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Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days Over 50 on Simple Animal Protein and Fruit Diet

This fitness coach knows how to make it happen.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Mike Cola is a fitness coach who knows how challenging weight loss can be for people over 50. Cola has 37 years of experience as a gym owner in New York, as well as being an exercise physiologist certified by the American College of Sports Medicine. Through expert advice and common sense guidance, Cola knows how to help you burn fat and lose the extra weight. "You're going to be in a calorie deficit. You're going to lose some weight. Get started today," he says.  Here's how to lose 10 pounds in 30 days on a simple, straightforward animal protein and fruit diet that will blast the extra fat and help you get fit.

No Starvation

Cola makes the point that this diet is sustainable, as you're not constantly hungry. "If you're over 50 and you wanna lose eight to 10 pounds in the next 30 days, consider trying the animal protein and fruit diet," he says. "There are three reasons why I think this diet works so well. Number one, you're going to begin a calorie deficit. Protein is incredibly satisfying. When you eat protein, you won't be hungry for hours."

[Protein Thermic Effect

Organic Grilled Lamb Chops with Garlic and Lime

Cola emphasizes the high thermic effect of protein. "Number two, protein has a high thermic effect, meaning that it's gonna boost your metabolism," he says. "When you eat protein, you're gonna burn up 25 to 30% of the calories just digesting and processing the protein."

No Ultra-Processed Foods

Young girl on dieting for good health concept. Close up female using hand reject junk food by pushing out her favorite sweet donuts and fried chicken and choose green apple and salad for good health.

Cola says removing addictive, unhealthy, ultra-processed foods from your diet is a great way to help you get into a calorie deficit. "And number three, it's a whole natural food diet. You're going to be eliminating all processed foods, which is also going to help you get into a calorie deficit."

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Typical Meal

Grilled sardines with addition of fresh herbs, lemon and spices on a wooden background. Grilled seafood, barbecue

Cola shares what a typical protein-and-fruit meal would look like. "Let me give you an example. I'm going to have about five ounces of steak plus a can of sardines. That's going to give me 50-60 grams of protein. I cut up an avocado and throw in half a cup of blueberries for antioxidant flavor. How I would like you to do this diet is eat two meals like this, plus a protein snack."

Benefits of Whole Foods

Farmer woman harvests vegetables in the garden. Selective focus. Food.

Eliminating ultra-processed foods is highly effective for weight loss. "Unprocessed foods tend to be rich in essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber," says the Mayo Clinic. "They are naturally low in saturated fat and sodium. Evidence from large population studies and randomized clinical trials have linked a diet higher in plant-based whole foods to lower occurrences of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and certain types of cancer."

Benefits of Protein

Man put down on a wooden board ready to eat grilled steak meat, male roasted steak meat on the gas grill on barbecue grill outdoor in the backyard, summer family picnic, food on the nature.

Cola's emphasis on protein for satiety and boosting metabolism is based on good science. "Protein is invaluable when it comes to increased fullness and satisfaction after a meal," registered dietitian Annalise Pratt, RD, tells the Cleveland Clinic. "Knowing how to use this key nutrient as part of a balanced diet puts the odds of losing weight on your side."

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Benefits of Fruit

strawberry - Woman smiling with strawberry on wooden floor background, focus on fruit, asian beauty model

Fruits such as berries and avocados have lots of benefits, both for weight loss and overall health. "Berries are among the best sources of dietary fiber in the fruit category," Michelle Hyman, RD, a registered dietitian at Simple Solutions Weight Loss in New York City, tells Runner's World. "They also contain antioxidants and phytonutrients. Some varieties, such as strawberries, are even surprisingly great sources of vitamin C."

Importance of Calorie Deficit

Cola is right to stress the importance of a calorie deficit for weight loss. "No matter where they come from, the calories you eat are either converted to physical energy or stored within your body as fat," says the Mayo Clinic. These stored calories will stay in your body as fat unless you use them up. You can do this by cutting how many calories you take in so that your body can draw on reserves for energy. Or you can add more physical activity so that you burn more calories." And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

Ferozan Mast
Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more