antioxidant lycopene that is very prominent in tomatoes. Tomatoes are also rich in potassium that helps lower blood pressure and promote heart health, an area very important for a man to feel his best long term.

Related: I’m a Dietitian and Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Give Up Sugar

2. The No. 2 Superfood for Men is Pumpkin Seeds


These seeds are a dense source of zinc, a crucial nutrient for male reproductive health, sperm production and fertility. These seeds also have antioxidants that support prostate health which make them a great daily choice for men trying to prevent prostate related issues. Pumpkin seeds are very easy to have on a daily basis as a crunchy snack on their own or topping for yogurt. Not all pumpkin seeds are created equal, look for sprouted seeds like these ones over roasted or flavored varieties that can compromise nutrients for taste.

1. The No. 1 Superfood for Men is Wild-Caught Salmon

The first superfood I recommend for men is wild-caught salmon. Research shows that the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D in salmon help reduce inflammation which reduces the risk of many chronic conditions like heart disease that plague many men. Salmon also reduces overall body pain and speeds recovery from workouts which is important for men to build and maintain healthy muscle mass. Salmon is easy to cook, versatile and delicious as well as providing a good source of protein which is crucial for a man to feel their best. Check out my go-to 20 minute sheet pan salmon dinner that features 2 other superfoods, asparagus and potatoes! If you enjoyed this article, don't miss out on my previous one titled The #1 Carb You Could Eat For Your Body.

Kat Best, NASM-CPT, NTP, BCHN is a co-founder and Head of Nutrition for Alta Coaching, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition.
Attractive young woman holding bags of vegetables on a green background.

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As a dietitian who has worked in the fitness industry for over a decade, there are a few things that I have found to be essential when trying to help individuals improve their diet and remain consistent with a healthy nutrition plan over weeks, months, and years. One of the nutrition pillars that I work on with clients, including through my work at Top Nutrition Coaching, includes having a base of staple foods on hand. These are foods that are simple to prepare, you could eat everyday, are enjoyable, and easy to grab even on the worst of days.

When thinking about everyday foods, there are a couple of specific nutritional characteristics to look for. Healthy food choices include a high fiber content, a rich source of vitamins and minerals, food with a healthy fat content, and foods that provide a good source of protein.

Dietary fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate that is found in the cell walls of plants. When dietary fibers are eaten, they provide prebiotics for the gut microflora, thus improving the overall gut microbiome. Extensive research has been done on fiber improving cardiovascular disease through its role in the reduction of LDL (low density lipoproteins), a type of cholesterol. We also know that fiber helps with blood glucose management, appetite control, and regularity with bowel movements.

Good sources of protein are very important in helping to reduce the rate of muscle loss, particularly as we age. Studies have shown that the rate of muscle loss is about 1% per year for older adults. Muscle mass helps to maintain a healthy metabolism and is associated with a reduction in injury. Protein also helps to improve satiety, making meals more filling and satisfying.

Consuming foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), omega-6, and omega-3 fatty acids have all been linked to improvements in cardiovascular disease and diabetes. These healthy fats are another food that will help to keep you full for a longer period of time after meals and make foods more enjoyable due to their high palatability.

Our goal is to combine foods with these nutrition attributes on a daily basis to provide nutrition that is filling, food you actually want to eat, and gives you energy for the whole day.

1. Oatmeal

Rolled,Oats,,Healthy,Breakfast,Cereal,Oat,Flakes,In,Bowl,food, oatmealShutterstock

Oatmeal is a great option to add fiber and whole grains into your daily diet. And it keeps you full and energetic for hours after eating! Oatmeal works well for many people because it can be flavored any way that you like. Have a sweet tooth? Great, let's add peanut butter and a few chocolate chips. Savory? Let’s saute some apples with butternut squash and add on top! I like to use oatmeal as a way to incorporate many of the other foods on this list as well. For example I will add flaxseed and top with berries and walnuts. Really pack in that nutritious punch!

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2. Almond or Walnuts


These nuts provide a really great snack option. They are easy to take on the go, or store in the car and they are minimally effected by temperature changes. Both options provide those healthy MUFAs and PUFAs I mentioned. You could eat whichever variety you prefer or you could combine them and eat both. There are also some really great flavored options such as smoky, BBQ, and cinnamon dipped to make eating these snacks more enjoyable.

3. Greens of Your Choice (spinach, kale, collards)

Bunch,Of,Organic,Kale,On,A,Rustic,Wooden.,greens, leaf,leafyShutterstock

Greens are packed with nutrients such as iron, Vitamin K, calcium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Additionally, they provide a good amount of fiber. They truly are a superfood. My best suggestion to getting more of these in your everyday life is to add to dishes such as casseroles, stir frys, soups, even scrambled eggs! The greens will not change the taste of these meals much and the benefits added are worth the extra effort.

4. Berries


Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries all provide great sources of fiber and tons of vitamins and minerals. These can easily be used as a topping for cereals or yogurts or blended into smoothies. I even have clients that love to eat frozen berries as a refreshing snack.

Related: 6 Body Changes Caused by Drinking Soda, According to a Diet Expert

5. Eggs

Basket,Chicken,Eggs,Farm, protein, foodShutterstock

Eggs really are a powerhouse for nutrition. The egg whites contain a good source of protein, but the yolks are a great source of phosphorus, potassium, Zinc, Folate, Choline, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D. For most healthy adults, eating 1-2 eggs per day is safe and a great way to get some delicious nutrition.

6. Flaxseeds

Flax,Seeds, diet, food, FlaxseedsShutterstock

Flaxseed provides a good source of Omega-3 Fatty acids and a good source of fiber. Ground flaxseeds are best, as the seed shell prevents us from getting the full benefits of the Omega-3s. I include this on the list because it is a great nutrition booster to any oatmeal, yogurt, smoothie, sprinkled on salad, or used in baked goods.

7. Greek Yogurt


Greek yogurt is an option that I find people enjoy as breakfast, lunch, or even a snack. Again this is a very versatile food that provides a good source of protein and calcium. Greek yogurt can be used to make dips for fruits or veggies, topped with fruit, used to top waffles or toast, or even eaten on its own. There are even drinkable versions of greek yogurt which are great on the go options.

8. Beans

Bowl,Of,Cooked,Beans,In,Tomato,Sauce, baked, beansShutterstock

Beans are a great source of fiber in the diet. They are often used as a meat substitute in many vegetarian dishes for their protein content and versatility in taking on many different flavors. Fresh beans and canned beans can both be used in dishes like soups, casseroles, tacos, burritos, or topping for a salad.

Related: I'm a Personal Trainer With a Flat Belly and Here's How to Get Yours

9. Olive Oil


Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO as you will see in many recipes) is a wonderful source of monounsaturated fats. It is a staple in diets such as the Mediterranean diet, and for good reason! The flavor of olive oil is not going to overpower a dish and is great to use in dressings and when cooking with lower heat.

10. Broccoli or Other Cruciferous Veggies


We could not have this list without some cruciferous veggies! This includes the family of broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and turnips. These vegetables are high in fiber and micronutrients. My favorite way to eat these types of vegetables is in a quick stir fry for the best taste!

💪🔥Body Booster: Greek yogurt is a very versatile food that provides a good source of protein and calcium. You can enjoy as breakfast, lunch, or even a snack.

Courtney Pelitera MS, RD, CNSC, is a Certified Registered Dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching, working with athletes of all ages to fuel their activity, prevent injury, and achieve desired body composition.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As a personal trainer and certified nutritionist, I have helped hundreds of individuals improve their quality of life through functional nutrition. From weight loss, building muscle, improving gut health and reducing stress/anxiety, I have seen the power that just a few nutritional changes can make on an individual's life.

“Functional nutrition” is about eating a diet that supplies your body with the best raw materials, aka nutrients, to work with to function at its best. It prioritizes eating a diet full of nutrient-dense unprocessed foods combined with healthy lifestyle habits to promote overall health and wellness.

Functional nutrition aims to target the root cause of underlying health issues instead of just the symptoms. Food intolerances, vitamin deficiencies, gut dysbiosis, blood sugar imbalance, and hormone imbalance are some common areas that functional nutrition will target and support through diet and lifestyle habits.

With all that in mind, here are 11 different strategies that can help transform your body.

1. Probiotics Can Improve Digestion

Kimchi cabbage, cucumber and radish in a jar, Korean foodShutterstock

Strategy: Eat 1 serving of a probiotic-rich food daily to support a balanced gut microbiota. Kefir, plain yogurt, fermented kimchi, sauerkraut, miso and kombucha are some great options.

Changes: Probiotics can improve digestion and allow the body to absorb nutrients better. Absorption is a key part of feeling good and noticeable changes can include increased energy levels, reduced bloating and gas, regular bowel movements and glowing skin.

Top 10 Superfoods Every Man Should Eat for the Best Body

2. Pairing Carbs With Proteins and/or Fats Leads to Steadier Energy Levels

Bowl of walnuts and red apples on wooden table. Healthy snacks.Shutterstock

Strategy: Avoid eating any carbohydrate “naked” and pair it with a protein, a fat or both. For example, instead of eating an apple, add an ounce of walnuts, a few turkey slices or some cottage cheese alongside it.

Changes: The act of pairing a carbohydrate with either a fat or a protein source will result in steadier energy levels throughout the day which has a huge impact on performance and quality of life. Including protein or fat with carbohydrates can also enhance satiety and help control appetite, which helps any weight loss or weight management goal.

Top 10 Superfoods Every Woman Should Eat for the Best Body

3. High Protein Meals Stimulate Muscle Protein Synthesis

chef cooking salmon steaks in the kitchenShutterstock

Strategy: Eat at least 30g of quality protein at every meal, about 3-4 hours apart. Quality protein sources include chicken, beef, fish, shellfish, egg, greek yogurt, protein powder and cottage cheese. Use your palm as a rough measure for 1 serving of meat or fish. Eat 1-2 servings per meal.⁠

Changes: Eating 30g of protein throughout the day will stimulate muscle protein synthesis (MPS), the process by which the body builds and repairs muscle tissue. This combined with resistance training will lead to an increase in lean muscle mass, faster recovery from exercise and enhanced performance.

4. Eat This Minimum of Fiber to Feel Fuller, Longer

Sliced avocado on a cutting boardShutterstock

Strategy: Eat a minimum of 25g fiber per day from soluble and insoluble sources like chia seeds, avocado, ground flaxseed, artichokes, berries and beans.

Changes: Fiber adds bulk to the stool which improves bowel regularity and reduces constipation, which are important for a healthy digestive system. Fiber also helps slow the absorption of sugar while increasing satiety and fullness, which ultimately help weight management. A higher fiber intake is an important part of a healthy diet, especially if weight loss is the goal.

5. Practice Mindful Eating to Prevent Bloating

Man eatsShutterstock

Strategy: Practice mindful eating by taking at least 20 minutes to eat an entire meal and chewing every bit of food until liquid (about 30 times) before swallowing. Chewing food thoroughly is the first step of the digestive process and as we chew, an enzyme called amylase is secreted to help break down carbohydrates.

Changes: Following this chewing method can help reduce acid reflux and bloating after eating. The mechanical breakdown of food during chewing helps to mix it with saliva, promoting better digestion which can reduce bloating, indigestion, GERD and even overeating.

This is the #1 Carb You Could Eat For Your Body

6. Drink Half Your Body Weight in Ounces of Water For Healthier Skin

Drinking water and staying hydrated. Person running in the park trying shoe next to bottle of water.Shutterstock

Strategy: Drink half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you are 150 pounds, aim for 75 ounces per pay. If you exercise, add an additional 20 ounces of water. Pro tip: Start the day with 15-20 ounces of water before any food or coffee in the morning to jump start your intake for the day.

Changes: It only takes a 2% drop in body water to cause dehydration symptoms like headaches, irritability, fatigue, cramps, joint pain, constipation and heartburn. Staying adequately hydrated can lead to various positive physical changes from increased energy levels, better cognitive function to healthier skin and hair.

7. Increase Food Sources of Omega-3s for Anti-Inflammatory Properties


Strategy: Increase intake of food sources rich in omega-3 fatty acid. Great options include fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines and plant-based options like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts. Consider taking omega-3 supplements if dietary needs are not being met.

Changes: Omega-3 fatty acids have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the body which impacts every bodily system. Increasing omega-3s can have a profound effect on pain management which correlates with increased performance and recovery from workouts. After eating more omega-3s, one may notice improved mood and better cognition as well.

I'm a Nutritionist and These are the Best Banana Recipes For Weight Loss

8. Reduce Processed Foods For Better Health

Eggplants and other vegatables on display at farmer's marketShutterstock

Strategy: Reduce the intake of highly processed foods and aim to eat nutrient-dense whole foods around 80% of the time.

Changes: Highly processed foods contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and numerous artificial additives, while lacking essential nutrients and high intake can lead to poor health and development of chronic disease. Eating more whole foods supplies the body with ample nutrients to prevent nutrient deficiencies, regulate blood sugar levels and increase overall vitality.

9. Increasing Antioxidants Will Improve Immune Function

Freshly picked blueberries in wooden bowl. Juicy and fresh blueberries with green leaves on rustic table. Bilberry on wooden Background. Blueberry antioxidant. Concept for healthy eating and nutritionShutterstock

Strategy: Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits every day, aiming for 3 1-cup servings minimum. To help with variety, think about colors of the rainbow and try to get a mix of all colors on your plate. For example, iIf you notice a lot of your choices are the color green, look for some red or yellow to add in.

Changes: Eating a variety of vegetables and fruits is beneficial because they are rich in essential nutrients, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, and potentially lowering the risk of chronic disease. Eating more vegetables and fruits has an impact on immune function as well so an individual may experience less illness and better overall health with more diversity in their diet.

Related: I Got Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat With These 3 Exercises

10. Increasing Vitamin D and Sunshine Will Boost Mood

Back view of strong sporty girl showing muscles at the beach during sunset.Shutterstock

Strategy: Getting outside for at least 20 minutes is not a nutrition-specific strategy, but it is so crucial for optimal functioning and will enhance any functional nutrition strategy above. Sun exposure is ideal, but even some fresh air and a small walk is enough to feel the benefits.

Changes: Spending more time outside can increase Vitamin D levels which touches on every function of the body from energy levels, to metabolism to bone health. Connecting with nature is proven to boost mood, reduce anxiety, increase overall positivity and even improve attention span.

💪🔥Body Booster: Avoid eating any carbohydrate “naked” and pair it with a protein, a fat or both.

Kat Best is the co-founder and Head of Nutrition at Alta Coaching, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition
Couple posing at the gym
Copyrights Mark Dean Edwards
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As a nutrition and fitness coach who careened into his 60th birthday this year, I realized something oddly nice, but somewhat disturbing – I felt more energetic, healthier, and younger than I had a right to feel. After all, some of the people I've seen around me who are my age are dealing with a litany of health issues that I seem to have dodged.

Is it possible to feel TOO good?

People I'd only known since moving to Tokyo in 1996 were constantly surprised when they found out I'd just hit 60. Someone who saw a picture of me with my younger brother even asked me if that other guy in the photo was my Dad. I never tire of telling my little brother that story. In your face, little bro.

What's the secret? Is it some sort of black magic? Is it the rumored health-inducing ju-ju of the Japanese diet? Did I sell my soul? Or was I one of the legions of expats here who travel to Bangkok for plastic surgery?

None of the above.

The answer is much simpler, and lies in the power of exercise, nutrition, eating the right foods, and avoiding some harmful ones to keep you young. Some of these foods are typically thought of as "anti-aging," while others in my go-to list might surprise you. But by incorporating these 15 fundamental foods into my diet and embracing a healthy eating lifestyle, I've managed to seemingly slow down the relentless aging clock and feel like I'm in my 40s! Mostly.

The Secret to Healthy Aging

Mark_Dean_Edwards7Mark Edwards

Before I dive into the list of age-defying foods, it's essential to understand why nutrition plays such a crucial role in the aging process. Our bodies are constantly exposed to free radicals and environmental stressors that can accelerate skin aging and overall cellular damage. The right anti-aging diet, rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, can combat these effects and promote healthy aging.

By the way, I've never intentionally chosen foods that are supposedly "anti-aging." It just so happens that a diet of mostly whole foods and limiting processed foods is the secret sauce.

Before I get into the specific foods that I like to eat, let's take some time for a brief overview of some of the primary qualities of the foods in my daily diet. We'll start with antioxidants.

Antioxidants in Fight Free Radical Damage

Mark_Dean_Edwards5Mark Edwards

Antioxidants are our body's natural defense against free radicals – unstable molecules that can damage our cells and contribute to premature aging. By consuming antioxidant-rich foods, we can neutralize these harmful molecules and protect our skin and overall health.

How an Anti-Inflammatory Diet Contributes to Healthy Aging


Many of the foods in my diet also possess anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is linked to various age-related diseases, including heart disease, arthritis, and certain cancers. By focusing on anti-inflammatory foods, we can support our body's natural defense mechanisms and promote healthy aging.

Now, let's dig down into the 15 anti-aging foods that have been key to my healthy diet and have helped me maintain a youthful appearance and vibrant health.

RELATED:I Hit 60 and These Daily Habits Keep Me Fit and Feeling 20 Years Younger

1. Berries: Real Ones. Nature's Anti-Aging Magic?

Modern woman working and picking blueberries on a organic farm - woman power business concept.Shutterstock

Berries are packed with antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which give them their vibrant colors. Regular consumption of berries can work some magic:

- Berries protect skin cells from free radical damage

- They improve cognitive function

- Berries reduce inflammation throughout the body

- Berries support overall skin health

Blueberries, in particular, are part of my daily diet. I've been nuts about blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries since I was a kid. They're all exceptionally high in antioxidants, and blueberries have been linked to improved memory and may help slow cognitive decline associated with aging.

2. Lean Animal Proteins: Building Blocks for a Youthful Body

Grilled top sirloin or cup rump beef meat steak on marble board. Black background. Top viewShutterstock

Sorry vegans. I've been there and done that. I left the dark side and came back to the world of animal protein in my twenties. Before the word "vegan" was even a fleeting wisp of an idea in someone's head, I was a Macrobiotic vegetarian. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

Lean animal proteins are essential for maintaining muscle mass, supporting skin health, and promoting overall vitality as we age. Including a variety of lean protein sources in your anti-aging diet can provide numerous benefits:

  • Maintain and build muscle mass, which naturally declines with age
  • Support collagen production for skin elasticity
  • Provide essential amino acids for overall health and repair
  • Boost metabolism and promote satiety, aiding in weight management

Excellent lean protein options:

  • Chicken: Rich in vitamins B3 (Niacin), B5, and B6, supporting cardiovascular health, skin health, brain function, and much more.
  • Fish: High in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties
  • Lean beef: Packed with iron and zinc, important for skin health and immune function
  • Pork tenderloin: Rich in thiamine, supporting energy metabolism and cognitive function
  • Eggs: Contain high-quality protein along with lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that support eye health and may protect skin from UV damage

My experience with my nutrition clients has shown me that most people are protein-deficient, contrary to what the mainstream media tells us about the American diet. Eat more lean protein - it’ll help you maintain muscle mass as you age among other myriad health benefits.

3. An Avocado a Day...


I don’t think I’d ever eaten or even seen an avocado until I was in my early thirties. They just weren’t common back in the ‘70s and ‘80s in Canada. Now I use avocados in a heap of different ways: in protein smoothies, in salads, and even blended into "avocado coffee." Slice them up and freeze them so they’re ready for the blender.

Avocados are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, both essential for maintaining healthy, youthful skin. Avocados do more than just sit there looking nice in some guacamole on a nacho:

  • They hydrate the skin
  • They protect against sun-induced skin aging
  • They support the production of collagen and elastin
  • They’re full of soluble fiber, beneficial for cardiovascular health and cholesterol levels
  • High in potassium
  • Anti-inflammatory

Research has shown that eating avocados is associated with increased skin elasticity and reduced facial wrinkles, proof of their potential as a natural anti-aging food.

The list of benefits is huge. That’s why avocados are one of my 20 essential foods.

4. Homemade Kefir Yogurt: Probiotics for Gut and Skin Health

Blueberry and raspberry parfaits in mason jars, scene on a rustic wood backgroundShutterstock

My wife and I started making our own kefir yogurt a few years ago. I'd never realized how simple it is, and the bonus is that you end up with live-culture yogurt, not the pasteurized, dead product sold in supermarkets. Making your own is cheaper and it's healthier.

We make kefir yogurt, but you can make any type at home as long as you have the right starter culture. Kefir is packed with probiotics that have several healthful properties:

  • Improved gut health, directly linked to better skin health
  • Immune system boosting
  • Anti-inflammatory benefits
  • Supports the production of collagen

There's no downside to making your own yogurt. It's quick, cheap, and easy. And yogurt is usually fine for most lactose-intolerant people.

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5. Leafy Greens and Cruciferous Vegetables: Don't Leave Home Without Them

Arugula on a white background. Raw and fresh arugula, green leaves, from above.Shutterstock

When you were a kid, you probably hated this stuff. I did too. If it was green, I thought it was inedible. "I don't eat lawn clippings, so why should I eat broccoli?"

But we're not kids anymore, right? Among the foods to keep me feeling and looking young, leafy greens like spinach, kale, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are at the top of my list. They're packed with nutrients that support healthy aging:

  • Vitamin K for strong bones
  • Folate for cell health
  • Carotenoids for skin protection
  • Antioxidants, protecting the body from oxidative stress and reducing inflammation
  • Vitamins C and A

Eating vegetables, especially leafy greens, is crucial for combating free radical damage and supporting overall health. And most of them also contain substantial fiber for your gut health.

6. Nuts: Another source of antioxidants

A variety of nuts in wooden bowls.Shutterstock

Notice a recurring theme here? Anti-oxidants. Better health, nicer skin, longer life. Anti-oxidants are key. I eat some nuts every day, without fail. I put them in my yogurt, I eat them plain. I drop a few in my coffee. Just kidding.

Nuts, particularly almonds, walnuts, and pecans, are excellent sources of several vitamins and antioxidants:

  • Vitamin E for skin health
  • Healthy fats for skin elasticity
  • Zinc for collagen production

Nuts are also chock-full of omega-3 fatty acids. Theses have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and support cardiovascular health.

Nuts are one of the easiest foods to add to meals or bring with you anywhere. Unless you've got allergies, nuts should be part of your daily diet.

7. Sweet Potatoes. Any Variety

Freshly harvested organic sweet potatoes spilling from a burlap bag onto a natural weathered wood table.Shutterstock

Living in Tokyo, I have access year round to roasted Japanese sweet potatoes (Satsumaimo), which are high in vitamins C and E. The orange variety common in North America is high in beta-carotene, which our bodies convert to vitamin A.

But one of the biggest benefits of sweet potatoes is that they're high in fiber, and fiber has been proven to be a huge benefit when it comes to a healthy gut and colon.

Take care of that gut health and live longer.

8. Eat Apples. Every day.

Portrait, fruit salad and apple with a senior woman in the kitchen of her home for health, diet or nutrition. Smile, food and cooking with a happy mature female pension eating healthy in the houseShutterstock

When I was a kid, we had an apple tree in our yard that produced small, slightly tart apples. I loved them then and I love them now. Kids don't need Snicker's bars. They need more apples. I eat a couple of apples daily. To me, it seems like a no-brainer. You want to feel full, eat something tasty, and not wonder if it's bad for you? Have an apple. Or three.

Apples are rich in antioxidants, particularly quercetin, which offers numerous anti-aging benefits:

  • Protects against UV damage to the skin
  • Supports heart health
  • May help reduce the risk of certain cancers
  • Promotes healthy brain function

That's not all. Apples are rich in fiber. Fermentable fiber. Fermentable fiber is a pre-biotic, helping to maintain a healthy gut microbiome. These days, supermarkets are full of all these sexy, newfangled fruits from exotic places. But give me an apple over that fancy stuff any day of the week. Apples are probably the most underrated fruit out there. Eat more apples, live a longer, healthier life. My current favorite: New Zealand Jazz.

9. Olive Oil: Liquid Gold

Organic olive oil pouring from carafe into glass bowlShutterstock

No matter what I cook each day, I’ll use some olive oil. Olive oil is pretty close to a non-negotiable for any salad that sits on my table.

Extra virgin olive oil is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. This is just a short-list of the benefits:

  • It hydrates the skin
  • It protects against free radicals
  • It reduces inflammation

There's no real downside to including a moderate amount of olive oil in your daily food routine.

10. Dark Chocolate: Just Say Wow

Dark Chocolate Bar with CrumblesShutterstock

If ever there was a little something to add to your diet that is both indulgent and healthful, dark chocolate fits the bill. Now, let's not get carried away and eat a pound of this amazing stuff. But a couple squares of quality dark chocolate a few times a week has been shown to have surprising benefits, so I make this small treat part of my routine. Here's why:

Dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher) is rich in flavanols, which are antioxidants. The benefits are huge:

  • Lowered oxidative stress

I consume it sparingly. That means I enjoy those two squares of my favorite without over-consuming and without any guilt.

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11. Curcumin: Anti-inflammatory Magic


Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent with huge benefits, including managing oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, anxiety, hyperlipidemia, and enhancing recovery and performance after exercise.

I began taking it in capsule form when I started to get arthritis pain. I haven’t stopped. Of course, you can put whole turmeric in your smoothies, but I find the concentrated version easier to integrate into my daily routine.

12. Coffee: The Antioxidant-Rich Elixir of the Gods

Attractive happy middle aged woman is sitting on sofa in living room. Smiling adult lady enjoys drinking coffee or tea sitting on couch at homeShuttestock

Coffee. If I were to write a sonnet, it'd be about coffee. But since I live in Tokyo, I’ll give you a Haiku:

Morning fog persists,

Until that first sip kicks in,

Sanity restored.

Coffee is packed with antioxidants that offer numerous anti-aging benefits:

  • Coffee protects against cellular damage from free radicals
  • Coffee may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and certain cancers
  • Coffee supports cognitive function and brain health

The idea that coffee is unhealthy is a myth that started back in the 17th century. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, try decaf. Consumed in moderation, the health benefits of coffee are huge.

13. Powdered Collagen (Types I, II, and III): Skin Health, Gut Health, Joint Health

Different types of collagen for skin care flat lay with collagen quote made of wooden blocksShutterstock

Collagen has been part of my daily routine ever since I was diagnosed with advanced arthritis in my right hip back in 2016. I mix it in smoothies and coffee. I also take a Type II undenatured collagen supplement since research has shown that it reduces pain in arthritic knees. And guess what? Since I started taking it a year ago, my arthritic right knee stopped hurting. Completely.

Making collagen a part of my daily routine, for me, has been nothing but upside. Supplementing with powdered collagen can have a number of benefits:

  • Collagen improves skin elasticity and hydration
  • Collagen supports joint health and mobility
  • Collagen can improve symptoms of osteoarthritis
  • Collagen strengthens hair and nails
  • Collagen promotes gut health

I never go a day without supplementing with collagen.

14. Garlic: The Wonder-Food

Garlic Cloves and Bulb in vintage wooden bowl.Shutterstock

Just about every dish we cook in my home contains garlic. Every sautee, every beef dish, roast chicken, and sauce has some garlic in it.

Garlic is packed with health benefits:

  • It contains allicin, a compound with powerful antioxidant properties
  • It may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • It supports immune function
  • It has anti-inflammatory effects
  • And it makes almost anything taste great.

I grew up in a garlic-free household. That was then, this is now. I can’t imagine cooking without garlic.

15. Fatty Fish: Omega-3 Powerhouse

Roasted fillets of mackerel fish on cutting board. Dark wooden background. Top view.Shutterstock

While we've discussed lean proteins, fatty fish deserves a mention for its high content of omega-3 fatty acids.

Nobody gets enough fish. That goes for me too. So I eat fish when possible, but since it's tough to incorporate into my diet as much as I'd like, I also take a very high quality Omega-3 fish oil supplement.

Fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines offer a lot of upside:

  • Powerful anti-inflammatory properties
  • Support for cardiovascular health
  • Nutrients that promote skin elasticity and hydration
  • Protein

Eat more fish, but if you find that it tough to get enough, a high-quality Omega-3 supplement will do the trick.

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The Power of a Holistic Approach to Healthy Aging

Positive cheerful handsome grey-haired bearded european mature man in white t-shirt stretching in bed in the morning, looking at copy space and smiling, feeling powerful, side view, home interiorShutterstock

While these 15 fundamental, anti-aging foods have been instrumental in my journey maintaining youthful vigor, it's important to remember that true health, youthfulness, and longevity come from a holistic approach. Here are some additional tips to complement your anti-aging diet:

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, or half your bodyweight in ounces (eg a 150 lb person can start at 75 ounces per day).

Get Enough Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for cell repair and regeneration. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is the forgotten element of healthy aging and long life.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity boosts circulation, supports muscle mass, and promotes overall health. Find activities you enjoy and make them a regular part of your routine. Lack of exercise is one of the biggest factors contributing to poor health in America.

Manage Stress

Chronic stress can accelerate the aging process. Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

One of the most significant changes I've made in my journey to better health and a more youthful feel is drastically reducing my alcohol intake. This decision was based on the latest research, which shows that the drawbacks of alcohol consumption far outweigh any potential benefits.

Recent studies suggest there is no safe level of alcohol consumption when it comes to overall health. Regular alcohol consumption is linked to accelerated skin aging, increased health risks, including various cancers and liver disease, and disrupted sleep patterns crucial for cellular repair and overall health.

Cut your drinking in half, and gradually reduce it to one or two drinks a month, or better yet, one. One of my favorite sayings that holds true: “Drinking is stealing happiness from tomorrow.”

Avoid Processed and High Sugar Foods

A key aspect of an anti-aging diet is minimizing processed and high sugar foods. These foods are so ubiquitous in our culture that we don't even notice them anymore, but the fact is, nobody needs a box of sugary cereal or a jumbo bag of nachos.

These foods can contribute to inflammation, accelerate skin aging, and increase the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

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Conclusion: Embracing a Youthful Life Through Nutrition and Lifestyle

Mark_Dean_Edwards10Mark Edwards

By incorporating these 15 anti-aging foods into my diet, along with a holistic approach to health that includes reducing alcohol consumption and avoiding processed foods, I've discovered a way to put the brakes on aging (to some extent). The solution exists within our own kitchens and daily choices, not with expensive subscriptions to dubious online remedies, cleanses, retreats, or unproven technological devices. It's never too late to change your habits, one day at a time, and slow down or even halt the slide into decrepitude.

We're all eventually going to get old. The trick is to learn how to feel and look great while you're doing it! And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Tracy Campoli tracycampoli
Copyright tracycampoli/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

The battle against belly fat after 40 can feel like an uphill struggle. Those changes in our waistline seem to happen overnight, leaving many of us wondering if this widening middle is simply our new reality. Tracy Campoli understands this frustration firsthand. At 49, this certified personal trainer, Pilates instructor, and health coach balances her professional expertise with the real-life challenges of being a mom in menopause. "It's really frustrating seeing these changes that can happen in our bodies as we get older," Tracy says, "but we don't have to accept all of them as just being 'that's just how it is'." Tracy discovered that 20-second workout intervals were key to her transformation. Read on to discover how her Tabata-style workouts and other practical strategies can help you reduce belly fat at any age.

The 20-Second Workout That Changed Everything

Forget endless crunches - they're not the answer to reducing belly fat. "What we want to do is implement the right kinds of workouts," Tracy advises. For women over 40, she discovered that Tabata and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts were the most effective approach for burning fat and building lean muscle.

"Tabata is really my favorite because you're doing 20 seconds of intense work and then you have a 10-second break built in," Tracy explains. This 20-second interval approach became her secret weapon. "What that's gonna help you to do is burn fat and increase your lean muscle mass - that's what's gonna help you see that slimming in your middle."

RELATED:I'm a Nutritionist and These are the Best Banana Recipes For Weight Loss

Focus on Strength

Strength training is equally important. Tracy emphasizes that your body itself provides resistance: "Your body is a source of weight and resistance." Whether through Pilates, resistance bands, light weights, or bodyweight exercises, incorporating strength work helps prevent the menopausal widening many women experience.

Why Her Old Workouts Weren't Working

"Back in the day, you know I grew up in the 80s myself, we were told if you want to have a slimmer middle, you got to do crunches all day long," Tracy shares. "That's not the case. By now we know that that is not true at all."

Instead of focusing solely on abdominal exercises, Tracy found that combining cardio intervals with strength training gave her the best results. In her fitness membership Total Body Transformation, she incorporates "strength training inside of the cardio workout so that you're getting basically more bang for your buck."

Chill Out To Slim Down

Your stress levels could be directly contributing to that stubborn belly fat. "Reducing your stress level is like a direct line to decreasing your waistline," Tracy explains. She points to that common experience of clothes feeling looser after vacation despite enjoying richer foods - that's your body responding positively to reduced stress levels.

The science is clear: stress elevates cortisol, which has a direct link to increased belly fat. "When we are stressed out, what happens? Our cortisol levels rise in an unhealthy manner, and so that is a direct link to our belly fat," Tracy says. She recommends simple stress-reduction techniques like nature walks, connecting with friends, practicing yoga, or even just taking three deep breaths. These small actions can make a significant difference in both your stress levels and your waistline.

Eat This, Not That

Proper nutrition becomes increasingly important as we age. "Especially if you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, it's really important that we are fueling our bodies with nutrient-dense food," Tracy emphasizes.

For women over 40, adequate protein is essential for building lean muscle mass. "You want to be making sure especially over 40 that you have adequate protein. That protein is going to really help to create lean muscle mass," Tracy advises. She recommends a balanced approach with plenty of vegetables, fresh fruits, and proper hydration.

Rather than obsessing over individual food choices, she suggests taking a "bird's-eye view" of your daily nutrition. "A lot of women will come to me and say 'I had three cookies so I messed it all up'," Tracy shares, explaining that occasional indulgences won't derail your progress when your overall diet remains nutrient-dense.

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Dress Smart, Look Slimmer

How you dress can significantly impact both how you look and how you feel about your body. "If you're wearing big floppy tents or just hiding, that's actually going to make you look worse," Tracy warns, acknowledging it seems counterintuitive.

On days when you're feeling less than your best, Tracy suggests putting more effort into your presentation, not less. "Those days when I feel like a troll... I feel like a completely different person when I actually brush my hair, put on some makeup, and dress in a way that makes me feel pretty," she shares. This outside-in approach can boost your confidence and actually make you appear slimmer.

You're Not Invisible After 40

Tracy is passionate about women of all ages feeling visible and valued. "One of my missions is that women of every age and every stage of life know that they are worthy of being seen," she says passionately. "You are not just doomed to being invisible after the age of 40, 50, or 60. Yes, you are still beautiful. Yes, you are still attractive. Yes, you are worthy of showing up in the world in the best way that you know how to be."

She encourages women to find styles that make them feel good about themselves, whether through online inspiration or fashion magazines.

My Ballet Trick That Works Every Time

Drawing from her lifelong ballet training, Tracy shares one final tip: lightly engaging your abdominal muscles throughout the day. "We're never letting our belly go; we're always lifting the belly up and in," Tracy explains, clarifying this isn't about uncomfortable "sucking in" but rather a gentle engagement of your deep abdominal muscles.

"This is not a size thing because I used to do this when I was pregnant and my belly was out to here," she notes. "This is about just lightly engaging the muscles, those deep muscles in your abdominals."
This simple practice improves posture, creates a longer, leaner appearance, and can even help prevent back pain, especially important as we spend more time sitting. "It's going to improve your posture, make you look leaner, make you look slimmer, and help prevent back pain," Tracy confirms. With practice, this engagement becomes automatic, creating lasting improvements in both appearance and well-being.

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Start Today, See Results Tomorrow

Tracy emphasizes that consistency is key with all these approaches. The 20-second Tabata intervals might seem brief, but when performed regularly, they create significant changes. "When you do it with time, you don't even have to think about it anymore. It just becomes like a natural part of your day," she explains about her techniques.

By combining strategic 20-second workouts, stress reduction, smart nutrition, confident dressing, and simple posture adjustments, Tracy transformed her menopausal middle—and believes you can too.

Amulya M precious_soul14
Copyright precious_soul14/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Diet and exercise are two components of weight loss. However, if you want to transform your body, there are additional habits you need to incorporate into your routine. Amulya M is a weight loss coach and influencer who helps her followers lose weight and transform their lives. In a new viral post, she reveals her plan for a four-month transformation. “For the next 4 months become addicted to these 7 habits, and you’ll be unrecognizable by June 2025,” she writes.

Wake Up Early

Her first transformation habit is waking up earlier. According to Amulya, it gives you more time to workout, plan your day, work on business, and be more productive. “It is a huge life hack and gives you more time to achieve your goals,” she says.

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Write Down Your Thoughts Before Bed

Hand writing in journal with coffee mug​De-StressShutterstock

Next, she recommends writing down your thoughts before bed. “Journaling before bed will improve your quality of and sleep,” she says. “You’ll be unrecognizable.” Not sure what to write down? She suggests “your goals for tomorrow” and “what you’re grateful for.”

Learn an Online Skill


Her third transformative habit? “Learning an online skill 30 minutes a day,” she says. “With inflation and taxes rising, an online skill can save you financially.” She recommends skills like selling digital products, investing, and affiliate marketing.

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Exercise Four Times a Week

Professional swimmer, swimming race, indoor poolShutterstock

She also recommends exercising four times a week and prioritizing mental health. “You also need good physical health,” she says, revealing a few exercises with the best results, including running, swimming, and lifting weights. “These will strengthen and tone your body,” she writes.

Sit in Silence

Woman practicing yoga and meditation at home sitting in lotus pose on yoga mat, relaxed with closed eyes. Mindful meditation concept. Wellbeing.​And, They Reduce Her CravingsShutterstock

“Sit in silence 10 minutes a day,” she adds. “Your mind is racing with hundreds of thoughts every minute.” She suggests taking just 10 minutes to sit in silence, practice mindfulness, and be present in the moment. “This is an underrated habit for your mental health, but very powerful,” she says.

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,Woman,Sleeping,,Bed,,Night,rest,​You’re Sleeping Less Than 7 HoursShutterstock

Make sure to get your rest. “Create a proper sleep schedule,” she says, adding that sleep is essential for your performance and mental health, reducing stress and improving your mood.


,Brunette,Waking,Morning,,Stretches,sleep,bed,bedroom,wake,up,yawn,sleeping​Bottom Line: Don’t Skip BreakfastShutterstock

Her last tip? Be consistent and repeat these habits every single day, week, and month. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Tara Gidus Collingwood dietdivatara
I'm a Weight Loss Coach and These 7 Daily Habits Help Clients Drop 50+ Pounds
Copyright dietdivatara/Instagram

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Once you hit 40, your metabolism slows down a bit. Paying attention to nutrition becomes more important to prevent weight gain or lose some pounds you may have accumulated. Maintaining or building muscle is also more complex, so good nutrition is key. As an experienced nutrition coach and nutritionist who spends a lot of time helping my clients lose weight, I often advise my clients to eat certain types of food to fuel fat loss. These are the best foods for weight loss if you are over 40.

Lean Protein

Fresh fish, raw cod fillets with addition of herbs and lemon49. White fish (like cod): 48 caloriesShutterstock

My first recommendation is lean protein, including chicken, fish, lean beef, tofu, eggs, and Greek yogurt. These foods help support muscle mass and keep you full longer. I recommend spreading protein throughout the day, having some at each meal especially breakfast. Also, choose grilled or baked instead of fried.

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Leafy Greens

Arugula on a white background. Raw and fresh arugula, green leaves, from above.20. Arugula: 25 caloriesShutterstock

Another one of the best foods for weight loss is any leafy green. My favorites are spinach, kale, arugula, and romaine. Not only are these veggies low in calories, but they are also high in fiber and essential nutrients. An added bonus? Leafy greens are super high in antioxidants for disease fighting.


Girl,Holding,Up,A,Glass,Bowl,Of,Blackberries.,Blackberries,In43. Blackberries: 43 caloriesShutterstock

Another great food for weight loss that also serves as a sweet treat? Berries. Personally, my favorites are blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. What makes this type of fruit so special? Berries are packed with fiber, which promotes satiety and good digestive health. They are also low in sugar compared to other fruits and high in antioxidants.

Healthy Fats

Green, black and red olives, olive oil on a brown wooden background. Fresh juicy olives in a bowl and fresh olive leaves. Vegan. Olive fruits. Place for text. Copy space.Shutterstock

Healthy fats – including avocados, nuts, and olives – are also excellent fat burners. They help keep you feeling full and satisfied, support brain and heart health, and are needed to help regulate hormones, which is crucial for weight management over 40.

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Probiotic-Rich Foods

Korean,Traditional,Kimchi,On,A,Dark,Background.6. Kimchi: 15 caloriesShutterstock

Don’t sleep on probiotic-rich foods like Greek yogurt, kimchi, and other fermented foods. these food types aid digestion and help immune and gut health.

Whole Grains

Freshly,Cooked,Brown,Rice,,A,Bowl,Of,Unpolished,Rice, chop, sticksShutterstock

Lastly, when it comes to carbs, fill your plate with whole grains. I recommend quinoa, brown rice, and oats. They provide long-lasting energy and fiber to keep you full, help regulate blood sugar levels, and aids in supporting gut health. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.