Title: Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor with 19 years of experience; Owner of C.G.M. Fitness, Inc.
Location: Not specified
Education/Experience: Certified through ACSM, AFAA, ISSA. Known for her innovative and varied fitness offerings, Cara is passionate about creating personalized workout experiences that clients enjoy, emphasizing the importance of finding the right workout for each individual.
Expertise: Specializes in strength, barre, and Pilates with a commitment to making fitness accessible and enjoyable through live Zoom classes and on-demand sessions. Cara's approach is centered around offering new boutique-type workouts, allowing clients to "workout like nobody is watching," ensuring a comfortable and personalized fitness journey under her guidance.
Achievements: Recognized in "Forbes", "Women's Health", "Exeleon", and "Newsday" for her contributions to fitness.
Website Links: CGM Fitness
Social Links: Instagram