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10 Best Foods to Eat Before and After Fasting, According to Dave Asprey

The “Father of Biohacking,” reveals what to eat prior to and after a fast.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Before you go on a fast – whether for religious reasons or to try and lose weight fast – you should always plan in terms of what you should eat before and after. Why? Before fasting, you want to give your body the nutrients it needs to sustain the fast. And, when breaking the fast, you want to ease your digestive system back into action. Here are the best foods to eat before and after fasting, according to Dave Asprey, health science entrepreneur, bestselling author, and the "Father of Biohacking."

Before Fasting: High-Quality Protein

,Salmon,Fish,Fillets, protein, food, dinnerShutterstock

“Before a long period of fasting, you’ll want to choose low-toxin and high-nutrient foods like the ones I recommend on The Bulletproof Diet," Asprey tells Body Network. This includes high-quality proteins like grass-fed meat.

Related: This Is How I Lost 100 Pounds in 4 Months

Low Toxin Veggies

red leaf lettuceShutterstock

He also recommends “low toxin vegetables like arugula or red lettuce,” he tells us.

Low-Toxin Starches and Carbs

Milk and honey on the wooden table closeupShutterstock

Next, he recommends preparing for your fast with low-toxin starches and carb sources such as white rice, raw honey, and fruit.

High-Quality Fats


“You’ll also want to include high-quality fats like C8 MCT oil and butter,” he says.

An Example of a Great Pre-Fast Meal

Grilled top sirloin or cup rump beef meat steak on marble board. Black background. Top viewShutterstock

Asprey offers an “example meal,” recommending a grass-fed steak (high-quality protein), a cup of blueberries, mango (high quality carbs), and steamed broccoli topped with ghee (low-toxin veggies and healthy fats)” he says.

Breaking Fast: Salt Water

Salt shakerShutterstock

“When breaking a fast,” Asprey recommends starting with water with added salt. “Water with salt helps hydrate your body,” he says.

Remineralized Coffee

Man in the kitchen pouring a mug of hot filtered coffee from a glass pot. Having breakfast in the morningShutterstock

“Coffee, specifically remineralized coffee like Danger Coffee, also assists in replenishing your body with electrolytes that you have lost during a longer fast,” says Asprey.

Low-Toxin, High Nutrient Food

Dave_Asprey2Dave Asprey/Facebook

“Just as you’d want to choose low-toxin and high-nutrient foods before starting your fast, you’ll also want to follow this guideline when breaking your fast,” Asprey continues.

An Example of a Great Post-Fast Meal

Salmon fillet. Slices of fresh raw salmon fish on iceShutterstock

An example “breakfast” meal “is a wild-caught salmon filet (high-quality protein), white rice (starch) topped with grass-fed butter (healthy fat), with an arugula salad dressed with a mixture of MCT oil and apple cider vinegar (healthy fats and low-toxin veggies),” he says.

Take Digestive Enzymes and Betaine HCI

close-up of super enzymes capsules. dietary concept. dietary supplement topview.Shutterstock

He also recommends a few supplements. “Because your digestion may take a while to kick back into full gear after a long fast, it’s best to take digestive enzymes and betaine HCl with your meal to enhance absorption.”

💪🔥Body Booster: Before and after a fast, try to eat low-toxin, high-nutrient food. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

More For You

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Before you go on a fast – whether for religious reasons or to try and lose weight fast – you should always plan in terms of what you should eat before and after. Why? Before fasting, you want to give your body the nutrients it needs to sustain the fast. And, when breaking the fast, you want to ease your digestive system back into action. Here are the best foods to eat before and after fasting, according to Dave Asprey, health science entrepreneur, bestselling author, and the "Father of Biohacking."

Before Fasting: High-Quality Protein

,Salmon,Fish,Fillets, protein, food, dinnerShutterstock

“Before a long period of fasting, you’ll want to choose low-toxin and high-nutrient foods like the ones I recommend on The Bulletproof Diet," Asprey tells Body Network. This includes high-quality proteins like grass-fed meat.

Related: This Is How I Lost 100 Pounds in 4 Months

Low Toxin Veggies

red leaf lettuceShutterstock

He also recommends “low toxin vegetables like arugula or red lettuce,” he tells us.

Low-Toxin Starches and Carbs

Milk and honey on the wooden table closeupShutterstock

Next, he recommends preparing for your fast with low-toxin starches and carb sources such as white rice, raw honey, and fruit.

High-Quality Fats


“You’ll also want to include high-quality fats like C8 MCT oil and butter,” he says.

An Example of a Great Pre-Fast Meal

Grilled top sirloin or cup rump beef meat steak on marble board. Black background. Top viewShutterstock

Asprey offers an “example meal,” recommending a grass-fed steak (high-quality protein), a cup of blueberries, mango (high quality carbs), and steamed broccoli topped with ghee (low-toxin veggies and healthy fats)” he says.

Breaking Fast: Salt Water

Salt shakerShutterstock

“When breaking a fast,” Asprey recommends starting with water with added salt. “Water with salt helps hydrate your body,” he says.

Remineralized Coffee

Man in the kitchen pouring a mug of hot filtered coffee from a glass pot. Having breakfast in the morningShutterstock

“Coffee, specifically remineralized coffee like Danger Coffee, also assists in replenishing your body with electrolytes that you have lost during a longer fast,” says Asprey.

Low-Toxin, High Nutrient Food

Dave_Asprey2Dave Asprey/Facebook

“Just as you’d want to choose low-toxin and high-nutrient foods before starting your fast, you’ll also want to follow this guideline when breaking your fast,” Asprey continues.

An Example of a Great Post-Fast Meal

Salmon fillet. Slices of fresh raw salmon fish on iceShutterstock

An example “breakfast” meal “is a wild-caught salmon filet (high-quality protein), white rice (starch) topped with grass-fed butter (healthy fat), with an arugula salad dressed with a mixture of MCT oil and apple cider vinegar (healthy fats and low-toxin veggies),” he says.

Take Digestive Enzymes and Betaine HCI

close-up of super enzymes capsules. dietary concept. dietary supplement topview.Shutterstock

He also recommends a few supplements. “Because your digestion may take a while to kick back into full gear after a long fast, it’s best to take digestive enzymes and betaine HCl with your meal to enhance absorption.”

💪🔥Body Booster: Before and after a fast, try to eat low-toxin, high-nutrient food. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

Woman pulling her big jeans and showing weight loss.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Losing 50 pounds in 90 days sounds downright preposterous. However, according to one expert it’s not only doable – but not as hard as you would imagine. Adam Potash (@adampotashapproach) is a diet and fitness influencer and coach who has amassed a massive following for his weight loss technique. He claims you can lose 20 pounds in 30 days and 50 pounds in 90 days by using his method. In one viral TikTok video he breaks down how to do it.

1. Keep Enjoying Your Food


Heres hpwnto lose 50 pounds in the next 90 days #loseweightwithme #lose50pounds #tiktokweightloss #weightlossforwomen #theapproach #fypシ

“Alright guys, here's how you're going to lose 50 pounds in the next 90 days. It's actually going to be a lot easier than you think,” he says in the viral video. “You're going to lose 20 pounds in your first month. You're going to lose 15 pounds in your second month. I'll buy another 15 pounds in your third month.” He goes on to explain that intermittent fasting is the way to do it. “I'm going to give you some of the basics and if you can follow this, you can eat out anywhere you go with your girlfriends. This isn't going to feel depriving or restrictive in any way. I want you to enjoy food.”

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2. Eat Your First Meal at Noon


“Your first meal's going to be around 12:00 PM,” he says. “You want that to be a big, hearty meal. That meal is going to contain protein, vegetables, and good carbs. So no processed carbs, no breads, no pastas. Most other carbs are okay,” he says.

3. Fruit Snack a Few Hours Later


A few hours after that, “between three and four, you're going to have a healthy snack,” he says, suggesting an apple, “but you can have really any fruit, mixed berries, melon, mango, and trail mix as well,” he says. “Totally up to you. You can even go as far as have a yogurt, even hummus if that's your thing.”

4. Last Meal at 8 PM

Young fitness woman looking at her smart watch while taking a break from outdoor workout. Sportwoman checking pulse on fitness smart watch device.Shutterstock

“Your last meal is going to be before 8:00 PM,” he continues. “So three meals within an eight hour window. For the last meal he recommends protein and vegetables, avoiding carbs as “most of those carbohydrates” should be in your lunchtime meal “when you need it most.”

5. From 8 PM to Noon You Can Only Drink Water or Black Coffee


“Here's the kicker,” Adam continues. Between that last meal and your first meal water and coffee are the only acceptable drinks. “That coffee must be black. No artificial sweeteners, no Splenda, no stevia, nothing like that. And of course, no creamers of any kind,” he concludes.

6. How Does Intermittent Fasting Work

Close up cropped image of cutting board and couple cutting vegetables in the kitchen together, preparing food meal at home. Vegetarian healthy foodShutterstock

Intermittent fasting works by “prolonging the period when your body has burned through the calories consumed during your last meal and begins burning fat,” explains Johns Hopkins Medicine.

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7. What Does Science Say About Intermittent Fasting

Skip breakfast concept with no symbol and clock on plateShutterstock

However, one July 2017 study out of University of Illinois at Chicago and published in JAMA found that Intermittent fasting is no more effective for weight loss than daily calorie restriction. They also determined that it was less sustainable, as more people were likely to stop doing it than those simply restricting calories.

💪🔥Body Booster: Intermittent fasting helps some people lose weight, ultimately by restricting calorie intake into a designated feasting time. However, not everyone finds the method as sustainable as simply cutting calories.

Young slim woman enjoying successful weight loss, showing great result wearing old large jeans for comparison, smiling to camera.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Are you considering going fast? Before you hop on the trending diet method, it’s crucial that you do a little research on the various types. Dr. Jason Fung is a specialist physician, nephrologist, and New York Times best-selling author of The Obesity Code, The Complete Guide to Fasting, The Diabetes Code, and The Cancer Code. In a viral YouTube video, he discusses “the different types of fasts that you can do because there's a lot of different variations that you can try then still get good results, and it's coming right up.”

Fasting Is a Period of Time You’re Not Eating

20:4 fasting diet concept. One third plate with healthy food and two third plate is empty. Beef, salmon, egg, broccoli, tomato, nuts, carrots, mushrooms. Dark background. Top view.Shutterstock

“A fasting period is defined as any period of time that you're not eating. So, in the classic definition, you're really only allowed water. And if you take anything else by definition, that is breaking your fast,” he says.

There Are Various Reasons You Might Want to Fast

The man who measures a waist with a tape measureShutterstock

There can be lots of different reasons you might want to fast, he continues. “You can try do it to lose weight, you can do it for controlling your blood sugars. There's lots of different reasons why you might fast, and in those circumstances, you can allow certain things into your fast that are going to make it easy.”

Different Methods Might Make It Easier to Sustain a Fast

Why should you consider trying a different fasting method? There are “different variations of fasting that you can try that might make it easier to sustain the fast and therefore get good results in terms of what you're aiming for,” he says.

1. The Classic Fast


“The classic fast only allows water with nothing else, and there are lots of ways that you can still add some flavor to the water and still make it taste good,” he says. “So you can try lemon or lime, for example. You can squeeze lemon in and drop it in. There are lots of flavorful oils in the skin or the rind that can make it taste good. You can infuse herbs into it. So mint is very popular, and cucumber is very good. Then, you can infuse fruit flavors. So if you use something like strawberries, for example, you can cut them up, put them in water, let them steep overnight, and you'll get the flavor of the strawberry with very little calories.”

You Can Add Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar and lemons. Copy space.Shutterstock

Apple cider vinegar is another thing you can add to water, “and while it's still just water only, it has a little bit of that tanginess,” he says. “Some people find it's very helpful in terms of suppressing hunger.”

2. Dry Fasting


Number two is dry fasting, says Dr. Fung. “This is used classically in certain types of religious fasting, and dry fasting does not even allow water. So, the amount of time you can do it is limited. Certainly, anything over 24 hours is not recommended, and many people get thirsty long before that.”

While Dry Fasting and Metabolizing Fat, Water Will Be Released

“Taking something to drink often makes it easier to fast. So, some people find dry fasting a little harder, but surprisingly, some people find it easier, and there's a reason for that,” he continues. “When fat is being metabolized, it actually breaks down, and water is released. This is one of the reasons why bears, for example, will hibernate all winter and they're not drinking any water, so you might wonder how they're getting their, uh, water, why they're not getting dehydrated. And it's because the metabolism of the fat will actually release a little bit of water during fasting.”

This Makes People Urinate a Lot

Door handle open to toilet can see toiletShutterstock

“What can sometimes happen is people may find that they're urinating a lot,” he continues. “As you fast, the insulin levels go down, and insulin tends to hold water within our bodies. So when we fast, that insulin level allows that water to come out. So some people get a lot of urine, and some people even get diarrhea, and they find it very bothersome. And in this situation that's where dry fasting for a short period of time might be very useful to make it easier for you.”

Some People Find Their Hunger Levels Drop During a Dry Fast

“The other interesting thing is some people find that their hunger is much less when they do a dry compared to a water only or a flavored water fast,” says Dr. Fung. “And if it works for you, there's no reason not to do it. But again, I stress that anything longer than 24 hours is not recommended because you do get dehydrated very quickly.”

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3. Tea Fast

Japanese green teaShutterstock

Number three is a tea fast. “So in addition to allowing flavored waters and waters, you also allow herbal teas and also teas with no other cream or sweeteners. So no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, but green teas, black teas, oolong teas,” says Fung. “There are also other variations like herbal teas, which are not real teas because they don't have the tea leaf. They're herbs. So mint teas, chamomile teas, and cinnamon, for example, are all very good. There are other varieties that you can get now, like mushroom teas, which some people find very useful because they don't have any calories and have no effect on insulin.”

These Can Be Helpful for Weight Loss


“As you fast, your body is going to metabolize the glucose in your body, so your blood glucose often gets better, and then you're going to metabolize fat. So you will find that you can lose weight, and the tea or the herbal tea may make it a lot easier,” he says.

4. Coffee Fast

cup of fresh fatty coffee with butter and coconut oil - ketogenic diet conceptShutterstock

“The fourth variant you can try is allowing coffee. So black coffee is good, and it contains a lot more caffeine than tea,” he says. “So some people find it very useful. Also, a lot of people are very addicted to or used to having coffee in their system, so they find it very useful to maintain that normal rhythm when they're eating or when they're fasting. So coffee and a little bit of cream is okay; both teas and coffees, when it's hot, are great as iced variations as well.”

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5. Bone Broth Fast

Saucepan with bouillon with a ladle on rustic wooden table. Bone brothShutterstock

The fifth type of variation is bone broth. “Bone broth is clearly a type of food in that it has proteins, but it often has fats and some calories. However, the amount is very small. So while it's not a true fast, you can use it to help suppress hunger,” he says.

Because It Has Fats and Calories, You Might Be Able to Fast Longer


Because of the fat and calories, “you can use it to go longer periods of time,” says Dr. Fung. “And by doing that, you can sometimes get excellent results in terms of blood sugars and weight loss. We recommend homemade broths using bone. If you don't want to use bones, you can use vegetable broths, but try to avoid canned broths that tend to have a lot of processing, bouillon cubes, MSG, and that kind of thing. It's better to make your own and use the bones, vegetables, and herbs. Some people also add some vinegar into the mix.”

6. Fat Fasting

Fried bacon slices, closeupShutterstock

“The sixth type of fasting is fat fasting, and we talk about this a lot where we use high-fat foods,” says Dr. Fung. “Well, again, not a true fast does allow some people to do very well in terms of their weight loss.”

The Fat Suppresses Hunger

cup of fresh fatty coffee with butter and coconut oil - ketogenic diet conceptShutterstock

“The fat really helps suppress the hunger, and because it's also very satiating and you can sometimes still lose a lot of weight on these high-fat diets, it is sometimes very useful,” Fung continues. “Bulletproof coffee is a type of fat fasting because you have the coffee and then usually a large amount of oil or butter or MCT oil. Therefore, it really classifies it as food. There's a significant number of calories there, and that can sometimes be very good. We have heard lots of people say they've done great on that.”

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7. 5-2 Fasting

Intermittent fasting, health care asian young woman dietary, having stomach ache, temptation hungry of breakfast food in morning on table at home, looking at watch on her wrist but not yet time to eatShutterstock

The seventh type of fasting is the five to two fasting, popularized by Dr. Mosley in the UK “and it has five normal days of eating and two days of fasting, which is not a true fast, but he allows 500 calories during that day of fasting,” he says. “So clearly, it's not limited by time, but on those two days, it's an ultra low-calorie day. And again, that is sometimes a great strategy for some people to use with a lot of success.”

8. Fiber Fast


“The eighth type of fast is what can be sometimes called a fiber-fast, where you're just allowing very, very high fiber foods such as chia seeds, for example. So chia seeds, you can put them in some liquid, and they will bloom up form, form sort of a gel, and you can put a little bit of flavoring in that, and when you eat it, it makes you full, but there's a lot of fiber in there,” he says. “So it sort of takes up a lot of space and keeps you full. And if it allows you to do more of the regular fasting, then sometimes the net benefit is there.”

There Are Other Variations

Skip breakfast concept with no symbol and clock on plateShutterstock

According to Fung, there are “lots more other ways to vary” fasting, “including the amount of time you're fasting, but these are ways you can change what is allowed during the fast. And by doing that, you might find that one strategy really works for you. And if it works, great, go ahead and use it. If not, you can change and try different other things.”

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The Key Is Finding Which Is Right for You

“The key is to see what works for yourself because we're all different. So give them all a try, and I hope you'll have the best of luck,” he concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Copyright gaugegirltraining/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Struggling to see results from your weight loss efforts? You're not alone. Whether you're just starting your journey or looking to break through a plateau, having the right strategies can make all the difference. Christine Hronec, founder and CEO of Gauge Girl Training, food scientist, and former national bikini competitor, shares her expert insights on accelerating your weight loss journey safely and effectively. Read on to discover seven proven tips that can help you achieve your goals faster.

Start Your Day with High-Protein Foods

"According to the International Journal of Obesity, eating a high-protein breakfast could help reduce cravings and lower your calorie intake throughout the day," Christine explains in her post. She emphasizes starting your day with foods like eggs, egg whites, turkey bacon, or protein shakes to create a positive nitrogen balance, which significantly impacts appetite control throughout the day.

Skip the Sugary Drinks

Soft drinksShutterstock

Research from the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences backs Christine's advice to eliminate sugary beverages and fruit juices. "Your body needs to burn through glucose and carbohydrates before it shifts over into fat loss," she notes. It takes approximately 20-25 minutes for your body to switch to fat-burning mode at rest, and sugary drinks only delay this process.

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Drink Water Before Meals

Sports woman drinking bottle of water.Shutterstock

"The Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that drinking water before meals reduced caloric intake and improved weight management," Christine shares. She recommends consuming between 2-2.5 liters daily as a minimum, though ideally aiming for a gallon (3.74 liters) for optimal results.

Increase Your Fiber Intake

Composition with assorted organic vegetables and fruits.Shutterstock

Christine stresses the importance of soluble fiber, recommending at least 17 grams daily for women and 25 grams for men. "Fiber helps detoxify the liver of excess estrogens and hormones, helps remove excess cholesterol, and keeps you feeling fuller longer," she explains. Good sources include vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Add Black Coffee or Tea

Brewing coffeeShutterstock

According to Christine, studies in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition support caffeine's role in boosting metabolism and fat loss. However, she cautions that pregnant or nursing women, and those with hormone imbalances or certain health conditions should limit or avoid caffeine intake.

RELATED:8 Tips to Make Losing Weight Feel Effortless, From Proven Experts

Focus on Whole Foods

Farmer woman harvests vegetables in the garden. Selective focus. Food.Shutterstock

"Nowhere in nature do you find high-sugar, high-carb foods combined," Christine points out. She advocates for building your diet around real, whole foods rather than processed alternatives. While you can lose weight eating processed foods in a caloric deficit, whole foods help you feel fuller longer and support healthier habits.

Prioritize Quality Sleep

Good morning, new day, weekend, holiday. Happy middle aged woman lying on bed, lady stretching arms after sleep and enjoying morning in cozy comfort bedroom interior, free spaceShutterstock

Christine emphasizes that quality sleep is often underrated in weight loss. "Poor sleep can burn out your adrenals and cortisol levels, leading to hasty decisions and poor nutrition choices," she warns. Making sleep a priority helps maintain energy levels and supports better decision-making throughout your weight loss journey. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


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Do you want to lose weight fast? One expert claims to know the trick. Kimberley (@heal_with_kim) is a weight loss and nutrition expert who regularly shares tips and tricks with her followers. In a recent post, she revealed simple ways to lose weight fast. “This is what you're gonna do if you wanna lose 10 pounds. Now, we're all different. I know. Just try it ten days,” she says. Body Network’s Resident RDN, The Diet Diva Tara Collingwood, also weighs in.

Eat Protein in the Morning


Kimberley recommends starting your day with a protein-rich breakfast. “You'll have less cravings, you'll have more energy and you'll eat less throughout the day,” she says.

Pair Carbs with a Healthy Fat or Protein


“Eat your carbs with a healthy fat or protein,” she continues. “Foods such as breads, pastas, and rice have a very high glycemic index. Eating these types of foods together will slow down the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream.”



Next, “workout, exercise just a little bit,” she recommends. “Even the smallest amount of muscle mass growth can help you burn calories throughout the day.”

RELATED: 15 Things to Know Before Requesting Ozempic for Weight Loss

Try It for 10 Days


"Try for ten days, a 12 or 13-hour fast, which means you're going to stop eating at night and you're gonna wait 12 to 13 hours before having your breakfast. You got this," Kimberley said.


Cup of coffee, and note on old wooden tableShutterstock

“And your last step that you're gonna do every single day for these 10 days is to believe in yourself. Take out a journal and write every single day why you deserve to be healthier, why you deserve to have the body that you love. To feel stronger, to have energy, to feel good within yourself, to feel confident. Remind yourself each and every day why you're doing these things,” she concludes.

Body Network’s Expert Weighs In

Close-up of a large water bottle on a running track with woman's legs in backgroundShutterstock

Body Network’s Resident RDN, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian and co-author of the Flat Belly Cookbook for Dummies agrees with some, but not all, of her suggestions. Protein with breakfast “is always a good idea to keep you satiated and provide lasting energy and has been linked to fewer cravings later in the day,” she says. And balancing protein and fats along with carbs provides better blood sugar control and also keeps you more satiated than carbs alone.

RELATED: I Lost 23 Pounds in 8 Weeks, and These Are My Top 10 Tips

12-Hour Fasting Is Good

Intermittent fasting concept with a woman sitting hungry in front of food and looking at her watch to make sure she breaks fast on the correct time. A dietary modification for healthy lifestyle.Shutterstock

Collingwood does agree that building muscle is great for weight loss. “The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn every single minute of the day.” As for fasting, “going 12 hours each day without food is a good guideline for fasting,” she says. “You don’t need to go 16 or more hours as some intermittent fasting plans recommend.” And journaling is a great habit. “Motivation goes a long way when sticking to healthy habits,” she says.

💪🔥Body Booster: Pair your breakfast with protein. It will keep you satiated and provide lasting energy and has been linked to fewer cravings later in the day.

Dr Jennifer McCann The GYN MD
5 Expert Tips to Keep Weight Off After Ozempic
Copyright The GYN MD/YouTube

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Struggling to reach your weight loss goals despite your best efforts? You're not alone. Millions of Americans face this challenge daily, even with the newest medical options available. Dr. Jennifer McCann, board-certified in both OB/GYN and Obesity Medicine, has been helping women optimize their health for over 12 years. "I specialize in complete women's care that incorporates total wellness, including considerations in gynecology, hormonal status and weight optimization," says Dr. McCann. Read on to discover how to maximize your results with today's most talked-about weight loss treatments.

Understanding Weight Loss Injections

Before diving into strategies for success, it's important to understand what these medications actually do. "These injections include medicines like semaglutide, otherwise known as Ozempic, and tirzepatide (Mounjaro)," Dr. McCann explains in her video. While semaglutide has FDA approval for weight loss in certain individuals, Mounjaro is currently approved only for type 2 diabetes—though many patients experience significant weight reduction with both.

According to Dr. McCann, these medications work through several mechanisms: "They inhibit glucagon release which reduces hunger, decrease glucose production from the liver, delay gastric emptying, and reduce appetite." These combined effects lead to what can be substantial weight loss, particularly beneficial for people with limited mobility who struggle with exercise-based approaches.

RELATED: 15 Things to Know Before Requesting Ozempic for Weight Loss

Who Should Consider These Treatments?

Closeup hand pulling toilet paper roll in holder for wipe, woman sitting on toilet she taking and tearing white tissue on wall to towel clean in bathroom, Healthcare conceptShutterstock

"These medicines are not for everybody," cautions Dr. McCann. There are important contraindications to consider, including "a personal or family history of thyroid cancer or other endocrine problems or cancers." She emphasizes the importance of discussing your complete medical history with your physician before starting treatment.

Side effects can also occur. "They can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps," notes Dr. McCann. While these symptoms typically subside after a few weeks of treatment, she acknowledges they can sometimes persist longer.

Making the Most of Your Treatment

Never fear, your pharmacist is here. Cropped shot of an attractive young female pharmacist working in a pharmacy.​You Want It to Be Effective Without Side EffectsShutterstock

Dr. McCann views these medications as a starting point rather than a complete solution. "What I like to tell my patients is to use these medicines to really start your lifestyle change," she says. The initial weight loss provides momentum, but maintaining results requires building healthy habits during treatment.

With that foundation in mind, here are Dr. McCann's top three tips for maximizing your results while on weight loss injections:

Tip 1: Eliminate All Sodas and Sugary Drinks

Refreshing Bubbly Soda Pop with Ice Cubes. Cold soda iced drink in a glasses - Selective focus, shallow DOF.​2. Sugary DrinksShutterstock

The single most important dietary change? "Stop all sodas," Dr. McCann states emphatically. This includes not just carbonated soft drinks but all sugary beverages like slushes and sweetened coffee drinks.

The impact is staggering: "Drinking one can of soda can make you gain 15 pounds over one year," Dr. McCann explains. "It's virtually impossible to lose weight and keep it off if you drink soda, especially more than one can daily."

This doesn't mean giving up caffeine altogether. Dr. McCann suggests alternatives: "Coffee is a great alternative, especially either black coffee or mixed with a little bit of stevia. A sugar-free skinny latte is also a great option."

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Tip 2: Prioritize Protein with Every Meal

Chief hands cut salmon fillet with knife on wooden table at kitchen. Man cooking red omega fish with lemons for healthy nutrition diet​Teriyaki Salmon & RiceShutterstock

When appetite suppression kicks in, making your limited calories count becomes crucial. "Make sure that when you feel like eating, you get your protein, specifically lean protein," advises Dr. McCann.

There's science behind this recommendation. "Protein is what builds your muscle, and your muscle is what burns calories," she explains. "If you don't take in enough protein, you will lose muscle and won't be able to burn as many calories."

The metabolic benefits are significant: "Protein increases your metabolism by increasing your muscle, and that lets you burn more calories," says Dr. McCann. This creates a virtuous cycle that enhances the medication's effectiveness.

Tip 3: Incorporate Consistent Exercise

Stairs climbing running woman doing run up steps on staircase


Exercise remains essential, even with powerful medications. "Exercise is very important for weight loss, for keeping the weight off, for your cardiovascular health," Dr. McCann emphasizes. She adds that it "actually is a natural remedy for anxiety because it releases cortisol."

For beginners, Dr. McCann recommends starting small: "If you're just starting out, 20 minutes four times a week through high intensity training, something like HIIT classes, will be just fine." As fitness improves, both duration and intensity can gradually increase.

Those with physical limitations shouldn't despair. "Exercise is still important, but you may need to talk to a personal trainer to see what exercises you specifically can do to help maintain your muscles," suggests Dr. McCann.

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The Long-Term Perspective

Overweight,Woman,Eating,Healthy,Meal,In,Kitchen6 Metabolism Mistakes Making Women Over 40 Gain WeightShutterstock

These medications offer a valuable opportunity to reset your relationship with food and activity. "Make sure to use this weight loss boost to start your healthy living," Dr. McCann advises, "so that you can lose even more weight and be able to keep it off after you stop the injections."The habits you develop during treatment will determine your long-term success. By eliminating sugary drinks, prioritizing protein, and incorporating regular exercise now, you're building the foundation for sustainable results that last well beyond your final injection. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss20 Incredible Ozempic Success Stories of All Time.

Mahtab Ekay fitbymahtab
​Step Two: Increase Protein Intake
Copyright fitbymahtab/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you strength training to lose weight? If so, there are a few tweaks you can make to your routine to accelerate the weight loss process. Mahtab Ekay is a fat loss coach and social media influencer who lost over 20 pounds and helps others do the same. In a new post she shares a few of her hacks. “If you are lifting weights and your goal is to lose fat and build muscle at the same time, here are my 7 best tips to make it happen,” she writes.

Sets: Quality > Quantity

“If you have 3 sets planned for an exercise, those should be 3 working sets. This means they should be close to failure—where you can barely complete the last rep. The real growth happens in the 2-3 reps after you feel like you’re done,” she says.

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Reps: Go Heavy

When it comes to reps, go heavy. “The myth that high reps with lower weight are better for fat loss needs to go. Instead, aim for 8-12 reps with heavier weights. This rep range is ideal for hypertrophy (muscle growth) while also building strength,” she claims.

Cardio: Time it Right

How you time your cardio makes a difference. “If you want to incorporate cardio, do it after your lifting session or on rest days. Doing cardio before lifting can sap your strength and take away from your ability to give 100% in your strength training,” she says.

Rest Time: Don’t Rush It

Don’t rush your rest time. “You don’t need to keep your heart rate up during your entire workout. In fact, the opposite is true! Take 1.5-2 minutes to fully recover and lift heavier during your working sets. Quality over speed!” she says.

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Nutrition: Eat Near Maintenance

As for nutrition, eat near maintenance. “To build muscle and lose fat, I recommend eating close to maintenance calories or a slight deficit—not more than a 500-calorie deficit per day. Don’t go into a crazy deficit—it’ll make it harder to maintain your strength and muscle while losing fat,” she says.

Progressive Overload

“Even if you’re in a slight deficit, you should still aim to get stronger. Try to progressively overload your lifts by adding weight or increasing reps over time. Some lifts like the bench press might be harder to progress, but there are ways around it!” she says.

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Start with Compound Movements

Finally, start with compound movements. “Always begin your workout with compound lifts (squats, deadlifts, bench presses) because they recruit more muscle groups, and since your energy is highest at the start, you can lift heavier and perform better,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Nicole Collet thecollets
Woman Lost 7 Pounds in 3 Weeks Eating This Protein Dessert Every Night
Copyright thecollets/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Starting an exercise routine when you're significantly overweight can feel impossible. For Nicole Collet, a weight loss coach who lost an impressive 130 pounds and kept it off for nine years, the answer wasn't complicated—it was walking for just 15 minutes every day. "When I was morbidly obese, there wasn't much I could do in the form of exercise because of my weight, but I could walk," Nicole explains. Her journey proves that sustainable weight loss doesn't require counting every step or spending hours exercising—just consistent, manageable action that anyone can follow.

Forget Counting Steps, Focus on Time Instead

Nicole's initial mistake was obsessing over step counts rather than creating a sustainable habit. "I set a goal to walk 10,000 steps every single day, but I'm an all or nothing person. So I set it in stone," Nicole shares in her post. At 275 pounds with painful plantar fasciitis, this ambitious target quickly became overwhelming.

The solution was simple yet effective. "I decided to start with 15 minutes because it wasn't too low, but it wasn't too high," she says. This approach allowed her to go at her own pace, taking breaks when needed, while still maintaining consistency. By focusing on completing 15 minutes daily—regardless of distance covered—Nicole created a sustainable habit she could actually stick with.

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Invest in Proper Footwear for Success

One critical lesson Nicole learned was the importance of proper shoes. "I had a flip-flop thing. And I thought it would be a great idea with plantar fasciitis at 275 pounds to try walking in flip-flops," Nicole recalls with amusement. This uncomfortable experience left her feet so sore she didn't want to walk again.

"Wearing really good supportive shoes and investing in good quality ones like New Balance or whatever feels good on your foot is really important," Nicole emphasizes. Good footwear helped alleviate her foot pain and allowed her to gradually increase her walking time as she progressed.

Don't Fall Into the "Too Much Too Soon" Trap

Going overboard with exercise intensity was another pitfall Nicole and her husband Kyle experienced. "When we first started, we tried to do way too much, way too intense, go way too far from the house, go longer than the 15 minutes, and we would end up just exhausted and sore," Nicole explains.

Even years into their fitness journey, they sometimes make this mistake. Nicole shares, "In the last summer, Kyle and I were doing a mini cut. We just were like, hey, we're in a calorie deficit. It'd be a great idea to go for a two-hour walk in the forest." The result was extreme hunger and exhaustion that derailed their progress. Finding a moderate, sustainable pace prevents this self-sabotaging cycle.

Find Your Sweet Spot: Not Too Little, Not Too Much

The opposite problem—doing too little—can be just as detrimental. "Whenever we would go overboard, because Kyle and I are all or nothing, black-or-white thinking kind of people, we'd pull way back and then we would go from like an hour to five minutes," Nicole admits.

This all-or-nothing approach extended to their eating habits too. "We'd be like well I think we both need a large pizza each... or the opposite and we'd be like okay we ate too much yesterday so now let's only eat like egg whites and tuna," she says. Finding a sustainable middle ground—not too intense, not too easy—proved key to their long-term success.

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Combine 15 Minutes of Walking With Portion Control

Nicole's 50-pound weight loss in three months didn't come from walking alone. "I paired my walking of 15 minutes every day with portion control," she explains. This combination created the calorie deficit necessary for significant weight loss.

The dietary component is essential, according to Nicole. "It's very important that you are eating in a calorie deficit and adding some walking or exercise that you like to do as a cherry on top because the diet comes first." This balanced approach addresses both sides of the weight loss equation.

Build Consistency Before Increasing Time

Nicole's 15-minute walks gradually became easier as she lost weight. "By the end of the three months, I had lost the 50 pounds. I also had increased my stamina and I was lighter," Nicole shares. Eventually, she could walk the full 15 minutes without stopping and her plantar fasciitis improved.

Through consistent effort, Nicole and Kyle gradually built their endurance. "We went from 15 minutes to now doing 60 minutes. It took a long time, but we slowly built and that's because it's sustainable," she says. This slow-and-steady approach has helped them maintain their weight loss for nine years.

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Why 15 Minutes of Walking Works Better Than Other Exercises

After trying numerous exercise options, Nicole and Kyle found walking most effective for long-term weight management. "After everything we've tried, we have found walking to be the best for burning fat, helping us lose weight," Nicole explains.

The simplicity and accessibility of walking makes it ideal for sustainable weight loss. "Walking at a leisurely pace consistently not only helped us lose 130 pounds each but it's helped us keep the weight off for over nine years," Nicole says. This low-impact exercise allows for consistent daily activity without burnout or injury.

Make Your 15-Minute Walks Enjoyable, Not Punishing

Nicole emphasizes the importance of enjoying your weight loss journey. "Making weight loss fun, not making it a punishment, is one of those things that I realized," she shares. Choosing activities and foods you enjoy increases the likelihood of sticking with them.

As Nicole puts it, "Consistency over perfection, slow and steady wins the race. Pick something you can do for exercise and pick things you like to eat so that you can do it for life." This mindset shift transforms weight loss from a temporary diet into a sustainable lifestyle.

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The Mindset For Long-Term Success

Beyond physical changes, Nicole reminds us of the mental and emotional components of weight loss. "Remember friends that weight loss isn't just about the number on the scale. It's also about here and here—heart and mindset," Nicole encourages.Success comes from building sustainable habits that fit your life and preferences. "Fight through it. You can do it. Don't give up," Nicole advises. By focusing on consistency rather than perfection, anyone can achieve lasting weight loss results—starting with just 15 minutes of walking every day. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.