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Kim Kardashian's Trainer Flaunts Washboard Abs in Mirror Selfie. Here's Everything She Eats in a Day.

Eat and look like a star.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Senada Greca is flaunting her washboard abs in a new mirror selfie. In a recent social media post, Kim Kardashian's trainer shows off her enviable midsection in a photo she took of herself and shared via her Instagram Stories. How does the fitness trainer and model eat to maintain her famous figure? Here is everything you need to know about her diet.

Here Is What She Eats in a Day on Vacation

"Vacation routine and what I eat in a day – or rather what I ate on this day," Senada explained in a recent post, detailing her healthy routine. For breakfast, Senada had four scrambled eggs with feta and a side of turkey and bacon. Next up, a bowl of blueberries and strawberries. For lunch, she enjoyed tacos with a chicken Caesar salad and an ice cream sandwich. For dinner, she ate grilled sea bass with vegetables, a side of bread, and a fruit bowl.

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Here Is What She Might Eat in a Day at Home

In a separate video, she revealed what another day of eating looks like for her. For breakfast she had four scrambled eggs with pita, tzatziki, cucumber, and tomato salad. Then, for lunch, she had mixed greens, sweet potato, broccoli, tomatoes, avocado, goat cheese, double salmon, olive oil, and lemon. After her workout she made a protein shake made with plant milk and chocolate protein, and cacao. Dinner consisted of a Caesar salad with double the portion of grilled chicken and "way too much dressing," she joked. For a snack she ate some blueberries and raspberries.

She Is a "Flexible Eater"


Senada is a "flexible eater," she told Glamour. "My main focus is getting enough protein daily; carbs and fats fill the rest of my macros, which I intuitively track. I suggest that most people do track their macros, especially in the beginning of their fitness journey, so as to learn what the proper way of feeding ones' self looks like."

Water with Lemon

Senada starts her day with a gut-friendly beverage. "I wake up daily at 6:30AM. First thing I do after washing up, is have a full glass of room temperature water with half a lemon," she told Ryder Wear.

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Sweet Treats

Senada has a sweet tooth. "I can't lie, though; on most nights, I do crave something sweet. I typically have a banana and almond butter which satisfies that sweet tooth, but occasionally I do have some ice cream or a bar of chocolate with hazelnuts, it's my favourite type of chocolate," she told Ryder Wear.

💪🔥Body Booster: Start your fitness journey by tracking your daily intake of proteins, carbs, and fats. This will help you understand proper nutrition.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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