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Kim Kardashian's Trainer Shows Her "Perfect Body" and Reveals How She Overcame YoYo Dieting

Here are the lifestyle habits responsible for her amazing body.

Melissa Alcantara is showing off her perfectly chiseled abs in a bandeau top and workout shorts. In a new social media post, Kim Kardashian's bodybuilder trainer flaunts her incredibly fit figure in a workout ensemble. "Join the first 66 challenge," she captioned the mirror selfie, eliciting lots of fire emojis from her followers. "What a perfect body," commented one. "Absolutely breathtaking 😍 ❤️ so so beautiful 😍," added another. How does the celebrity trainer approach diet and fitness? Celebwell rounded up her top lifestyle habits. 


Struggles with Her Weight

Melissa was an "unfit, super broke" waitress living in Brooklyn, who gained 70 pounds while pregnant. "My entire life I'd been yo-yo dieting," she said in an interview with Joe Wicks. "I always had low self-esteem. I was big, then small, then chunky. I would starve myself. I didn't do it the right way."

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Choosing Herself

She decided to change her life. She started waking up at 5 am every day to exercise. "It morphed from me just wanting to have abs to me saying 'yes' to myself, choosing myself, and putting love into myself every single day," she told Women's Health. "And that was a whole new ball game for me.'"


Coffee and Meditation

Melissa starts her day at 4 am. But before she hits the gym she drinks coffee and does a meditation from her favorite book, Living a Life of Awareness: Daily Meditation on the Toltec Path, which helps her "start the day off right."


Intermittent Fasting and Good Carbs

Melissa is a fan of intermittent fasting. "I like to fast during the day because I tend to eat more late at night, when I get especially hungry," she said. "Carbs are needed, and some people actually need a lot more carbs than others depending on certain factors such as their genetic type, etc.," she told InStyle. "But, I'm talking about real carbs like sweet potatoes and quinoa, rice cakes and fiber crips are NOT carbs, they're just processed food."



Melissa drinks a gallon of water a day. "It sounds like a lot, and you'll likely spend more time in the bathroom than anywhere else, but you eventually get used to it," she said. "Drinking lots of water is one of the best things you can do for your body."

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Weightlifting and Walking

Alcantara weight lifts. "I usually do legs twice a week or every three days," she revealed, "but it's usually the same thing every week." She does aim to get to 10,000 steps a day. "That's pretty much my cardio," she says. 

💪🔥Body Booster: Melissa drinks a gallon of water a day. "Drinking lots of water is one of the best things you can do for your body," she says.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more